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Thread: The Jerry Baldwin Saga: 1998-2020

  1. #217

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    _ Josh, respectfully, you are wrong, this is an AIG bailout plain and simple. A new coach would have retained 100% of the players.

    Lee is the culprit and Walker is billing him as the hero.

    For 2005-06 Robert Lee willingly sent the APR down into the 600's a score so low that even if followed by 3 perfect years, cant get you back to the required 925.

    Why didn't he put Rhett Hebert on scholarship, a huge boost to APR, instead he kicks him off the team.

    AIG: All I Got _
    Rhett Hebert is my cousin and he was not kicked off the team...He decided not to come back and play for Lee...Lee is a joke!!!

  2. #218

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    You people need to lay the hell off Josh. You all sound like a bunch of babies. You have NO PROOF at all to back up any arguments. Do you not understand the probation issue. Turbine you keep saying that a new coach would retain 100% but there's not certain at all. How can you make this assumption repeatedly? This is your opinion not fact. We may hire a bigger idiot and players would want to leave. You are right that we are held hostage to a certain extent but that's probation.

    If some of you don't understand the apr issue, fine but it's EXTREMELY IGNORANT to call out a reliable and honest member of the media. It's despicable! Look at it from outside. Do you think a passionate fan or a media member has a more balanced viewpoint and opinion. What don't some of you get about the points he makes.

    Again, no one has given a single FACT to oppose the given facts that we are under probation and face severe penalties should we lose players. Where do any of you get off talking trash about Josh. Don't confuse passion for the program for ignorance. I don't mind calling for Walkers head but the risk of cutting coaches far outweigh risk of penalties.

    Sorry for banging this drum but some of you should think before completely degrading Josh's integrity.

  3. #219

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Quote Originally Posted by Clutch0364 View Post
    _ Ok let me sit take a step back and think...Lee stays because of the APR risk? OK! But why the hell do we still have a pathetic women's coach here? _
    Because we got to give him time to have his APR tank (Sadly after watching 3 athletes run off last year the APR drop for WBB is coming) thus ensuring that he can have a job forever as long as he can tutor biology.

    This line of thinking makes me think of bailouts...Incompetent CEO's (Coaches) are allowed to keep their jobs even though they are grossly incompetent just because of the possible consequences to economy (athletic department).

    When failure is not even an option regardless of how incompetent someone is, it sets a VERY bad precedent.

  4. #220

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Quote Originally Posted by awadelewis View Post
    _ Entirely different rationale. IMO, keeping Coach Rodgers was purely a $ decision given the cost of a buyout of a coach in a non-revenue producing sport in a year when we're facing a 15% to 18% cut in the operating budget. I suspect that the admin is thinking they're going to need that money to cover the operating costs that they're not going to be able to cover from the reduced allocation from the Legislative budget. _
    This just says to me that the admin doesn't care about sports other than the big 2 and I argue they don't care much about those either.

  5. #221

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Quote Originally Posted by TuffGuy84 View Post
    _ Because we got to give him time to have his APR tank (Sadly after watching 3 athletes run off last year the APR drop for WBB is coming) thus ensuring that he can have a job forever as long as he can tutor biology.

    This line of thinking makes me think of bailouts...Incompetent CEO's (Coaches) are allowed to keep their jobs even though they are grossly incompetent just because of the possible consequences to economy (athletic department).

    When failure is not even an option regardless of how incompetent someone is, it sets a VERY bad precedent. _
    If I fail a test I don't pass my class so I am held accountable...these coaches are not held accountable for poor results.

  6. #222

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Lee will be gone next year. Bottom line. We act like we resigned him for another 4.

  7. #223


    And if they are held accountable and we fall under apr levels then what? Just seeing how you would feel if that happened. I'm honestly just getting your feel for it. Again, not that it would necessarily happen

    Quote Originally Posted by Clutch0364 View Post
    If I fail a test I don't pass my class so I am held accountable...these coaches are not held accountable for poor results.

  8. #224

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Quote Originally Posted by wcd35 View Post
    _ You people need to lay the hell off Josh. You all sound like a bunch of babies. You have NO PROOF at all to back up any arguments. Do you not understand the probation issue. Turbine you keep saying that a new coach would retain 100% but there's not certain at all. How can you make this assumption repeatedly? This is your opinion not fact. We may hire a bigger idiot and players would want to leave. You are right that we are held hostage to a certain extent but that's probation.

    If some of you don't understand the apr issue, fine but it's EXTREMELY IGNORANT to call out a reliable and honest member of the media. It's despicable! Look at it from outside. Do you think a passionate fan or a media member has a more balanced viewpoint and opinion. What don't some of you get about the points he makes.

    Again, no one has given a single FACT to oppose the given facts that we are under probation and face severe penalties should we lose players. Where do any of you get off talking trash about Josh. Don't confuse passion for the program for ignorance. I don't mind calling for Walkers head but the risk of cutting coaches far outweigh risk of penalties.

    Sorry for banging this drum but some of you should think before completely degrading Josh's integrity. _
    Josh is getting it because IMO his article was WEAK, he should be demanding more answers. Contrary to some; I want to know the whole story, beginning, middle and end. Someone's actions and bad judgments have guided us to the current situation, for Josh and Jay to call the fans ignorant for not falling in line is just going to make it worse.

  9. #225

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Quote Originally Posted by KACajun View Post
    _ Parrott you have turned into a spin doctor for the university, journalistic integrity out of the damn window. This is very upsetting.

    Answer these questions:
    1-did walker have influence on lee's changing course after his second year?
    2-did lee (walker) knowingly put the entire athletic department in jeopardy, when they chose this path?
    3-what is the guaranty that these players won't leave the program if lee stays?
    4-why did it take so long to make this decision?
    5-How many games will give lee a new contract?
    6-what does Lotief, Robe, and Bustle think about a bunch of 19 & 20 year old basketball players having this much influence over their teams postseason future.
    7-How does walker think this decision will negatively impact the RCAF kickoff? _
    Name one opinion piece ever written by a local journalist that was ever scathing about UL athletics? I have been following the cajuns religiously for over 20 years and NEVER has it ever happened.

    Tell me, do local journalists still travel to away games aboard UL athletic charter flights, free of charge?

    We've always had a media full of pu$$ies here. If this were New Orleans or Baton Rouge this cast of UL admin and coaches would be hit hard and often. Of course if Parrot would have hammered Walker and others, there would be just as many people complaining about him airing out UL's dirty laundry in public, which I maintain is why our programs are in the horrible shape they're in today. NO ONE WITH A PLATFORM TELLS IT LIKE IT IS IN BLUNT TERMS.

  10. #226

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Quote Originally Posted by wcd35 View Post
    _ You people need to lay the hell off Josh. You all sound like a bunch of babies. You have NO PROOF at all to back up any arguments. Do you not understand the probation issue. Turbine you keep saying that a new coach would retain 100% but there's not certain at all. How can you make this assumption repeatedly? This is your opinion not fact. We may hire a bigger idiot and players would want to leave. You are right that we are held hostage to a certain extent but that's probation.

    If some of you don't understand the apr issue, fine but it's EXTREMELY IGNORANT to call out a reliable and honest member of the media. It's despicable! Look at it from outside. Do you think a passionate fan or a media member has a more balanced viewpoint and opinion. What don't some of you get about the points he makes.

    Again, no one has given a single FACT to oppose the given facts that we are under probation and face severe penalties should we lose players. Where do any of you get off talking trash about Josh. Don't confuse passion for the program for ignorance. I don't mind calling for Walkers head but the risk of cutting coaches far outweigh risk of penalties.

    Sorry for banging this drum but some of you should think before completely degrading Josh's integrity. _
    Parrott wrote an opinion piece. His opinion is in the distinct minority. I'm pretty sure he knew he would take some heat when he turned it in to his editor.
    This APR thing has a lot of moving parts. No one here can say we are on probation if we fire Lee. No one here can say we are in the clear if lee stays. As of now keeping Lee does not ensure anything.

    What can be said is that Lee caused the APR mess and is now keeping his job because of it. I find that extremely distastefull. For the first time in my life I will not support UL basketball. Even if Lee wins next year I will not be on board. He is a bad coach and a bad evaluator of talent. He needs to go.

  11. #227

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Quote Originally Posted by wcd35 View Post
    _ And if they are held accountable and we fall under apr levels then what? Just seeing how you would feel if that happened. I'm honestly just getting your feel for it. Again, not that it would necessarily happen _
    I would be pretty ____ed if we fell below the APR mark but I would be more ____ed that the admin let it fall to that level. If they were so big on APR they would have not allowed the coaches to get rid of everybody a few years ago.

    With that said I don't think we would have fallen under the APR mark. I read a post yesterday that if a guy transfers and they have above a 2.6 GPA it doesn't hurt your APR and if Lee is on top of these athletes like we have been told then they should all have 2.6's. Also if someone transferred I think it would have been Gradnigo and maybe Bureau because they are the only guys who have enough years left to be a valid transfer. They both have 2 years and have not used a redshirt so they could leave and sit out and not be hurt but most of the guys on this squad are props and are at a big risk if they transfer because they have to sit out and might not get their year back if they are not on track. Also I have heard the rumors that players might still leave with him here so you are risking something either way.

    Anytime a coaching change is made their is a fear people will transfer but more often than not, they don't have a mass exodus.

  12. #228

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    What can be said is that Lee caused the APR mess and is now keeping his job because of it. I find that extremely distastefull. For the first time in my life I will not support UL basketball. Even if Lee wins next year I will not be on board. He is a bad coach and a bad evaluator of talent. He needs to go. _

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