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Thread: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

  1. #13

    Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Go ask Jim Harris, Scott Farmer and Gerald Hebert how "easy" RCAF money is to replace..
    Hahaha exactly. Players come and go. Good Donors, You Want To Keep!

  2. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunMarineBBK View Post
    The thing that amazes me at least in my area of friends. All of the LSU people who are all of a sudden concerned with the Cajuns they all have opinions now. And none of them contribute here financially.
    It's always funny how that works. The amount of people saying they no longer support the Cajuns does not match the amount of fans in the stands.

    Several friends of mine said on Facebook they will NOT be at the ASU game when they haven't been to a damn game all year....

  3. #15

    Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    That is exactly what I am talking about. I see the same thing with a lot of my kitten friends.

  4. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJack55 View Post
    It's all about those clicks...

    Dan McDonald and Josh Parrott, and Luke Johnson, actually wanted to see our athletic program be successful.

    Tim Buckley doesn't give a ____ about our program.

  5. #17

    Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    As an RCAF member as time goes on I have less problems with the players in the video. Let's face they are just mimicking a national feeling of blacks everywhere. I can easily forgive and forget that. The real issue here is how the coach handled it saying we are all hypocrites for choosing trump over Hillary. I think we will lose more donors over huds comments than what the young black males in the video did. For someone who is in charge of a program it sure seems like nothing's ever his fault. Except the wins of course he's quick to take credit for those.

  6. UL Football Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    Quote Originally Posted by Geaux View Post
    They better be careful....remember the demographics student athletes. If they want to win...they may want to let this one go or the Cajuns may not be able to sign black athletes in the area for a long time.

    I still side with HUD. He spends more time with these kids than anyone else, he knows they are kids. None of these kids committed crimes.

    RCAF money can easily be replaced...good area athletes and a reputation of not feeling welcomed.....not so much.
    GEAUX, is everything practical, is ethics nowheres?

    Freedom of speech is not universal. You are limited at work, in class, and yes maybe even in the locker room. As a counterpoint, the US supreme court and the Civil Liberties Union have strongly limited prayers in class, at schools, and in locker rooms because it 'may' be a burden on atheists, and non christians. This song is political regardless of how you look at it, and to allow it may be a burden to Trump supporters on the team.

    Me, personally, think it is not a big deal in the locker room, nor are prayers, but to be consistent if you severely limit and ban one you must do the other. In some things expediency or profit cannot be the the sole measure.

    People quick to limit things should remember more freedom is usually better, and the sword swings and cuts both ways. The best thing for this whole thing is to forget it, but Hud should teach these young men that tolerance and consideration of others in a group setting is very important.

    As for Hud? He gets no pass from me, a man his age should and could have deflected that question without insulting the people who contribute to his salary, and the players comforts. In saying that, I am not calling for his head, only that his sin is forgivable when he truly recants and I doubt he has because we have a book on Hud.

  7. #19

    Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    Quote Originally Posted by Bicky Rustle View Post
    The real issue here is how the coach handled it saying we are all hypocrites for choosing trump over Hillary.
    That's not anywhere close to what he said.

  8. Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post

    Dan McDonald and Josh Parrott, and Luke Johnson, actually wanted to see our athletic program be successful.

    Tim Buckley doesn't give a ____ about our program.
    Remember how Eric N., Marsha S., Bruce B, and Dan M. were all rounded up for stories when the Advertiser went on a week long maniacal binge back in 05?

  9. #21

    Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunMarineBBK View Post
    The thing that amazes me at least in my area of friends. All of the LSU people who are all of a sudden concerned with the Cajuns they all have opinions now. And none of them contribute here financially.
    very true... and if you want to see an absolute clear view of anti-free speech look no further than their campus, google LSU & Milo!!
    ironically they were in fact too stupid to be successful in their anti-free speech attempt....

  10. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Bicky Rustle View Post
    As an RCAF member as time goes on I have less problems with the players in the video. Let's face they are just mimicking a national feeling of blacks everywhere. I can easily forgive and forget that. The real issue here is how the coach handled it saying we are all hypocrites for choosing trump over Hillary. I think we will lose more donors over huds comments than what the young black males in the video did. For someone who is in charge of a program it sure seems like nothing's ever his fault. Except the wins of course he's quick to take credit for those.
    That's not what he said AT ALL.

    He said people were being hypocritical for giving Trump a pass on his "locker room talk" but not giving his players a pass for their "locker room talk."

  11. UL Football Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    That's not what he said AT ALL.

    He said people were being hypocritical for giving Trump a pass on his "locker room talk" but not giving his players a pass for their "locker room talk."
    You got a quote on what he said? I don't think that is what has been quoted coming out of his mouth.

  12. #24

    Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    You got a quote on what he said? I don't think that is what has been quoted coming out of his mouth.
    "But I will say this," he added Thursday. "It's also disappointing that so many people have vilified a few 19-year-olds making some immature decisions, and then they were the same ones that voted for someone that has done much worse by grabbing a female in the private areas for the office of the (President of the) United States of America."

    He never said anything about Hillary or voting for Hillary. He also didn't say anything about Trump voters in general, only the ones who called out these kids for for doing something similar to what Trump has done in the past.

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