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Thread: Napier Shooting straight

  1. Default Re: Napier Shooting straight

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Hud showed us the cheerleader coaching method is unsustainable.

    Napier's method might be slower out the gate, but when he strings together 4-straight 9-4 seasons ... I suspect attendance for his 4th in a row will match or exceed Hud's 4th in a row.
    Nape is proving to be everything we were hoping we would get from the coaching, discipline and culture standpoint. A+

    I think all we are saying is that a little more charisma with the public will bring along the casual fan as well as the fan that is still on board from the HUD successes, but who is not going to the games and using the fruits from their well spent $$$.

    No reason we can't get a little more of the latter.

  2. #62

    Default Re: Napier Shooting straight

    Once spring practice and recruiting are done he needs to hit the local speaking circuit...If you notice, he's gotten more relaxed with his presser, but he's not a dynamic personality, he's a football personality. Suggest he speaks at clubs, etc with a set up speaker, like Robe or Jake, someone who folks will listen to as well, get excited about, and will give Napier his due as his accomplishments grow.

  3. #63

    Default Re: Napier Shooting straight

    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    Once spring practice and recruiting are done he needs to hit the local speaking circuit...If you notice, he's gotten more relaxed with his presser, but he's not a dynamic personality, he's a football personality. Suggest he speaks at clubs, etc with a set up speaker, like Robe or Jake, someone who folks will listen to as well, get excited about, and will give Napier his due as his accomplishments grow.
    GREAT idea.

    Her needs to build a 15-20 minute speech around his, "This is just the beginning", "It only gets better from here", "I'm gonna kick the door down", and "Everybody understand me".

    Just like he has his players ready to run through walls for him, he will have the fans/boosters ready to move mountains for him....and show up for the games.

    He does a speaking tour this Summer like that, it will prime the pump for big crowds next Fall.

  4. #64

    Default Re: Napier Shooting straight

    You guys are getting it all wrong....we need someone (T-Joe, any successful business person, alumnus, etc) to speak to the incoming freshman annually about having pride in the degree they will earn in 4 years...and how the more they respect their school and EVERYTHING about it, will lead to a more valuable plaque hanging in their office/ has to start there and will eventually lead to pride in athletics

  5. #65

    Default Re: Napier Shooting straight

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJeaux View Post
    You guys are getting it all wrong....we need someone (T-Joe, any successful business person, alumnus, etc) to speak to the incoming freshman annually about having pride in the degree they will earn in 4 years...and how the more they respect their school and EVERYTHING about it will lead to a more valuable plaque hanging in their office/ has to start there and will eventually lead to pride in athletics
    This ^^^ !!!

  6. Default Re: Napier Shooting straight

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJeaux View Post
    You guys are getting it all wrong....we need someone (T-Joe, any successful business person, alumnus, etc) to speak to the incoming freshman annually about having pride in the degree they will earn in 4 years...and how the more they respect their school and EVERYTHING about it, will lead to a more valuable plaque hanging in their office/ has to start there and will eventually lead to pride in athletics
    Oh yeah!

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    MAT is always right and he is quick to let you know that.
    And don’t forget it..

  8. Default Re: Napier Shooting straight

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    And don’t forget it..
    You are such a sucker. Went fishing for a specie of one and caught the som bietch.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    You are such a sucker. Went fishing for a specie of one and caught the som bietch.
    Lmao. I can’t even with this guy..

  10. Default Re: Napier Shooting straight

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Lmao. I can’t even with this guy..
    You can laugh or drown. Go ahead and laugh, lots of fun left with you.

  11. #71

    Default Re: Napier Shooting straight

    Quote Originally Posted by charliek View Post
    Hud's was a big fancy house built on sand. Napier is laying the proper foundation. When his house goes up, it will last.
    My thoughts exactly. Hud accomplished a lot, showed us that there are 30,000 or more Cajun fans who will attend games when the product warrants it. But at the end of the day, they were short-term fans.

    Not trying to diminish what Hud accomplished one bit, in fact, I always said that regardless of the circumstances under which he left the program, he'd leave it in better shape than he found it.

    But Charliek is spot-on imho. I too believe that Napier is building something that will long, long outlast him.

  12. #72

    Default Re: Napier Shooting straight

    Bottom line: whether ANY of you all agree that ONE of a coach's jobs is to put butt's in seats, MANY of the best coaches admit that this IS one of their jobs. For most of us on this board - TRUE FANS - only winning will motivate us to show up EVERY week. Generally, we dont need to be patronized or given a pep talk to show up to games.
    Unfortunately, we are - TOTAL - under 10K. To get the other 20-30K to show up, they have to be coaxed - along with winning. You all might not like it, but that is a simple fact.

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