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Thread: The Jerry Baldwin Saga: 1998-2020

  1. Default Re: Fired Football Coach Eyes Damages in Louisiana

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Blame our lawyers for writing a very bad contract. He was fired without cause. Cause is not being a bad coach who cannot win, cause includes things like insubordination, NCAA violations, theft.

    Because we fired him without 30 days notice we are in violation of the contract, and paying him liquidated damages simply confirms that. The reality is we wrote a bad contract. My momma always said not to sign anything until you get a lawyer, clearly we got a bad lawyer.

    A friend of mine used to run a group of Popeyes Fried Chickens. His advise to me was that he never hired a guy that he did not already have a reason to fire before the applicant set foot on premise. I do not know exactly how that was possible, but when hiring a coach you better expect to fire him, make sure your paperwork will pass very plaintiff happy judges.

    If we had cause to fire him he would not have gotten the remainder of his contract. I just do not understand how his damages exceed the value of his contract.
    (possible Baldwin paraphrase) "My job is not to put butts in the seats."

    You never once heard him say "My job is not to win games."

    Failure to perform duties.


  2. #494


    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    "Honorable" Judge Guidry. Honorable? Don't think there is anything honorable in this case or that decision.
    I love to hate on politicians as much as the next guy but I thought the UL vs Toothpick verdict was determined by a jury, not this judge?

  3. Default Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    I love to hate on politicians as much as the next guy but I thought the UL vs Toothpick verdict was determined by a jury, not this judge?
    ----So from what I quickly read this goes back to the district court and will now have another case in the district??? Also could this just be taken to the State Supreme??? Haven't read the entire article!!! Lawyer help please---Bankrupt, could you please weigh in!!!

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    But Jerry, he was fired like so many other coaches for failing to win. How many of those coaches fired under those circumstances get 30 days notice? This is just legal technicality bull____. And ultimately, like you, I question what further damages he could claim since he was paid the remainder of his contract.

    It sure would be nice to see these judges apply common sense in addition to legal technicalities.
    You can "NEVER" give 30 days notice to a fired head football coach.

    It would decimate recruiting from both ends.

    The NCAA better hope this doesn't win.

  5. #497

    Default Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    I love to hate on politicians as much as the next guy but I thought the UL vs Toothpick verdict was determined by a jury, not this judge?
    The original case was. We are now dealing with appeals which just involves judges not any jury.

  6. #498

    Default Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Hammer we do not know, but probably more than we think.

    I agree common sense should apply. When you are hired in Louisiana you are an at will employee, and can be fired for no cause. So I hire you as a sales clerk in my store, you blow the lid off sales, but I simply do not like you, and fire you. Except for race, gender, and possible sexual orientation I am in great shape, but if I put you under contract things change a lot.

    I think Baldwin really failed to prove he was in anyway hurt professionally any more than any other coach who fails to deliver wins, and the balance of his contract should be his only compensation. I do think though, he won the racial thing, and thus the big pay day.

    Face it Hammer our department is NOT run by people who think very much further than the next mean at LaFonda. You are making a big assumption that we did THIS right when we have clear evidence of so many things getting USL'ed.

    I am not a Baldwin apologist or supporter in this, but I am not so sure we did it RIGHT legally.
    No argument with your assessment of our admin and the probable poor wording of the contract. And I understand what you are saying about the contract being different from the usual "at will" hire. My argument is that by the administration paying out his salary he has already recovered any damages the lack of 30 days notice caused him. He is delusional if he thinks being given 30 days notice was going to improve or salvage his reputation in any way. His record speaks for itself. Any rational human being, much less a judge, should be able to see that Baldwin has been more than adequately compensated. Additionally, they should look at his constantly changing basis for his lawsuits (racism, failure to get 30 days notice, inadequate resources, etc) and deduce that he is grasping for straws. The man was a failure as a head coach. IMO, his teams were not adequately prepared he made poor personnel decisions, poor in game decisions and too often recruited players who may have been talented athletes but could not handle the academic side of college and consequently could not get on the field.

  7. #499


    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    No argument with your assessment of our admin and the probable poor wording of the contract. And I understand what you are saying about the contract being different from the usual "at will" hire. My argument is that by the administration paying out his salary he has already recovered any damages the lack of 30 days notice caused him. He is delusional if he thinks being given 30 days notice was going to improve or salvage his reputation in any way. His record speaks for itself. Any rational human being, much less a judge, should be able to see that Baldwin has been more than adequately compensated. Additionally, they should look at his constantly changing basis for his lawsuits (racism, failure to get 30 days notice, inadequate resources, etc) and deduce that he is grasping for straws. The man was a failure as a head coach. IMO, his teams were not adequately prepared he made poor personnel decisions, poor in game decisions and too often recruited players who may have been talented athletes but could not handle the academic side of college and consequently could not get on the field.
    That's such a racist post.

  8. #500

    Default Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    That's such a racist post.
    And I see nothing racist about the post except Hammer mentioning that Baldy referred to racism in his suit.

  9. #501


    Quote Originally Posted by BeauCajun View Post
    And I see nothing racist about the post except Hammer mentioning that Baldy referred to racism in his suit.
    It's just a joke.

  10. #502

    Default Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    At the joint press conference announcing Baldwin's departure, Nelson Schexnayder said "The contract is a guarantee of income, not employment and it is specifically stated as such."

    When UL paid him the year remaining, it seems this is 365 days notice, what's up with 30days?
    A good attorney would have pointed this out. Of course a good attorney wouldn't have written this crappy contract the way it was interpreted to begin with. Let's face it. This was the lowest point of a school adminsitration who drug this community & it's repuatation into the abyss. I feel for Nelson because personnaly I liked the guy, but this school was being run by a survivor of the deepression era who just couldn't get over it. A lot of stuff happened between the depression and the the 21st century. But you wouldn't know it to look at Aurhement's record.

  11. #503

    Default Re: The -NeverEnding- Jerry Baldwin Saga

    Couldn't we offer the throw in a hundred years of toothpicks?

  12. Default LA high court agrees to hear Baldwin-vs-UL

    The Louisiana Supreme Court has granted a writ filed by former UL head football coach Jerry Baldwin, now a north Louisiana minister, in his bid to get money after being canned by the university following the 2001 season.

    The rest of the story

    Homes SO Clean

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