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Thread: Broadway's Status

  1. #25

    Default Re: Broadway's Status

    Hope for a speedy recovery for TD. I love what I saw from Haack last night. His throws have a lot of zip and are dead on. Butler missed a beautiful pass near the sideline. If I recall about 25 yes and it had little arc. Next year I hope coach lets them battle for the start with no preference for being a sr. Haack has a mans arm. Lets see how he can lead. GEAUX Cajuns

  2. Default Re: Broadway's Status

    And Hopefully a little Landor whom if you will remember was is a 2 year battle with haack for the back up job---I say play them both and even giver them a package!!!

  3. #27
    douglas's Avatar douglas is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Broadway's Status

    i am not worried as much as many other teams would be with the back up coming in this late in the season. im not hating on broadway one bit, b/c we are 8-3 for a reason. but i don't think he has thrown the ball very well all year, or at least thrown well consistently. maybe it is time we back off of the dual threat and focus more on the one threat and let our TWO 800 yd rushers take care of the ground game, with pinball pierce cleaning up behind them and the ghost of montrel carter seeing the field this weekend

  4. #28

    Default Re: Broadway's Status

    Quote Originally Posted by bjc6267 View Post
    Haack showed a great arm when he had all day to throw. He really concerned me when there was a little bit of pressure. Hope TB is back for bowl game.
    Yeah, Broadway never freaks ( tongue in cheek)! Broadway never throws a bullet to a wide open guy 10 to 15 yards away(sarcasm)!! Broadway never throws a bomb to a covered man when we only need 5 or 10 yards!!!!!! Get the drift! Who got us a touchdown, though he has only gone in to hand off all year, in the second half! My fear is that Haack would never be allowed to show that he is just as good if not better. Find him some receivers that will cross the field and he will through a good ball. Which quaterback was it that through two interceptions? I forget?? I hate to tell you, but Broadway is not the second coming, not even the 10th.

  5. #29

    Default Re: Broadway's Status

    3 int's according to stats on espn.

  6. Default UL QB Broadway to undergo surgery on broken right arm

    UL starting quarterback Terrance Broadway will undergo surgery Monday on his broken right arm, Ragin' Cajuns coach Mark Hudspeth said this afternoon.

    Homes SO Clean

  7. #31

    Default Re: Broadway's Status

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun08 View Post
    Tim Buckley just tweeted that Hud reported that Broadway has a broken arm. He will have surgery Monday. Haack to get the start vs USA.

    Broadway expected to play in the NO Bowl.
    No way he is throwing a football in 3 weeks after having a plate placed in his forearm...they just want to sell tickets to the bowl and don't want people to get discouraged with him being sidelined.

  8. #32

    Default Re: Broadway's Status

    i didn't realize we had so many doctors on raginpagin

    Last edited by ULalum06; December 2nd, 2013 at 09:14 am. Reason: sarcasm is deep in this one

  9. #33

    Default Re: Broadway's Status

    the sick thing is that watching the replay I could count 3-4 steps after the ball left Broadways hand before he got hit - it was definitely one of many cheap shots on Broadway that evening. Also you could see the holding all night to set up those bubble passes that ulm had success whit. When our corners weren't held they blew up those passes for losses. We got screwed from every angle in this game. ulm, the refs, the administration, and the sun belt administrator that sat up in the press box and watched it all happen.

  10. #34

    Default Re: Broadway's Status

    Quote Originally Posted by alum81 View Post
    Broken = fractured
    Fractured = broken

    They both mean the same thing.

    But, there are different types of fractures and none of us know the extent of the fracture outside of knowing it requires surgery. However, its hard for me to think that he could play 3 weeks after surgery. We'll see

  11. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by billbeck451 View Post
    the sick thing is that watching the replay I could count 3-4 steps after the ball left Broadways hand before he got hit - it was definitely one of many cheap shots on Broadway that evening. Also you could see the holding all night to set up those bubble passes that ulm had success whit. When our corners weren't held they blew up those passes for losses. We got screwed from every angle in this game. ulm, the refs, the administration, and the sun belt administrator that sat up in the press box and watched it all happen.
    Are we sure that Broadway got hurt on that play? I think his arm was hurt earlier and he just played with the pain until he couldn't go any more. That could be why some of those passes were so far off.

  12. #36

    Default Re: Broadway's Status

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginScotsman View Post
    Tough break for TB. Haack will have a tough test next week, but from what he showed at the end of the game last night, he's up to it.
    Not to take away from Mr. Broadway, but I like Brooks Haack. I liked his appearances in Spring Game and I like his style of QB-ing. If I am not mistaken, wasn't he rated the 3rd best QB in the Houston area when he was signed and if so, that ain't Bad. I also would have liked him to get more playing times when we were able to do so.
    I think this guy is a winner and he will do fine. Now if we can get the Defensive Coordinators to do their part and teach some pass defense.

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