And did Farmer have a choice, assuming that he did release the tier 3, not to release them. Sounds like the article says that if cox weren't in certain areas then the deal would still be on.
"The contract between the Sun Belt and ESPN essentially states that individual conference-member schools can create their own station or network and air it in any state the SBC has a school in, or in any state that touches that state — but no states beyond that.
According to Farmer, however, CST has reach into a small number of outlying areas that would be in conflict with the ESPN contract — for instance, some homes in the San Diego area of California."
If Farmer release the rights to the SBC, why is he trying to establish a new network to broadcast the same game that he released?
The article is a puff piece for Farmer. Note that the only quote from anyone other than Farmer was from an SBC press release about the timing of its ESPN deal. Nothing from CST, nothing from ESPN, the actual parties to the deal. And no tough questions for Farmer about why we were able to televise on Cox under our old ESPN contract, but not the new one.
Contrast this article with the one in the News Star linked by BOP in the "And you think we have issues" thread, where the reporter actually talked to people on both sides of the story.
First...I don't call anyone out. I said that I didn't want to start anything just trying to learn something.
policarp said Farmer screwed up and that article said something different. I simply asked for proof of how Farmer screwed up. For example, a person having first hand knowledge of Farmer name on a contract release the teir 3 rights of UL athletics to the SBC. I don't think that document is in existence due to the fact that Farmer is trying to put together a deal to broadcast UL athletics.
And I said the VO touched a little of what I was looking for. Read the other posts.
I'm guessing that 3rd tier TV rights are basically the school being able to broadcast their own games.
New Mexico St still has their network, so maybe the contract didn't get rid of the Ragin' Cajuns TV Network. If they can have theirs, we should be able to have ours.
Assuming again, then maybe we don't have a deal because of something with Cox. Maybe it is the fact that CST is available in parts of California which violates the SBC TV contract with ESPN.
I'm just asking questions here. Not at all trying to be argumentative. Want proof that Farmer screwed up. I see none so far. I'm assuming a lot here and I think everyone else maybe as well unless there is something else we just don't know.
Bigbuf and I are in the same boat here. Just want factual answers.
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