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Thread: USA Today: Athletic department revenue rankings

  1. #1

    Default USA Today: Athletic department revenue rankings

    Where we rank: 125

    Notable schools ranked above us: San Diego State (62), East Carolina (65), Texas State (84), Middle Tennessee (87), Western Kentucky (87), FIU (91), FAU (98), Southern Miss (105), Northh Texas (118), Louisiana Tech (121), Appalacian State (122).

    The numbers show that we run slightly in the red, as do a few other schools on the list.

  2. #2

    Default Re: USA Today: Athletic department revenue rankings

    I am surprised at Southern Miss' ranking, but I guess that is what zero wins in a football season brings in.

  3. #3

    Default Re: USA Today: Athletic department revenue rankings

    Looks like a $17.5 million budget to me. I would think that would be calendar year 2012 revenues. That's not too far from the $20 mil budget we need to get to in the next 2 years. $25 mil by 2018.

  4. #4

    Default Re: USA Today: Athletic department revenue rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by moorecajun View Post
    I am surprised at Southern Miss' ranking, but I guess that is what zero wins in a football season brings in.
    I think I was most surprised by Tech. At first, the numbers looked cooked to me, but then I thought there is no way that a fine institution like Tech would fake their numbers, right?

  5. #5

    Default Re: USA Today: Athletic department revenue rankings

    We will blow by Tech this year....

  6. #6

    Default Re: USA Today: Athletic department revenue rankings

    Poor UNO!

  7. #7

    Default Re: USA Today: Athletic department revenue rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by BeauCajun View Post
    Looks like a $17.5 million budget to me. I would think that would be calendar year 2012 revenues. That's not too far from the $20 mil budget we need to get to in the next 2 years. $25 mil by 2018.
    It needs to be done as quickly as possible. There are two potential FCS to FBS move ups in Delaware and James Madison that both have $30+ mil budgets.

  8. Default Re: USA Today: Athletic department revenue rankings

    Couple of interesting things:

    First off since 2005 we improved our Revenue 57%
    From 2011 to 2012 we improved our Revenue 22.5%
    Ticket sales Revenue from 2011 to 2012 went from 1.3 to 2.3 Million
    Contributions in the same year nearly doubled (that is you and I my freinds)
    School funds went up 1.7 million from 2011 to 2012.

    If we have a 22.5% increase in 2013 our budget will be at 21.4 Million. I increased my donation yesterday, who is with me.

  9. Default Re: USA Today: Athletic department revenue rankings

    I know that it is a factor but I can't quite explain it--but the tuition at these schools are in some way factored into the budget---For instance, our tuition is I think at about $5k per year where Tulane claims I think a plus $40K amount ----say UL is 300 athletes at $5K ($1,500,000) where Tulane 300 athletes at $40K ($12,000,000)----As you can see this creates a huge difference. Hope somebody can explain this in more detail!!!

  10. #10

    Default Re: USA Today: Athletic department revenue rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by Lexhead View Post

    Where we rank: 125

    Notable schools ranked above us: San Diego State (62), East Carolina (65), Texas State (84), Middle Tennessee (87), Western Kentucky (87), FIU (91), FAU (98), Southern Miss (105), Northh Texas (118), Louisiana Tech (121), Appalacian State (122).

    The numbers show that we run slightly in the red, as do a few other schools on the list.
    We are always a little in the red. Nothing new there. I'm sure this was expected but it's nice to see that our budget increased by about 3.5 million from last year. That's a great selling point to other conferences. Our budget may not be where we want it right now, but it is growing, and growing fast.

  11. #11

    Default Re: USA Today: Athletic department revenue rankings

    I think the subsidies for each school are interesting.

  12. #12

    Default Re: USA Today: Athletic department revenue rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by Lexhead View Post

    Where we rank: 125

    Notable schools ranked above us: San Diego State (62), East Carolina (65), Texas State (84), Middle Tennessee (87), Western Kentucky (87), FIU (91), FAU (98), Southern Miss (105), Northh Texas (118), Louisiana Tech (121), Appalacian State (122).

    The numbers show that we run slightly in the red, as do a few other schools on the list.
    Interesting data. I am amazed at how much some states subsidize their school's athletic budgets. Really, if no school's received any subsidies it would make us look a little better when comparing moneys raised just from donors and ticket prices. Some schools like UNLV and Rutgers are really not that self-supporting and have huge subsidies compared to similar schools where the states are not so generous. I wonder what the best choices are for continued growth i.e. more contributions, more subsidies (probably not) or other ideas?

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