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Thread: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

  1. #97
    Ragin4U's Avatar Ragin4U is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    Ironically, just the way the sausage is made in Iceland probably makes a huge difference.
    They do love Nathans though. Hebrew National too.

  2. #98

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    This is a UL fan message board where fans speak their minds on our programs and where we can agree to the views or not. All of it comes with the territory.
    How many times have you gone to the admin or someone of power to voice your opinion was my point. You can freely discuss here your concerns. In my discussion with a someone who works closely with the university, those unhappy with Marlin long term have been few (as of recent it seems like Marlin may be on the hot seat.) and funding for the athletic program is very stressed even prior to Covid. Cutting your support and complaining on a message board won't get Marlin fired and doesn't help UL athletics.

  3. #99

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin4U View Post
    So because my family scraped a subsistence living from the marsh, slaves and their descendants have not suffered oppression?
    Slavery is wrong. That is not being negotiated.
    Nice spin! The institution of slavery is unconscionable, but there are no living slaves today. We have now passed 56 plus years of Lindon B Johnson's Great Society package in 1964-65. And a lot has changed since, including minorities running entire major cities and police departments. Can you explain how institutional racism exist in communities such as Detriot, Chicago, New Orleans and Washington DC? How is it that those communities including 9 out of the top 10 that lead the nation in black murders and run by Blacks and the party they elect?

    Institutional racism has all but been eradicated in major minority communities, but corruption and the status-quo remain. As ULvictory stated, there are some areas that need to be addressed, but there others that require some personal responsibility and holding politicians accountable at the voting booths.

  4. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by fpc4life99 View Post
    How many times have you gone to the admin or someone of power to voice your opinion was my point. You can freely discuss here your concerns. In my discussion with a relative who works closely with the university, those discussed with Marlin long term have been few (as of recent it seems like Marlin may be on the hot seat.) and funding for the athletic program is very stressed even prior to Covid. Cutting your support and complaining on a message board won't get Marlin fired and doesn't help UL athletics.
    I have expressed displeasure before to the right people. I do it rarely, but I’ve done it before.

  5. #101


    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin4U View Post
    Or let people vote. Fraud is so rare as to be inconsequential. Voter suppression however is an issue.
    Ooof I don’t know about that. We have enough people like illegal immigrants here to turn the knob. And all it takes is a few precincts to forge documents and numbers.

  6. #102
    Ragin4U's Avatar Ragin4U is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    Ooof I don’t know about that. We have enough people like illegal immigrants here to turn the knob. And all it takes is a few precincts to forge documents and numbers.
    I dont have numbers in front of me but I would think that an illegal immigrant trying to vote would be extremely unlikely. That seems like an enormous risk for no reward.

  7. #103

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    When it is used to straight up pander, then yes.

    As someone with Asian blood, I don't want to get chosen or picked to do something because of what I look like. I would rather my qualifications do the talking.
    Asians are already discriminated against. Too many of them knock the entrance exams out of the park. If you let all those that qualify into schools, you would make diversity goals difficult to reach.

  8. #104
    Ragin4U's Avatar Ragin4U is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Nice spin! The institution of slavery is unconscionable, but there are no living slaves today. We have now passed 56 plus years of Lindon B Johnson's Great Society package in 1964-65. And a lot has changed since, including minorities running entire major cities and police departments. Can you explain how institutional racism exist in communities such as Detriot, Chicago, New Orleans and Washington DC? How is it that those communities including 9 out of the top 10 that lead the nation in black murders and run by Blacks and the party they elect?

    Institutional racism has all but been eradicated in major minority communities, but corruption and the status-quo remain. As ULvictory stated, there are some areas that need to be addressed, but there others that require some personal responsibility and holding politicians accountable at the voting booths.
    The answer to the last question is demographics.

    I'm guessing that if a race and country of people has a history of seeing another race as inferior and as property, it might take more than a few generations to overcome that.

  9. #105

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    Well, I also forgot to mention to just mandate a small tax to allow for basic ID’s even if it is not for driving. That would be something that most would be on board with.
    Or they could decide that one less tier of cable TV or a little less data on the cell phone could easily cover the cost of a gov't issued I.D.!

  10. #106
    Ragin4U's Avatar Ragin4U is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    'The Ayn Rand Institute received a PPP loan of between $350K and $1 million.'
    Freaking Marxist. And no, this is not from The Onion.

  11. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin4U View Post
    'The Ayn Rand Institute received a PPP loan of between $350K and $1 million.'
    Freaking Marxist. And no, this is not from The Onion.
    Numerous Plan Parenthood locations also received PPP loans. Who would have ever dreamed that businesses and individuals would take advantage of a government subsidy program involving potentially free money?

    As for government issued photo IDs, if having one is an federal or local requirement then one should be able to attend one free of cost with proper secondary documentation.

    The following items require a photo ID: exercising one’s 2nd amendment by purchasing a firearm (sure you’re ok with that requirement), entering a federal building, flying on an airplane (will eventually require a federal mandated version of a photo id, driving, opening a checking account, cashing a check, applying for several forms of government subsidies, and obtaining a marriage certificate to name a few.

    I agree that obtaining a photo id and not a driver’s license can definitely made easier but let’s not attempt it’s a modern day Jim Crow law.

  12. #108
    Ragin4U's Avatar Ragin4U is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Louisiana Men's Basketball Season Ticket Renewals Underway

    Quote Originally Posted by BraveCajun View Post
    Numerous Plan Parenthood locations also received PPP loans. Who would have ever dreamed that businesses and individuals would take advantage of a government subsidy program involving potentially free money?

    As for government issued photo IDs, if having one is an federal or local requirement then one should be able to attend one free of cost with proper secondary documentation.

    The following items require a photo ID: exercising one's 2nd amendment by purchasing a firearm (sure you're ok with that requirement), entering a federal building, flying on an airplane (will eventually require a federal mandated version of a photo id, driving, opening a checking account, cashing a check, applying for several forms of government subsidies, and obtaining a marriage certificate to name a few.

    I agree that obtaining a photo id and not a driver's license can definitely made easier but let's not attempt it's a modern day Jim Crow law.
    One provides health services to women. 97% of which are not abortions. The other is Ayn Rand. She was one of the first libertarians. Rugged individualism and rejecting socialism and all that. Irony is dead.

    I would think that in a democracy, the right to vote would supersede all of those that you mentioned and we should make it as easy as possible. Its really not surprising that voter id laws disproportionately affect minorities.

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