It’s a great idea to have Coach Hud back in some capacity or find a similar personality to grow the RCAF. Our student athletes, fans, and alumni deserve and need it.
It’s a great idea to have Coach Hud back in some capacity or find a similar personality to grow the RCAF. Our student athletes, fans, and alumni deserve and need it.
I love how the number gets higher and higher as time goes by. We did not bring 50k to Nola for the first bowl game. The total attendance was 42k. Next year was 48k against ecu and then 54k against Tulane. We’ve never brought 50k to Nola although we had the majority of the fans there minus the bowl game against usm.
Yup, it was all country back then. Fish whenever, water skiing, cane fields & mini bikes were great, & a 2 story treehouse with a roof and electricity. Darn good environment to grow up in. Like you, generations lived on the Teche or water, but after parents nobody on bayou but my bro is still in the area with the big unusual house behind Sugar Oaks off Vida Shaw. You probably have seen the house, @6k under roof.
Thanks for the memories.
True but I think the thing to take from his post is that we need someone to ignite this fanbase. The new stadium will bring SOME increase in fans that just want to see it (and many who just want to be there for the inaugural game). But we need people to KEEP attending and it’s not happening with the current university/athletic department mentality. Like many, I’d welcome HUD back to help fire up Acadiana and surrounding parishes. We certainly don’t have this type personally right now.
Live on the Teche as well in Ruth..right outside Pont Breaux...3.4 acres out of the flood zone, house built in 1898...Paradise...
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