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Thread: Broadway's Status

  1. #49

    Default Re: Broadway's Status

    Quote Originally Posted by USLJim View Post
    Not to take away from Mr. Broadway, but I like Brooks Haack. I liked his appearances in Spring Game and I like his style of QB-ing. If I am not mistaken, wasn't he rated the 3rd best QB in the Houston area when he was signed and if so, that ain't Bad. I also would have liked him to get more playing times when we were able to do so.
    I think this guy is a winner and he will do fine. Now if we can get the Defensive Coordinators to do their part and teach some pass defense.
    I agree completely.

  2. #50

    Default Re: Broadway's Status

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    So can someone tell me if he was playing with a broken/fractured arm during the game? He was way way way off during the game. It seemed like something was wrong, especially on the last two series.
    broadway has been lobbing the ball everywhere all year. Somethings been wrong the whole year with his pass game

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginAsian View Post
    broadway has been lobbing the ball everywhere all year. Somethings been wrong the whole year with his pass game
    I only bang this theory drum to avoid repeating the percieved mistake.

    He lost his laser precision arm in the (off season/off week) weight room.

  4. #52
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Broadway's Status

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    I only bang this theory drum to avoid repeating the percieved mistake.

    He lost his laser precision arm in the (off season/off week) weight room.
    Yep. He hasn't been lobbing the ball all year. He has thrown some incredible passes this year. He does occasionally, unexplainably, toss a ball long. He also has an odd release (throwing off the back foot)... but that doesn't seem to effect his accuracy. He has been who he is... solid... no better... no worse... all year. He was definitely not himself in that ULM game. And with this system... outside of having our running game dominate... we cannot have our offense miss a beat. We do not, obviously, count on our defense doing anything resembling a defense until the opponent has the ball in the red zone.

    News to opponents: You need to score before you get inside the 20 yard line. Once you get inside the 20, our defense accidentally runs out of room and has to play real defensive schemes. They are unfamiliar with these schemes except in the red zone... so you may have that advantage... but you are most likely to score if you are between the 20 and 25 yard line... and our defense has room to spread everyone out real fast in that vast expanse behind the line of scrimmage. It prevents us giving up 25 yards or more. You can have 25 all day long... just don't dare ask for 25 plus. It makes our coaches cringe. It must be a recurring nightmare from their past. It has no relevance to the now... but that seems not to make a difference.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    Yep. He hasn't been lobbing the ball all year. He has thrown some incredible passes this year. He does occasionally, unexplainably, toss a ball long. He also has an odd release (throwing off the back foot)... but that doesn't seem to effect his accuracy. He has been who he is... solid... no better... no worse... all year. He was definitely not himself in that ULM game. And with this system... outside of having our running game dominate... we cannot have our offense miss a beat. We do not, obviously, count on our defense doing anything resembling a defense until the opponent has the ball in the red zone.

    News to opponents: You need to score before you get inside the 20 yard line. Once you get inside the 20, our defense accidentally runs out of room and has to play real defensive schemes. They are unfamiliar with these schemes except in the red zone... so you may have that advantage... but you are most likely to score if you are between the 20 and 25 yard line... and our defense has room to spread everyone out real fast in that vast expanse behind the line of scrimmage. It prevents us giving up 25 yards or more. You can have 25 all day long... just don't dare ask for 25 plus. It makes our coaches cringe. It must be a recurring nightmare from their past. It has no relevance to the now... but that seems not to make a difference.
    gimmie back my drum sticks.

  6. #54

    Default Re: Broadway's Status

    Quote Originally Posted by Alum78 View Post
    No way he is throwing a football in 3 weeks after having a plate placed in his forearm...they just want to sell tickets to the bowl and don't want people to get discouraged with him being sidelined.
    I am in this specific line of work. I interpret the DA article as a non displaced ulna fracture(the small bone in forearm), as they state that it is an elective surgery. If it were one of us, they would just put on a cast or brace. Much better than what I feared, a radius fracture which REQUIRES surgery, especially if it's distal at the wrist joint. Since this break doesn't seem to involve his wrist joint, rather a mid-shaft to distal third, I can see a possibility of him playing in the bowl game provided no complications of the surgery. It's a straight forward procedure, did one today! If he had an extra week or 2 than he does, I'd be surprised if he wasn't available.

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunIke View Post
    I am in this specific line of work. I interpret the DA article as a non displaced ulna fracture(the small bone in forearm), as they state that it is an elective surgery. If it were one of us, they would just put on a cast or brace. Much better than what I feared, a radius fracture which REQUIRES surgery, especially if it's distal at the wrist joint. Since this break doesn't seem to involve his wrist joint, rather a mid-shaft to distal third, I can see a possibility of him playing in the bowl game provided no complications of the surgery. It's a straight forward procedure, did one today! If he had an extra week or 2 than he does, I'd be surprised if he wasn't available.
    Wow thanks

  8. #56


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunIke View Post
    It's a straight forward procedure, did one today!
    Was it TB's?

  9. #57

    Default Re: Broadway's Status

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunDreDog View Post
    Was it TB's?
    I wish, then I would have the insider info!

  10. #58

    Default Re: Broadway's Status

    Broadway's 1st tweet post surgery

    Terrance Broadway (@tbroadway8) tweeted at 8:30 PM on Mon, Dec 02, 2013:

    AYYYEEEEE Cajun Nation I'm back! Rehab Wednesday let's get it!!!!!

  11. #59

    Default Re: Broadway's Status

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunDreDog View Post
    Broadway's 1st tweet post surgery

    Terrance Broadway (@tbroadway8) tweeted at 8:30 PM on Mon, Dec 02, 2013:

    AYYYEEEEE Cajun Nation I'm back! Rehab Wednesday let's get it!!!!!
    Here's to a speedy recovery.

  12. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    Here's to a speedy recovery.
    I just don't see how he can come back so quick after surgery on his throwing arm????

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