Football shot itself in the foot with the Coastal loss at home in 18 and then got smoked by a Tulane in the bowl. Let’s hope the positive momentum from 19 leads to better crowds in 20.
I have my eye on week 2. Wyoming at home. Meanwhile, LSu plays Texas at home on the same day. That game will tell us a lot about our fan base.
What I just posted to you is FACT. The decline they are speaking of is the anticipated revenue they would have had prior to the China debacle and the Houston GM. They are estimated a $3 million dollar loss in projected profits due to that deal but the fact is the Salary Cap is going up. I mean, we aren't pulling it out of air. You can go look it up yourself.
However, if you want to talk about a sport that may be dying, look to MLB.....
And what I posted is FACT, people are turning away from basketball..I played my entire life, had season tickets for almost 15 years with a group of about 20 that sat know how many still go? Zero..not one, and it isn’t just a marlin deal. The product sucks, they flop, they jack up shots, majority don’t play defense and now it’s becoming WWE with all the drama. I did look it up myself, I’m not pulling it out of thin air. it’s fine nobody is chastising you for continuing to like basketball. The salary cap isn’t going up as much as expected. Literally just search nba ratings and the entire first 3 pages of results is how much the ratings are down. It’s not the same game at all levels. The China debacle, is in fact a debacle that cost them viewers and fans. It’s only going to get worse IMO and the super teams that can just buy championships will ruin it for the future. Is it really even a salary cap if you just pay a penalty if you go over? Further cementing the hierarchy of teams with all the money in big markets? They turned to making their jerseys a billboard to make money by selling ad Space. Little Rock would have not gotten in..a 30-5 team that won a first round game would have been left out without winning the tourney. They say well you didn’t play anyone, but then the “anyone” won’t schedule you. And don’t even get me started on the ___ sho trash that is AAU
Handing out $300 plus million guaranteed contracts will come back to haunt you eventually. That’s also just the business side, the sport itself, the actual game is growing. However, if baseball isn’t smart, daddy/travel ball will do to it what aau is doing to basketball and when all the colleges get in the financial race in baseball the same things will happen.
Lots of whining here. How about a little cheese?
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