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Thread: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

  1. #73

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin4U View Post
    So it just gets wiped away? A history of racial oppression is just gone. The Civil War ended 150 years ago. Black people legally gained the right to vote with the 15th Amendment and still had/have major issues exercising that basic right. Schools/bathrooms/water fountains were still segregated into the late 60s and early 70s. The freaking 1970's!!
    In this day and time, if someone is having a problem voting, it's more than likely because they are not doing what they need to do to vote legally or properly. Such as, obtaining a valid gov't issued I.D., actually going to the polls to pull the lever, having a criminal record that prevents them from legally voting, etc... As a matter of fact, what is more prevalent, is a certain group of people standing outside of polling places trying to influence voters or attempting to intimidate voters who may not see things the way they do (if you get my drift). As far as schools/bathrooms/water fountains go, when was the last time you have seen any kid (black/white/red/green) denied entry to schooling or the use of a bathroom or water fountain? If you have witnessed any such act, where was it and did you report it to the proper authorities?

  2. #74

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    Thanks. So I read through both of those statements and I don’t see anything

    You can agree or disagree with the policies they are implementing (I actually disagree with a lot of them,) but what you can’t do is put words in their mouth. They clearly didn’t say anything in support of Marxism, “programming of students,” renaming facilities, or “social disorder.” I don’t understand why you feel the need to make dishonest statements like that against our University and our President.

    If you want to know why I ask you for sources, this is why. A lot of what you say when it comes to politics is simply not based in truth.
    So please tell me what is the meaning of "decolonizing our curriculum by requiring all English majors to take a course designated as Race & Ethnic Studies, by making introductory and advanced courses in Race & Ethnic Studies part of our core course offerings, and by continuing to expand these offerings as we move forward."

    We've seen what these Race & Ethnic Studies have mean't under the so-called Diversity Doctrine on college campuses all across this country. This has nothing to to do with Diversity of thought, but indoctrination. Decolonizing? Removing "Meaning White Centric" History, or American History to express a historical view that is less insulting to their political views and goals. New Teaching Decolonization.

    "We will establish an anti-racist reading group for interested students, staff, and faculty; invite student participation on key departmental committees, including the Diversity committee and the English Majors committee; and create a mechanism through which students can safely and confidentially offer feedback about instances of racism and exclusion in the classroom and about our efforts to address inequities."

    So under these types of initiatives we've already seen a number of literary works removed from campus libraries like "Uncle Tom's Cabin", Mark Twain's works such as Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Harper Lee's novel "To Kill A Mockingbird".

    "Diversity Committee and the UL Office for Campus Diversity to educate ourselves on anti-racist and decolonizing pedagogies and practices, to better understand how our pedagogies relate to the goals of justice movements, and to institute faculty workshops that encourage the implementation of pedagogical theory as classroom practice."

    Again this is part of re-educating and indoctrination in education. The term of "decolonizing has been used often to the Marxist Movement. I can go on, but if you have no studied the Marxist Movement and it's goals, or cared to keep yourself informed on current events you probably that understand these initiatives. I'm don't know what is more concerning, that fact that you do not know what these types initiatives are, or that you haven't a clue of what it means.

  3. #75

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by Duggie35 View Post
    In this day and time, if someone is having a problem voting, it's more than likely because they are not doing what they need to do to vote legally or properly. Such as, obtaining a valid gov't issued I.D., actually going to the polls to pull the lever, having a criminal record that prevents them from legally voting, etc... As a matter of fact, what is more prevalent, is a certain group of people standing outside of polling places trying to influence voters or attempting to intimidate voters who may not see things the way they do (if you get my drift). As far as schools/bathrooms/water fountains go, when was the last time you have seen any kid (black/white/red/green) denied entry to schooling or the use of a bathroom or water fountain? If you have witnessed any such act, where was it and did you report it to the proper authorities?
    I doubt it, that would put him or her over 55 years of age. I'm 56 and was attending class in desegregated schools beginning in 1970 at JW Faulk. I've never attend a segregated school in my life, in fact living on the Northside of Lafayette I never attended a school that was less than 60-40 white to minority ratio. I doubt seriously if he or she has ever experienced that reality. So if there were schools still segregated in 1970, it wasn't in Lafayette.

  4. #76
    Ragin4U's Avatar Ragin4U is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Your lackluster advancement probably has zero to do with the color of your skin.

    But in 2020 the color of some people’s skin has costed them jobs regardless what the color is. I personally witnessed white men not getting hired until my company hired the right diversity. They were hired immediately after the diversity was met. I’m sure some great blacks were passed over because of the Jerry Baldwin stigma. The company had enough black people to meet the diversity goals, no need to take a Baldwin risk.
    My advancement has been spot on. Again I have never attended an interview or evaluation where I thought the color of my skin would be an impediment. The same cannot be said for others.

  5. #77
    Ragin4U's Avatar Ragin4U is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    So please tell me what is the meaning of "decolonizing our curriculum by requiring all English majors to take a course designated as Race & Ethnic Studies, by making introductory and advanced courses in Race & Ethnic Studies part of our core course offerings, and by continuing to expand these offerings as we move forward."

    We've seen what these Race & Ethnic Studies have mean't under the so-called Diversity Doctrine on college campuses all across this country. This has nothing to to do with Diversity of thought, but indoctrination. Decolonizing? Removing "Meaning White Centric" History, or American History to express a historical view that is less insulting to their political views and goals. New Teaching Decolonization.

    "We will establish an anti-racist reading group for interested students, staff, and faculty; invite student participation on key departmental committees, including the Diversity committee and the English Majors committee; and create a mechanism through which students can safely and confidentially offer feedback about instances of racism and exclusion in the classroom and about our efforts to address inequities."

    So under these types of initiatives we've already seen a number of literary works removed from campus libraries like "Uncle Tom's Cabin", Mark Twain's works such as Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Harper Lee's novel "To Kill A Mockingbird".

    "Diversity Committee and the UL Office for Campus Diversity to educate ourselves on anti-racist and decolonizing pedagogies and practices, to better understand how our pedagogies relate to the goals of justice movements, and to institute faculty workshops that encourage the implementation of pedagogical theory as classroom practice."

    Again this is part of re-educating and indoctrination in education. The term of "decolonizing has been used often to the Marxist Movement. I can go on, but if you have no studied the Marxist Movement and it's goals, or cared to keep yourself informed on current events you probably that understand these initiatives. I'm don't know what is more concerning, that fact that you do not know what these types initiatives are, or that you haven't a clue of what it means.
    The people wanting those books removed are almost overwhelmingly white. Are you saying that colonization is not a bad thing? I get that none of us are colonizers but if you have white skin you have reaped the benefits for centuries. Recognizing that is not Marxist. Its reality.

  6. #78
    Ragin4U's Avatar Ragin4U is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    I doubt it, that would put him or her over 55 years of age. I'm 56 and was attending class in desegregated schools beginning in 1970 at JW Faulk. I've never attend a segregated school in my life, in fact living on the Northside of Lafayette I never attended a school that was less than 60-40 white to minority ratio. I doubt seriously if he or she has ever experienced that reality. So if there were schools still segregated in 1970, it wasn't in Lafayette.

  7. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    We come up short in a lot of these issues. What amazes me, though, is the fact that we point to all of our shortfalls but not to ourselves. And I say this from the top on down. We lack self-accountability in this country.
    I’m not sure what you mean by this. Is this a “bootstraps” argument?

  8. #80


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Amazingly our lower classes seem ignorant to those wonderful opportunities in those great countries. I’m all in for supplements to get them started in those many wonderful other countries.
    Are you saying you’d rather pay money to people so they can prosper in other countries, but not pay for them to prosper in our own country?

    If so, why?

  9. Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin4U View Post
    My advancement has been spot on. Again I have never attended an interview or evaluation where I thought the color of my skin would be an impediment. The same cannot be said for others.
    In spite of your claim to stardom there’s a quota system in place today. It’s called diversity goals, and it’s both a boon and a bane to everyone. If you’re black in a big organization you may be passed over because they met their diversity goals and don’t want the Jerry Baldwin worry. Every company wants to be able to dump you for any reason not associated with race, sex oh heck LGBT issues. As I previously told you I knew white candidates who were told to be ready if they could hold on because they were great candidates. Not told but just had to wait until the diversity goals were met. They were hired immediately after the goals were met. Happened three different times I was aware of at my Fortune 500 company that I’m personally knowledgeable about.

    Yes I’m sure there LGBT people who were simply not welcome and didn’t get the job. They’re probably lucky to not have been hired in those circumstances. Those are almost exclusively small companies since the Civil Rights act of 1960’s.

  10. #82

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin4U View Post
    The people wanting those books removed are almost overwhelmingly white. Are you saying that colonization is not a bad thing? I get that none of us are colonizers but if you have white skin you have reaped the benefits for centuries. Recognizing that is not Marxist. Its reality.
    I don't believe in group think, therefore I don't believe in carrying the guilt of whites that had no blood relations to me from centuries past. How did that white privilege work for the Acadians? How did white privilege work for those white British citizens that were exiled to a penal colony now called
    Australia? In the context of European history, there were many whites that suffered as well including those of indentured servitude there, and in the early American colony. I don't hear people demanding reparations for those wrongs.

    I'm also waiting to hear you request Arab Muslims understand their privilege of selling African peoples into slavery or even apologizing for the institution of slavery on that continent that still exist today.

    There is a tremendous amount of privilege that exist today and most of it exist in political power and wealth.

  11. #83


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    I’m not sure what you mean by this. Is this a “bootstraps” argument?
    I’m saying we can do better by setting high standards for ourselves as well as setting the bar for the “leaders” we elect.

    Other countries flourish in these avenues that you previously mentioned because there’s more transparency from elected officials to the taxpayer on where their money goes. Hence, more trust in government to do the right thing. Secondly, there’s no “motive” behind it. Here, we have elected officials who will pander and pass laws just for the sole sake of getting re-elected. And lastly, people in these countries each play a role in getting good education, good health care, and better overall infrastructure. They take care of their bodies. They emphasize education and family life. They make choices which allow them these privileges. Unfortunately here, we want these things without putting the work in. It’s a lot easier to have a universal health care system in a country where people don’t eat bad food and are overly obese.

    Until we take action ourselves and hold our elected officials accountable, these numbers will stay the same.

  12. #84
    Ragin4U's Avatar Ragin4U is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by Duggie35 View Post
    In this day and time, if someone is having a problem voting, it's more than likely because they are not doing what they need to do to vote legally or properly. Such as, obtaining a valid gov't issued I.D., actually going to the polls to pull the lever, having a criminal record that prevents them from legally voting, etc... As a matter of fact, what is more prevalent, is a certain group of people standing outside of polling places trying to influence voters or attempting to intimidate voters who may not see things the way they do (if you get my drift). As far as schools/bathrooms/water fountains go, when was the last time you have seen any kid (black/white/red/green) denied entry to schooling or the use of a bathroom or water fountain? If you have witnessed any such act, where was it and did you report it to the proper authorities?
    To deny there are issues with voting is to be untethered from reality.

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