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Thread: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

  1. #85
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunSaint View Post
    it's got a good beat, and it's easy to dance to.
    You don't dance much, do you Saint?

  2. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Campus Clip Yo

    If there is no campus policy on voyeurism, what you have is a lack of institutional control.
    Now THAT is undoubtedly against campus policy. It's against the law too.

  3. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    The one that states no political, religious, ethnic or gender intimidation is allowed on campus. The APC is located on campus.
    No one was intimidated by that song.

  4. #88

    Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    No one was intimidated by that song.
    No one that shares your political ideology! For other student athletes in that locker room, clearly someone thought it should be known. Your opinion and mine does not count when it comes to official university policy.

  5. #89

    Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    No one was intimidated by that song.
    I want to make sure I understand your stance. You think student athletes in the APC should be allowed to sing and dance to a song that says F... politician ABC?

  6. #90

    Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJack55 View Post
    "But I will say this," he added Thursday. "It's also disappointing that so many people have vilified a few 19-year-olds making some immature decisions, and then they were the same ones that voted for someone that has done much worse by grabbing a female in the private areas for the office of the (President of the) United States of America."

    He never said anything about Hillary or voting for Hillary. He also didn't say anything about Trump voters in general, only the ones who called out these kids for for doing something similar to what Trump has done in the past.
    I think this is the best point of view. Now can we move on.

  7. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    No one that shares your political ideology! For other student athletes in that locker room, clearly someone thought it should be known. Your opinion and mine does not count when it comes to official university policy.
    There's difference between being offended and being intimidated. Intimidation is when a person threatens to harm another person. There is obviously nothing intimidating about singing a song that shares a political perspective.

    I can assure you there is no campus policy against political speech, no matter how offended it might make someone.

  8. #92


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    It's not that a politician is or isn't more important. In HUD's case he specifically insulted donors.

    I'm not withholding anything over this but you never give the finger to the customer. Apparently your disgust for Trump is clouding your view of that.
    Say anything about the Orange Wonder and folks lose their ****. But we love him because he "tells it like it is."

    What a clown show.

    Don't frickin donate if you're that damn soft and squishy. Watch our program suck.

    What a joke. What a soft fanbase.

  9. #93


    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post
    First off, the Tigue issue is different because our people bragged about it being ready to national media, it was spotlighted during the Regionals on ESPN, and failure to follow through would definitely have a negative national affect on our program. Answers were needed as to why the commitment that had been made to Coach Robe was not being met. More harm and distrust towards the UL Athletic program would be done with the lack of information, and lack of visibility by Scott Farmer.

    In this instance, the current state of where donors stand in regards to the video is what it is. Tim Buckley continuing to put this on the front page of the sports section does nothing but increase negativity towards our athletes and coaches within the Acadiana community.

    So yes, with this instance and past observations, Tim Buckley has proven he does not care one bit if the Cajun athletic program moves forward and progresses. He just wants stories and clicks.

    Dave Schultz at least wants to see us move forward, as do/did Dan McDonald, Josh Parrott and Luke Johnson.
    I said nothing about the Tigue. Although I do happen to have knowledge that Buckley (and Johnson) was trying for weeks to get something on the record to no avail.

    "Past observation"?

    I disagree with you as to whether Buckley cares about UL athletics. But again, it does not matter one bit whether a journalist "cares" about a particular program. A journalist does not need to care for a program, but must care for his work.

    For what it's worth, I've sat next to Buckley in the press box on a few occasions, as well as talking to him periodically since I graduated, and from those experiences (which are more than any "observations" you make while reading his articles), I can say that Buckley doesn't "not care one bit" about UL athletics. Does he care? I don't know. You need to ask him. But I can say he doesn't "not care."

  10. #94

    Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    I don't like this new rap but that's me my concern is now everyone is going to complain about any music played on campus until it there will be no music other than the fight song. And don't put it past people to come after the name Ragin Cajun JMO because as offensive as some say that song was some feel the same about our name. So is this fuss really worth it in the long term.

  11. Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    I fully expect Hud to deliver. This negative event can be used as a positive if the players receive this in a positive manner; a good selling point to parents of recruits. Don't think football in general can pull off a personal responsibility contract like baseball, but this may tighten personal accountability and the locker room.

  12. #96

    Default Re: RCAF looks at effect of profane video

    I'm going to my safe space

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