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Thread: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

  1. #49

    Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    Cliff notes via Twitter

    "I've had a weekend to reflect, think, and make some notes of some things I want to reiterate." -@ULCoachHud on the video

    "I apologize on behalf of our coaches and our players." -@ULCoachHud

    "Experience is the hardest teacher, because it gives you the test first, and the lesson later." -@ULCoachHud

    "We understand now the importance of representing the name on the front of our jersey, as well as the one our father's gave." -@ULCoachHud

    "It would hurt any father if someone called his family or kids thugs, and he knew deep down in his heart if they were not." -

    "As the father of four...I was probably in a nesting mode when I made a comment."

    "We've taken steps, which Ill mention later, to ensure our locker room is a place of discipline, comfort...and privacy."

    "I believe in our team. I believe in this community." -@ULCoachHud

    "The players music now will be played by our video department." -@ULCoachHud

    "We are not taking away the music they want to play in their headphones." -@ULCoachHud

    "We're going to do 1,000 hours of community service in the next few months." -@ULCoachHud

    @ULCoachHud said @RaginCajunsFB will go to every middle school and high school that will have them to teach them the lessons they learned.

    "We're going to continue to enhance our relationship with the Boys and Girls Club." -@ULCoachHud

    "We have already started with some steps. This will be a continued process." -@ULCoachHud

    "This is a changing world, and I did a poor job of assuring something that I took for granted." -@ULCoachHud

    ''I ask for the support of the fan base and will be a great learning experience...and we hope to be better for it."

  2. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by 2 ul 0105 View Post

    I agree that Buckley acts as if he would rather be sitting in the fires of hell than be "stuck" in this city . . .
    Please, tell me why

  3. #51

    Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    I have been one of the biggest critics of HUD, but I can appreciate what he said today at his presser. He's going full on Tyrann Matthieu.

  4. #52

    Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    1k team community service hours. Good start.

  5. #53

    Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video


  6. #54

    Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    I think everybody is being a little too sensitive about all this. The people who are mad about this are upset that Hud called them out for being hypocrites and they didn't like that very much. Get over it.

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by MountainDew View Post
    I think everybody is being a little too sensitive about all this. The people who are mad about this are upset that Hud called them out for being hypocrites and they didn't like that very much. Get over it.
    No, what the players did didn't bother me. What HUD did is BS. He's flat out wrong to call out supporters regardless of his personal beliefs.

    Donors don't need to get over it. It's strictly up to them if they want to get over a very stinging insult.

  8. #56


    Quote Originally Posted by Bicky Rustle View Post
    As an RCAF member as time goes on I have less problems with the players in the video. Let's face they are just mimicking a national feeling of blacks everywhere. I can easily forgive and forget that. The real issue here is how the coach handled it saying we are all hypocrites for choosing trump over Hillary. I think we will lose more donors over huds comments than what the young black males in the video did. For someone who is in charge of a program it sure seems like nothing's ever his fault. Except the wins of course he's quick to take credit for those.
    If Trump > Ragin' Cajuns, keep your money and your Orange Wonder.



  9. Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    Getting in the high schools will be interesting not to run afoul of the NCAA.

  10. #58

    Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    Quote Originally Posted by MountainDew View Post
    I think everybody is being a little too sensitive about all this. The people who are mad about this are upset that Hud called them out for being hypocrites and they didn't like that very much. Get over it.
    Look, I think a number of people on this board are running around saying get over it! I'm all for moving own now, I never needed an apology from the athletes in that locker room because I believe most of them are indeed good kids. But let's not kid ourselves , had the roles been reversed and a video was released of white kids with Trump t-shirts screaming F*^% Hilary Clinton and jumping up & down, some people on this board would indeed be outraged and number of people on the UL campus would be demanding they take racial sensitivity courses. The fact that some athlete in the locker room felt the need to release that video is an indication that they felt no recourse was available to them and that is a sad statement in itself.

    This was a teaching moment and opportunities were missed all around on what is supposed to be a college campus that is willing to have open debate and discussions on such matters. The head coach exacerbated the situation by attacking his supporters and that was a poor decision on his part. He doesn't have to call me and apologize, but he damn sure should call the people that gave him big money and he called friends and apologize. Some of them are sitting RCAF Board members and he should own his actions privately to those people.

    As BOP stated, most of these are good kids that are simply echoing the rhetoric they are feed on and off campus, that doesn't make them thugs or criminals. There is enough forgiveness to go around, let's move on. Anyone that has decided to do differently is entitled to do so with their own money.

  11. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by jllanclos View Post
    If Trump > Ragin' Cajuns, keep your money and your Orange Wonder.


    It's not that a politician is or isn't more important. In HUD's case he specifically insulted donors.

    I'm not withholding anything over this but you never give the finger to the customer. Apparently your disgust for Trump is clouding your view of that.

  12. #60

    Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    I think the debate has gone in circles enough times at this point. I'd ask everyone to watch the press conference when they can. I think Hud addresses pretty much all of the various issues involved and in my opinion was very sincere in his comments.

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