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Thread: QB1 2023

  1. #49

    Default Re: QB1

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunSaint08 View Post
    So, I was wrong about CF. I knew after BW was injured and CF started the bowl game, the chances of winning were slim to none. CF is not a college QB.
    10 yard penalty! You have violated one of the most sacred rules on Ragin Pagin. You have admitted you were wrong about anything.

  2. #50

    Default Re: QB1

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunSaint08 View Post
    Well said. CF also had his chance as a starter. As I remember, he was eventually benched for BW. Before the start of that season, I was in CF's corner. I thought he was the best QB on the field. Every time he came in to relieve Levi, he came in slinging the ball and moving the offense. Again, even though his playing time was on a very limited basis, he appeared to be ready to go and had a full grasp of the offense. Fast forward to the following year after Levi had graduated, CF was named the starting QB. I was on his band wagon. However, in all the games he played, he looked like a deer in headlights, who didn't have a clue of how to run the offense nor a command of the offensive playbook. So, I was wrong about CF. I knew after BW was injured and CF started the bowl game, the chances of winning were slim to none. CF is not a college QB. And I hope we don't have to go through that again.
    To me it's not about Woolridge VS Fields, it's simply addressing why Wooldridge looked off at times Saturday night. I'm also on record now in saying the obvious, I don't believe Woolridge will get much better in his 5th season, but he can certainly execute better in this offense. We've already seen him play better last season before going down with an injury.

    If Ben struggles badly going forward, I wouldn't be surprised if Fields is first off the bench in a game because of his experience. But, if there is a change this season because of injury or performance, then in my opinion we will see Chriss as the starter.

    There is no QB controversy on this team.

  3. #51

    Default Re: QB1


  4. #52

    Default Re: QB1

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    Not completely true. Coaches knew Jake was best QB on team as a freshman. They simply hoped to redshirt him. When the 3 other guys threw 5 picks in the first half of Game 1 in 1993, they knew they had no choice but to play Jake. I am reading the book on Louie Cook right now. That is story Coach Cook relays in book.
    Had Tyjuan Hayes not disappeared during that off season Jake would have probably red shirted. Danny Dipace and Jason Sanborn’s JC game didn’t translate to the 1A world.
    Last edited by KajunKrazy; September 6th, 2023 at 11:02 am. Reason: If you know why he left quickly then you know.

  5. #53

    Default Re: QB1

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    Had Tyjuan Hayes not disappeared during that off season Jake would have probably red shirted. Danny Dipace and Jason Sanborn’s JC game didn’t translate to the 1A world.
    A number of coaches on that staff were against signing Hayes because he was shorter than Brian Mitchell and he couldn't throw the football. He left for that reason, so Jake was going to get a chance to play with or without him based on what some of the staff thought of Hayes. Cook told Stokes if he wanted to keep his job, he would be better off playing Jake.

  6. Default Re: QB1

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun4life View Post
    Yet, if we don’t have lose those 2 fumbles we win.

    CF had the same amount of TD’s passing despite 62 less attempts. The same amount of rushing TD’s and the same amount of INTs. The yards per pass were less than a yard difference.

    They are essentially the same QB. Acting like BW is some phenom, when he hasn’t shown to be one is silly. They are both decent QBs. I’d be willing to bet, both will have significant time this season.
    ………Think it was our 1st series of the bowl…..CF scrambles around looking great on the drive….the TD PASSin the back endzone was as good as in Cajun history…..ZC’s drive before the fumble was so good passing and running…choose your QB along with BW who is the coaches’ choice……gotta trust their opinion!

  7. #55

    Default Re: QB1

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    Had Tyjuan Hayes not disappeared during that off season Jake would have probably red shirted. Danny Dipace and Jason Sanborn’s JC game didn’t translate to the 1A world.
    Ironic that this team is being discussed.

    Our next home game 9/23 vs. Buffalo is Gridiron Alumni Reunion Weekend.

    The 1993 team is being honored.

  8. #56

    Default Re: QB1

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    A number of coaches on that staff were against signing Hayes because he was shorter than Brian Mitchell and he couldn't throw the football. He left for that reason, so Jake was going to get a chance to play with or without him based on what some of the staff thought of Hayes. Cook told Stokes if he wanted to keep his job, he would be better off playing Jake.
    You are mistaking Reggie Hayes for Tyjuan. Reggie was short.

  9. #57

    Default Re: QB1

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    You are mistaking Reggie Hayes for Tyjuan. Reggie was short.
    Which one won 7 straight intramural flag football titles after his varsity time was over?

  10. #58

    Default Re: QB1

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    To me it's not about Woolridge VS Fields, it's simply addressing why Wooldridge looked off at times Saturday night. I'm also on record now in saying the obvious, I don't believe Woolridge will get much better in his 5th season, but he can certainly execute better in this offense. We've already seen him play better last season before going down with an injury.

    If Ben struggles badly going forward, I wouldn't be surprised if Fields is first off the bench in a game because of his experience. But, if there is a change this season because of injury or performance, then in my opinion we will see Chriss as the starter.

    There is no QB controversy on this team.
    ... lesson learned.

  11. #59

    Default Re: QB1

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    You are mistaking Reggie Hayes for Tyjuan. Reggie was short.
    I thought Tyjuan was a good QB. He would have fared much better in today's game.

  12. Default Re: QB1

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    You are mistaking Reggie Hayes for Tyjuan. Reggie was short.
    You are correct, Hayes was tiny and should have been used in the same way at the time LSU had a little RB/WR that was used, and I don't remember his name. I never felt like Reggie Hayes should have lined up as a QB. He needed to catch the ball in space and make moves, he was very athletic and hard to catch and tackle, but size was a huge detriment to Reggie Hayes, that was not the issue with TyJuan Hayes or James Freeman, the other QB's that came after Jake.

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