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I don't know if its my sciatica or my general attitude of being displeased with UL Athletics....
Its astonishing the lack of effort that has gone into promoting tonights basketball game vs South Al...Astonishing lack of effort other than a FB post or two about the entire weekend. Did Sam DeMuzio and Evan Roberts and their team just shoot the entire wad with the Marshall game, which everone raved about? One game out of 13? So, counting football season and the home basketball season there were 19 chances to get it right or at least show us something...instead, efforts amount to one game in February...not to mention the dumpster fire that was the home opener for baseball (Thanks John Dugas and Marcus Marks...)
Tired of the excuses...like, these were first timers, and we're understaffed, or we don't have the money, or its Martin Hall, not Athletics...You want first class, we get first class excuses...Look, where I work, we are so understaffed for what we do its rediculus, but because we have a great leader in the building, we overcome those obsticles and push, pull, or drag our business over the budget line every quarter and most months...It can be done. Plan and Practice...They're all adults over there and draw a paycheck. The word "can't" should be erased from the vocabulary of both athletics and Martin Hall..
And speaking of Martin Hall, if what some of you are posting is true (and it probably is) about hamstringing the athletic department with stupid shortsighted decisions, then isn't it time (and I know some of you are some heavy duty$$ supporters of UL) to have a "come to Jesus" meeting with MH before the rest of us rats (fans) start jumping ship?
Back to tonight. On the line, 13-0 home record, possible conference championship, ESPN2 in the house...I could go on with the reasons to attend. Hey Sam, let me do your job for tonight...
$13.00 tickets, bought as a pair, bring a friend
$1.30 Soft Drinks
$13 Beer...Er...is that cheaper than the norm?
Bring in an ex player who was a part of the last team to go undefeated at home...
Anyone with the number 13 on their seat number shoots a free thrown or 3 ptr. for $130
Finally serve up 13,000 display ads every hour from noon to 7p on various platforms to PROMOTE THE DAMN GAME! At $12 CPM, that costs a whopping $1,100
Mais Oui, it aint rocket science....Look, I love my university, I'm just tired of seeing a half ass effort and results. Sometimes you have to look in the mirror and and ask are we doing enough with the hand we've been delt..