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Thread: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

  1. #85
    Ragin4U's Avatar Ragin4U is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    I don't believe in group think, therefore I don't believe in carrying the guilt of whites that had no blood relations to me from centuries past. How did that white privilege work for the Acadians? How did white privilege work for those white British citizens that were exiled to a penal colony now called
    Australia? In the context of European history, there were many whites that suffered as well including those of indentured servitude there, and in the early American colony. I don't hear people demanding reparations for those wrongs.

    I'm also waiting to hear you request Arab Muslims understand their privilege of selling African peoples into slavery or even apologizing for the institution of slavery on that continent that still exist today.

    There is a tremendous amount of privilege that exist today and most of it exist in political power and wealth.
    So because my family scraped a subsistence living from the marsh, slaves and their descendants have not suffered oppression?
    Slavery is wrong. That is not being negotiated.

  2. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin4U View Post
    To deny there are issues with voting is to be untethered from reality.
    Like I previously stated....self-accountability.

    Go to the DMV and get an ID.

  3. #87

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    It warms my heart that every basketball thread gets detailed

  4. #88
    Ragin4U's Avatar Ragin4U is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    I’m saying we can do better by setting high standards for ourselves as well as setting the bar for the “leaders” we elect.

    Other countries flourish in these avenues that you previously mentioned because there’s more transparency from elected officials to the taxpayer on where their money goes. Hence, more trust in government to do the right thing. Secondly, there’s no “motive” behind it. Here, we have elected officials who will pander and pass laws just for the sole sake of getting re-elected. And lastly, people in these countries each play a role in getting good education, good health care, and better overall infrastructure. They take care of their bodies. They emphasize education and family life. They make choices which allow them these privileges. Unfortunately here, we want these things without putting the work in. It’s a lot easier to have a universal health care system in a country where people don’t eat bad food and are overly obese.

    Until we take action ourselves and hold our elected officials accountable, these numbers will stay the same.
    I find zero fault in this. I would point out that lack of a universal healthcare plan probably makes those impediments worse. If one can get well visits and oral care, etc regularly, that would prevent some issues later. I, for one, would rather my tax dollars pay the hospitals, doctors, etc directly than line the pockets of middlemen at United Heath.

  5. #89


    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin4U View Post
    I find zero fault in this. I would point out that lack of a universal healthcare plan probably makes those impediments worse. If one can get well visits and oral care, etc regularly, that would prevent some issues later. I, for one, would rather my tax dollars pay the hospitals, doctors, etc directly than line the pockets of middlemen at United Heath.
    But the question remains if whether or not we as Americans will change our health habits. People in Nordic countries don’t eat fast food or nasty, processed meat. They also don’t treat you if your sickness is self-induced (lung cancer from smoking). I can about imagine the outcry from Americans if a loved one gets denied treatment after being a lifelong smoker. Yeesh...

  6. #90
    Ragin4U's Avatar Ragin4U is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    Like I previously stated....self-accountability.

    Go to the DMV and get an ID.
    Go to the DMV? If they do not have a car? If they cannot afford the fees associated? Why would we put up barriers? Is it truly democracy if certain people cannot vote?

  7. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_lannister View Post
    It warms my heart that every basketball thread gets detailed
    Hey, we are solving the problems of the world here.

  8. #92


    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin4U View Post
    Go to the DMV? If they do not have a car? If they cannot afford the fees associated? Why would we put up barriers? Is it truly democracy if certain people cannot vote?
    Well, I also forgot to mention to just mandate a small tax to allow for basic ID’s even if it is not for driving. That would be something that most would be on board with.

  9. #93
    Ragin4U's Avatar Ragin4U is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    But the question remains if whether or not we as Americans will change our health habits. People in Nordic countries don’t eat fast food or nasty, processed meat. They also don’t treat you if your sickness is self-induced (lung cancer from smoking). I can about imagine the outcry from Americans if a loved one gets denied treatment after being a lifelong smoker. Yeesh...
    Lots of other countries smoke. One of the favorite dishes of Icelanders is hot dogs!!
    I think that is ok. If someone knowingly harms their health, there should be consequences. Covid is an excellent example.

  10. #94
    Ragin4U's Avatar Ragin4U is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    Hey, we are solving the problems of the world here.
    You darn right!!

  11. #95


    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin4U View Post
    Lots of other countries smoke. One of the favorite dishes of Icelanders is hot dogs!!
    I think that is ok. If someone knowingly harms their health, there should be consequences. Covid is an excellent example.
    Ironically, just the way the sausage is made in Iceland probably makes a huge difference.

  12. #96
    Ragin4U's Avatar Ragin4U is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    Well, I also forgot to mention to just mandate a small tax to allow for basic ID’s even if it is not for driving. That would be something that most would be on board with.
    Or let people vote. Fraud is so rare as to be inconsequential. Voter suppression however is an issue.

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