Quote Originally Posted by Duggie35 View Post
T, I understand exactly where you are coming from. I listened to your radio interview with Steve Hale and enjoyed it very much. He certainly seems to know what he is talking about and I have always agreed that he should have been interviewed. I heard him mention the AAC has had no contact with Scott Farmer, so I assume that is where the comment is coming from.

My question is, can someone (anyone) provide the specific name and position of the individual in AAC Leadership that he referred to so we might be able to ask him/her specific questions regarding the alleged comment. Probably wouldn't get an answer, but could at least try. But without specific information, no one would know who to possibly attempt to communicate with. That's all.
I don't think that is going to happen unless those people or person is willing to go on the record. But I will ask you the same question, is anyone willing to come on the record and state publicly that our administration has been in contact with them? I can only answer what I've found out and the answer is no. I requested an interview with the current CUSA commissioner weeks ago and was told that he will not discuss the matter since he has submitted his resignation. So, I haven't found anyone willing to come on the air and go on record about contacts or discussions.