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Thread: The Jerry Baldwin Saga: 1998-2020

  1. #181

    Default Re: The Jerry Baldwin saga continues

    We were one of the first universities in the south (maybe the first if you do not count UNO) to desegregate under Joel Fletcher. This Baldwin debacle does not give an accurate image of the university today AT ALL. I sure hope we win this one...

  2. #182

    Default Re: The Jerry Baldwin saga continues

    Quote Originally Posted by trd1282 View Post
    We were one of the first universities in the south (maybe the first if you do not count UNO) to desegregate under Joel Fletcher. This Baldwin debacle does not give an accurate image of the university today AT ALL. I sure hope we win this one...
    That depends if we get a judge appointed by a conservative or a liberal.

    Elections matter.

  3. #183

    Default Re: The Jerry Baldwin saga continues

    Quote Originally Posted by trd1282 View Post
    We were one of the first universities in the south (maybe the first if you do not count UNO) to desegregate under Joel Fletcher. This Baldwin debacle does not give an accurate image of the university today AT ALL. I sure hope we win this one...
    We were also the only division 1A university to have a minority head coach in both basketball and football.

  4. #184

    Default Re: In round II UL will defend itself better against Baldwin.

    Quote Originally Posted by ULtimateCajun View Post
    _ Yeah Luckily that News Copy was in the sports section of USA F*ing Today! I was just taking a sip of some good ole' CC's Coffee when I open up the sports page and read this and about spit my coffee out. Great now the entire country knows about this debacle. I hope this gets overturned in appeals, although we've already probably payed 2 mil. to our lawyers so we pretty much would win to say we win. _
    I'd much rather see UL pay $2 mil to lawyers to avoid having to pay 1 more freaking PENNY to Jerry Baldwin!

    Jerry Baldwin owes ME money for the years of depressing football I had to witness (err, didn't witness, but it was his fault that I didn't go to games).

  5. #185

    Default Re: In round II UL will defend itself better against Baldwin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebel02 View Post
    _ I'd much rather see UL pay $2 mil to lawyers to avoid having to pay 1 more freaking PENNY to Jerry Baldwin!

    Jerry Baldwin owes ME money for the years of depressing football I had to witness (err, didn't witness, but it was his fault that I didn't go to games). _
    Totally agree with that, i'd rather pay a lawyer 2 mill than Baldwin but with our budget overall, 2 million is 2 million. But i'd still rather not pay that anymore money for a bogus suit. Man this gets under my skin. I have no respect for anyone trying to get a buck for not working for it. This guy is a skum bag! Period.

  6. #186

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: The Jerry Baldwin saga continues

    Had lunch with a UL fan the other day and during the conversation my friend said, "that Jerry Baldwin was one of the best coaches UL ever had. In the three years as coach, he allowed me to upgrade my season tickets, TWICE."

  7. UL Basketball Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

      The decision that left so many UL basketball fans patiently waiting for the past few weeks was finally announced on Friday afternoon.

    In case you missed it, head men's basketball coach Robert Lee and head women's basketball Errol Rogers will return next season. The announcement ended a two-week evaluation process for both programs by athletic director David Walker.

    News of the move was first reported noon Friday at Within minutes of the report, portions of a frustrated fan base voiced their views on the radio and various online message boards. On one message board, some fans even put together a petition for Walker's removal as athletic director before it was taken down.

    About three hours after the initial report, the university released a statement about the decision.

    Some fans recognized that the men's basketball team is at a crossroads.

    The rest of the story

    Joshua Parrott • • March 22, 2009

    Homes SO Clean

  8. Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Regardless of your opinion, a logical person cannot argue that the university failed to look at all sides of the situation. You just happen to disagree with the final decision.

    We'll see who made the right decision this time next year.
    Josh, respectfully, you are wrong, this is an AIG bailout plain and simple. A new coach would have retained 100% of the players.

    Lee is the culprit and Walker is billing him as the hero.

    For 2005-06 Robert Lee willingly sent the APR down into the 600's a score so low that even if followed by 3 perfect years, cant get you back to the required 925.

    Why didn't he put Rhett Hebert on scholarship, a huge boost to APR, instead he kicks him off the team.

    AIG: All I Got

    Geaux Cajuns

  9. #189

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Wow! What a big smelly full of flies pile of you know what. You fire a bad coach that is pretty simple. Give him a few years but then get rid of him if things don't turn around. UL is not serious about sports.

  10. #190

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    The sound of local media circling the wagons, or wagon.

  11. #191

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Parrott you have turned into a spin doctor for the university, journalistic integrity out of the damn window. This is very upsetting.

    Answer these questions:
    1-did walker have influence on lee's changing course after his second year?
    2-did lee (walker) knowingly put the entire athletic department in jeopardy, when they chose this path?
    3-what is the guaranty that these players won't leave the program if lee stays?
    4-why did it take so long to make this decision?
    5-How many games will give lee a new contract?
    6-what does Lotief, Robe, and Bustle think about a bunch of 19 & 20 year old basketball players having this much influence over their teams postseason future.
    7-How does walker think this decision will negatively impact the RCAF kickoff?

  12. #192

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    _ Josh, respectfully, you are wrong, this is an AIG bailout plain and simple. A new coach would have retained 100% of the players.

    Lee is the culprit and Walker is billing him as the hero.

    For 2005-06 Robert Lee willingly sent the APR down into the 600's a score so low that even if followed by 3 perfect years, cant get you back to the required 925.

    Why didn't he put Rhett Hebert on scholarship, a huge boost to APR, instead he kicks him off the team.

    AIG: All I Got _
    Not to mention... They are acting like that by retaining Lee we are assured to avoid the APR hit, but the worse case scenerio is retaining Lee and players transfering and still enduring the APR fiasco! Why can't anyone else see this as a very real possibility? If and when this happens the University adm. will look far worse than they already do!

    This APR thing is far from over and by retaining Lee it is not an absolute remedy. This university & athletic department continues to treat the symptoms of the disease and ignore the real cancers!

    Josh, can you or someone in the media pound on this very real issue. Jay, the news channels, & now the newspaper are now ignoring this very likely scenerio.

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