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Thread: Napier Shooting straight

  1. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    I had the same conversation with a friend over lunch earlier this week. I agree Hudspeth was great at firing students as well supporters up about the program. His charisma was also very effective in helping raise funds for facilities and RCAF. Some people have a gift for that sort of thing and others do not. I don't believe Coach Napier would come off the same way to students because it would be unnatural for him.

    Coach Napier is a motivator to his athletes through a process that focuses on working hard daily and building trust with them through his actions and that of his staff. The students don't have that relationship with Napier because they don't see or hear him daily, they are not part of the process.

    I'm willing to give it a shot, but I don't think it will help much right now. I think winning and creating their own traditions will help get the students back in the stands.
    As I said above, if he can motivate his players to buy in in his own way, I’m sure he can do the same for everyone else.

    The thing is, I’m not sure coach Napier has taken ownership of this in the same way Hud did. While I appreciate his comments about the attendance where he acknowledges that we haven’t won enough to get people interested, I just hope he realizes that it will probably take more than just winning to get people to buy in. The casual fan isn’t going to know what we know about what Napier is doing behind closed doors. They aren’t going to understand that a 6-6 season this year would be a huge success and a sign of a bright future. He’s got to be involved in reaching out to them.

    To be clear, I think he is a good coach. I’m glad he’s here. I think he’ll bring us success.

  2. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    As per usual, you’re wrong.
    Are we arguing like 3rd graders again this morning? Ok.


  3. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by tdncz View Post
    This is SPOT. ON!
    I too have been Hard on Hud.
    But after reading your Post, you are ABSOLUTELY correct.
    When Hud came here, he cheer led the H#LL out the program and was absolutely instrumental in getting the fan base in their required seats.
    In fact, I remember a statement he made in one of his first press conferences was that a PRIMARY JOB - as the Coach - was to get Butts in Seats.
    For all his faults, that dude put on a masterclass on how to build a fan base and generate interest in a football team.

  4. #52

    Default Re: Napier Shooting straight

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    Are we arguing like 3rd graders again this morning? Ok.

    Well said!!!

  5. Default Re: Napier Shooting straight

    The stupidity and hypocrisy is mind boggling.

    Again, this tittie baby fanbase would rather have their arse kissed than actually build a winning program. They want a coach that will make them feel special over winning football games. They needed their hand held to find their seats in the stadium to watch “their team” play..

    Now we have a man in place that knows how to build, is actually winning games ahead of schedule, being HONEST about our issues, and we have dumbass posters saying winning won’t solve the issue and Napier needs to kiss the arse of the fans to get people to watch his football team...


    Mark Hudspeth was overall a good segment in our history. He was also full of shyt and left our program in shambles. He also ____ed off the entire community and biggest donors with his stupid ego. He could have come in here screaming “Hold the Rope” all he wanted and if he wasn’t winning games, I can promise you, no one would have considered him “brilliant”.

    Billy Napier, keep being you sir. You don’t have to kiss my arse or stroke my ego or hold my hand or make me feel special. I don’t care if it’s only me, you and the men in Verm & White, you can count on me showing up to support your football team! Thank you!!

  6. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    The stupidity and hypocrisy is mind boggling.

    Again, this tittie baby fanbase would rather have their arse kissed than actually build a winning program. They want a coach that will make them feel special over winning football games. They needed their hand held to find their seats in the stadium to watch “their team” play..

    Now we have a man in place that knows how to build, is actually winning games ahead of schedule, being HONEST about our issues, and we have dumbass posters saying winning won’t solve the issue and Napier needs to kiss the arse of the fans to get people to watch his football team...


    Mark Hudspeth was overall a good segment in our history. He was also full of shyt and left our program in shambles. He also ____ed off the entire community and biggest donors with his stupid ego. He could have come in here screaming “Hold the Rope” all he wanted and if he wasn’t winning games, I can promise you, no one would have considered him “brilliant”.

    Billy Napier, keep being you sir. You don’t have to kiss my arse or stroke my ego or hold my hand or make me feel special. I don’t care if it’s only me, you and the men in Verm & White, you can count on me showing up to support your football team! Thank you!!
    I think Napier accurately understands why the casual fan has not jumped on board. That’s what he didn’t go Lance Guidry and call out the fans. For those of us who follow the program closely,we see much more that the 4-4 record. Hopefully over time people will see what he is building. Have to bat Troy this weekend

  7. Default Re: Napier Shooting straight

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    I'll stir the pot a little bit.

    It is hard to overstate just how big of an impact Coach Hud had in getting fans into the stadium and getting people to buy in to the program. As good as Napier seems to be as a coach, this is one area he is lacking in. When Hud got here, he gave people (even the casual fans) a reason to invest their time and money into the program. People didn't just show up because they thought they'd have a good time. It was more than that. They showed up because they felt obligated to. They bought in to the dream. Hud made them feel like a necessary and vital part of the team. And they felt like supporting this team mattered — that the team's success would pay off for themselves, this city, and the University.

    Hold the rope. Never let go. Pull in the same direction. It was brilliant.

    We've talked a lot about why attendance has been low. But even if we make meaningful changes and start winning we might not ever get to Hud attendance levels again unless Napier can take a page out of Hud's book and realize he is THE guy who needs to make a hard pitch to the community to buy in again. In G5 college football, it is not enough to just be a good football coach.
    Hud showed us the cheerleader coaching method is unsustainable.

    Napier's method might be slower out the gate, but when he strings together 4-straight 9-4 seasons ... I suspect attendance for his 4th in a row will match or exceed Hud's 4th in a row.

  8. Default Re: Napier Shooting straight

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    I disagree. One of the things I remember Mike Alden talking about was how in college football your coach is THE face of the program. He is the name everyone knows, the one the media want to hear speak, the one everyone talks about, the one who inspires the boosters to donate, and the one who motivates fans to show up.

    To a large extent, the people in charge of fan support can only work with what the coach gives them. Napier bears a large part of the responsibility to get people in the stadium on game day.
    Napier needs to let everyone know (you included) that he is serious about this program.

    He is doing this in spades and word of mouth will prevail.

    Anything more would be hyperbole

  9. #57

    Default Re: Napier Shooting straight


  10. #58

    Default Re: Napier Shooting straight

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchie35 View Post
    The video will not open. Is it because of the browser I'm using? Maybe only Google will open it. I'm using IE.
    Most likely the reason why.

    This has been discussed several times now. IE is garbage. Microsoft does not even support it any longer

  11. #59

    Default Re: Napier Shooting straight

    Watching Inside Louisana Football gets me more excited about Cajuns football than anything Hudspeth ever said. On Facebook Louisana Ragin Cajuns Football shows a preview of Inside Louisana Footalball ever week. I challenge all of you to share it on your personal Facebook page. We can do the cheerleading for Coach Napier.

  12. Default Re: Napier Shooting straight

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    As per usual, you’re wrong.
    MAT is always right and he is quick to let you know that.

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