View Poll Results: 211 Predictions on UL's 2013 Football Season Record

211. This poll is closed
  • 13-0

    20 9.48%
  • 12-1

    23 10.90%
  • 11-2

    44 20.85%
  • 10-3

    70 33.18%
  • 9-4

    27 12.80%
  • 8-5

    22 10.43%
  • 7-6

    4 1.90%
  • 6-7

    0 0%
  • 5-7

    1 0.47%
  • 4-8

    0 0%
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Results 37 to 48 of 181

Thread: Your pre-season prediction...

  1. #37

    Default Re: Your pre-season prediction...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hudsheen#winnin View Post
    If we beat Arkansas and run table in sun belt
    Who else do we lose to??
    Georgia in the Sugar Bowl?

  2. Default Re: Your pre-season prediction...

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueDawg View Post
    He played 3 seasons: 1965-67. Gave up his last year of hunt ; )
    ---Now Doggie I figured this out and I played against him in "65 and '66----Cajuns won 16-8 and 21-12---I liked to play against you guys---'65 Boomer 13-Tech 8----"66 Boomer 9 Tech 12---2 years Boomer 22 Tech 20!!! 2 TDs 1 FG and 7 EPs---Some good days!!! Glad I just played offense if that guy stunk that much!!! But---We did have our Swamp dudes also !!!!!

  3. #39

    Default Re: Your pre-season prediction...

    11-2 is how I voted, figured we will lose one of two to Arkansas or Kansas St and one conference game, then win the Bowl game! This man is pumped!

  4. #40

    Default Re: Your pre-season prediction...

    With Coach Hud, the sky is the limit. This team will be better than last years, which was better than the year before. I will not place limiters on this team. Coach Hud has not maxed out his ability here at UL and 9-4 would be staying still. I call it 13-0.

  5. Default Re: Your pre-season prediction...

    Hud ever have a perfect season?

    KSU will be our biggest obstical, as they are always underestimated and over produce with this elite coach.

    Still Hud gets that perfect season.

  6. #42

    Default Re: Your pre-season prediction...

    I sure hope coach Willis is better than our past DC's. because at the end of the day, we don't have the athletes to field a stout defense. It's gonna take one hell of a coach to make that unit considerably better.

  7. #43

    Default Re: Your pre-season prediction...

    10-3......but 8-5 is very realistic.

  8. #44

    Default Re: Your pre-season prediction...


  9. #45

    Default Re: Your pre-season prediction...

    I see the very good possibility of beating either Arkansas or K-State on the road with Arkansas being the better chance. Akron is the key game for us as it is essential we beat them to have a 9+ win season in case we lose the first two on the road. I'm still not sold on our ability to be consistent enough to win conference with an undefeated mark so I'm thinking 1-2 losses there but I hope we can run the table. Every team that has in conference has had a physical defense that is serviceable in pass defense and strong up front so I'm hoping our pass defense really improves.

  10. #46

    Default Re: Your pre-season prediction...

    I picked 12-1, not sure where the one loss will happen but as long is it not a bowl game I don't care. I am ready for some football.
    Geaux Cajuns!!

  11. #47

    Default Re: Your pre-season prediction...

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    I see the very good possibility of beating either Arkansas or K-State on the road with Arkansas being the better chance. Akron is the key game for us as it is essential we beat them to have a 9+ win season in case we lose the first two on the road. I'm still not sold on our ability to be consistent enough to win conference with an undefeated mark so I'm thinking 1-2 losses there but I hope we can run the table. Every team that has in conference has had a physical defense that is serviceable in pass defense and strong up front so I'm hoping our pass defense really improves.
    The other obstacle to an undefeated conference slate is equally improved Ark St. and WKU programs. Considering this and the fact that we lost one of the best kicker/punters in all of college football, an undefeated Sun belt season will be difficult. I believe we will be improved in both offense and defense and still could go 8-4 or 9-3. there is nothing wrong with that considering where we were 4 years ago. The top end of the Sunbelt is much better football than it was then.

  12. #48

    Default Re: Your pre-season prediction...

    I don't know why I keep seeing people say that Arkansas will be an easier get than Kansas State.

    K-state lost like 300 Seniors and a Heisman QB candidate.

    The Razorbacks will undoubtedly have the more talented team. The coaching hire over there could not have gone any better.

    Those players will be PUMPED.

    And, they will be on double secret upset alert after last year's debacle to ULM.

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