So please tell me what is the meaning of "decolonizing our curriculum by requiring all English majors to take a course designated as Race & Ethnic Studies, by making introductory and advanced courses in Race & Ethnic Studies part of our core course offerings, and by continuing to expand these offerings as we move forward."
We've seen what these Race & Ethnic Studies have mean't under the so-called Diversity Doctrine on college campuses all across this country. This has nothing to to do with Diversity of thought, but indoctrination. Decolonizing? Removing "Meaning White Centric" History, or American History to express a historical view that is less insulting to their political views and goals. New Teaching Decolonization.
"We will establish an anti-racist reading group for interested students, staff, and faculty; invite student participation on key departmental committees, including the Diversity committee and the English Majors committee; and create a mechanism through which students can safely and confidentially offer feedback about instances of racism and exclusion in the classroom and about our efforts to address inequities."
So under these types of initiatives we've already seen a number of literary works removed from campus libraries like "Uncle Tom's Cabin", Mark Twain's works such as Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Harper Lee's novel "To Kill A Mockingbird".
"Diversity Committee and the UL Office for Campus Diversity to educate ourselves on anti-racist and decolonizing pedagogies and practices, to better understand how our pedagogies relate to the goals of justice movements, and to institute faculty workshops that encourage the implementation of pedagogical theory as classroom practice."
Again this is part of re-educating and indoctrination in education. The term of "decolonizing has been used often to the Marxist Movement. I can go on, but if you have no studied the Marxist Movement and it's goals, or cared to keep yourself informed on current events you probably that understand these initiatives. I'm don't know what is more concerning, that fact that you do not know what these types initiatives are, or that you haven't a clue of what it means.