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Thread: The Jerry Baldwin Saga: 1998-2020

  1. #373
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Please Tell Me This is Not "Our" Jerry Baldwin

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    Has the public school system failed or has the family unit failed. I think the public school system should be forced to do more for less. But, I also don't think a former football coach with no real primary education experience should be able to stick 300 kids in a gym and take 3 million of TP money.
    Both have failed. I'm not an advocate for "the public school system should be forced to do more for less". It was all about "they had the answers". The rot started long long ago... and "they" had the answers.

    "They" wanted social engineering by taking the underperforming school children (due to "the social inequivalence" directive) and bus everyone around. "They" wanted no more "winners" and "losers"... everyone gets a trophy and is told they are "magnificient". "They" didn't want anyone to get a spanking. "They" didn't want severe consequences for both the child and parents for bad behavior. "They" fought conformity objectives in school... like no more pants below the ___ sphincter or else, no ever talking back to a teacher or else... and so on. "They" didn't want to "stifle that tender liberal spirit". "They" didn't want prayer in school... or even a "moment of silence". "They" question the pledge of allegiance. "They" don't believe a good student can use an old beat up textbook and kick any kid with a new computer's butt. "They" want school to be a much more open "social experience" for a child. "They" don't want to test out the bad teachers. "They" don't want anyone to touch their golden goose unless they are "part of the group".

    Yes... parenting has gone to pot. And "that" is another issue I can lay at "their" feet as well. But, "they" have the answers. "They" have failed us miserably... because "they" are smarter. And "they" have a dumbed-down entitlement-minded and single-social-issue constituency eating elixer sales campaign BS right out of their nasty little hands.

  2. Default Re: Please Tell Me This is Not "Our" Jerry Baldwin

    And then there are the schools with a little character and pride and religious convictions----Vermilion Catholic---the board has decided not to take any of the money in case of ambiguous strings that may be attached----Kinda like the Obama birth control health plans for which so many dioceses are now suing the government ---Anyway I think we all know the Baldwin intent!!!

  3. #375
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Please Tell Me This is Not "Our" Jerry Baldwin

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    Anyway I think we all know the Baldwin intent!!!
    More taxpayer paid for toothpicks?

  4. #376

    Default Re: Please Tell Me This is Not "Our" Jerry Baldwin

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    More taxpayer paid for toothpicks?
    State subsidized toothpick supply, yes please.

  5. #377

    Default Re: Please Tell Me This is Not "Our" Jerry Baldwin

    Do tuition payments come directly from the state or does the state reimburse the parents?

  6. #378

    Default Re: Please Tell Me This is Not "Our" Jerry Baldwin

    Is the voucher for a set amount or does it pay whatever tuition each school charges? I sk, because I find it interesting that Rev. Toothpick mentions that he is raising tuition but just not sure how much. I guess he hasn't determined what the state limit will be.

  7. #379

    Default Re: Please Tell Me This is Not "Our" Jerry Baldwin

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    Do tuition payments come directly from the state or does the state reimburse the parents?
    It's going to come from the state. The money that would typically follow the child to the government school will now follow him/her to the school of choice he/she attends. This is where I don't get the whole "Government schools are going to fall apart argument." It will still be the same amount of dollars per child enrolled.

    Now, if the state is going to be stupid enough to allow some con-artist with no teachers and no classroom to take those dollars, then this program will not work out well.

  8. Default Re: Please Tell Me This is Not "Our" Jerry Baldwin

    I am almost positive that at most schools they will receive lass money since the tuition is lower than the public school cost per student!!!

  9. #381

    Default Re: Please Tell Me This is Not "Our" Jerry Baldwin

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post
    This is where I don't get the whole "Government schools are going to fall apart argument." It will still be the same amount of dollars per child enrolled.

    Now, if the state is going to be stupid enough to allow some con-artist with no teachers and no classroom to take those dollars, then this program will not work out well.
    I think only way the argument makes sense is wit fixes and variable costs. If the money per student that is leaving includes some of each students share of a public school's fixed costs, then the public school will still have the same fixed costs with less funds to be allocated to it, because fewer students = less dollars.

    However, if the cost per student is only a measure of the variable cost of each student to the public schools. Then, in no way should it affect the public schools.

  10. #382

    Default Re: Please Tell Me This is Not "Our" Jerry Baldwin

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post

    If it is, hope that schools comes out of his leadership better than our athletic program did.
    Baldwin was BARELY "ours" when he was here. He SURELY isn't "ours" since he hauled his lying, lazy AZZ out of here.

  11. #383

    Default Re: Please Tell Me This is Not "Our" Jerry Baldwin

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRed View Post
    Baldwin was BARELY "ours" when he was here. He SURELY isn't "ours" since he hauled his lying, lazy AZZ out of here.
    Actually I'm kinda thinking we should hire him back. After all he's gotta be the only school administrator in the entire state that's going to get a budget increase this year. Everyone else is losing millions. He sure knows how to game the system.

  12. #384

    Default Re: Please Tell Me This is Not "Our" Jerry Baldwin

    DVD instruction? So, the "teachers" aren't even going to teach. That is sad.

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