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Thread: Coach Desormeaux

  1. #217

    Default Re: Coach Des????

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    . . . nobody said anything about soliciting big checks . . . but if you personally want and demand what big checks are needed to buy, my suggestion is that you put your money where your mouth is and submit a big check . . .
    You're right. It's my fault. It makes sense though. It sounds like S.O.P.. Sit around and hope someone just comes to them and does it for them. SMH.

  2. Default Re: Coach Des????

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    . . . nobody said anything about soliciting big checks . . . but if you personally want and demand what big checks are needed to buy, my suggestion is that you put your money where your mouth is and submit a big check . . .
    An even poorer job has been done soliciting cumulative small checks.

  3. Default Re: Coach Des????

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    So as an administration, that's it? You don't say to said donors, listen, riding on this wave of success, we are in a better position to go out with a national search and attract another coach with equal or better credentials than Napier had coming into this job. Of course they aren't paying 2mil for Des. This isn't rocket science. But as usual, I guess that would take too much effort. Zero proactive moves. Everything is reactive and "we can't do that here". And with a sizeable enough fanbase that defends that kind of mediocrity, it's no wonder nothing changes.
    . . . and what about the revenue from attendance . . . we only generally put about 18,000 in CF with two top 25 years and we finished Napier's last year with a $5.6m deficit . . . who is going to fill that hole . . . its easy to cherry pick issues and ignore the whole picture . . . that is what posters do here . . . did anyone pay attention to Dr. Fun's post where he said he was really amazed what Dr. S has done with the University with what he had to work with . . . $$$ was what he was talking about when he made that observation . . . MH bet on the come with Napier and ended with a $5.6 deficit . . .

  4. #220

    Default Re: Coach Des????

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    You're right. It's my fault. It makes sense though. It sounds like S.O.P.. Sit around and hope someone just comes to them and does it for them. SMH.
    "Do we even WANT 40k people at Cajun Field?.... the traffic would be horrendous!"

  5. #221

    Default Re: Coach Des????

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    . . . it disappeared because the source money promised for that line item was to pay Napier, not any other unnamed coach . . .

    . . . MH kept the $2m for support staff . . . it matters not what the schools plan is for a coach that had risen beyond its financial capability to pay and was leaving for $$$ greener pastures . . . CBN was never going to coach another year here because we could no longer afford him . . . how hard is that to understand . . .
    every word posted here is inaccurate

  6. #222

    Default Re: Coach Des????

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    . . . . what I’m saying is that the people promising money to pay Napier’s salary were promising it only to pay Napier’s salary . . . so, when Napier went away, that money went away and what we had available for this hire is what we are paying CMD . . . ding, ding, ding
    thats not how a contract works pal

  7. Default Re: Coach Des????

    Quote Originally Posted by ExecutiveCajun View Post
    every word posted here is inaccurate
    . . . prove it . . . The Bird

  8. #224

    Default Re: Coach Des????

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    So as an administration, that's it? You don't say to said donors, listen, riding on this wave of success, we are in a better position to go out with a national search and attract another coach with equal or better credentials than Napier had coming into this job. Of course they aren't paying 2mil for Des. This isn't rocket science. But as usual, I guess that would take too much effort. Zero proactive moves. Everything is reactive and "we can't do that here". And with a sizeable enough fanbase that defends that kind of mediocrity, it's no wonder nothing changes.
    James he is one of the cocks building gestapo sent here to defend everything they say or do. let him make a fool of himself as he consistently does. it lets the rest of our fanbase know who to ignore even the newbies

  9. Default Re: Coach Des????

    Quote Originally Posted by ExecutiveCajun View Post
    thats not how a contract works pal
    . . . please explain how contracts work . . . it is apparent many here need to learn . . .

  10. Default Re: Coach Des????

    Quote Originally Posted by ExecutiveCajun View Post
    James he is one of the cocks building gestapo sent here to defend everything they say or do. let him make a fool of himself as he consistently does. it lets the rest of our fanbase know who to ignore even the newbies
    . . . if you don't want to learn, put your mute button on . . . only the weak don't want to learn, so let's see if you are one of them . . .

  11. #227

    Default Re: Coach Des????

    You say that the money needed to pay Napier came from donors who stipulated that their donations were ONLY to pay Napier's salary.

    We offer Billy Napier a contract guaranteeing that we will pay him $X.XX per year. Billy Napier will get paid no matter what.

    What happens if that donor decides to pull his money? If that donor gets arrested? Dies?

    The school is still on the hook for $2m to Billy Napier

    So no matter what happens -- donors or not -- the school would have needed to find $2m per year to pay the football coach until 2025.

    Which means one of the following:

    1. They offered him an extension they knew he would never fulfill because he was leaving

    2. They offered him an extension with a plan to at least FIGURE OUT how to pay it each year if they were forced to

    If it's Option 1, then it's more pretendville BS from the university trying to play the part of a big boy program.

    if it's Option 2, then if you could find it for Billy, you could find it for his replacement.

  12. #228

    Default Re: Coach Des????

    All I know Billy left the Cajuns right around the 2.1 million dollar mark and was going to be paid that plus as long as he was the coach. They had the money to pay him. He was offered 3.1 million to stay. He chose to leave. If they want to keep a coach or find a coach they will always find the money. The Source.

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