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Thread: From scratch to greatness for Hall-bound Girouard

  1. UL Softball From scratch to greatness for Hall-bound Girouard

    If there were ever a coach who built a program from the ground up, it was Yvette Girouard.

    But, shhhhh, don't tell anyone. She had to steal the dirt for that ground.

    "We didn't have the budget for anything like that," Girouard said of one of the many hur...

    The rest of the story
    THE Advocate

  2. #2

    Default Re: From scratch to greatness for Hall-bound Girouard

    Great story. I know a lot of people on here dislike her because of her move to LSU, myself being one of them, but this really illustrated what she started for this university. It makes me think... Would I hate HUD if he eventually took us to regular top 25 rankings and a perennial world beater, then bolted for Baton Rouge? Not one bit... Because look what Stefni and Mike have been able to accomplish following what was started.

  3. #3

    Default Re: From scratch to greatness for Hall-bound Girouard

    Quote Originally Posted by campo118 View Post
    Great story. I know a lot of people on here dislike her because of her move to LSU, myself being one of them, but this really illustrated what she started for this university. It makes me think... Would I hate HUD if he eventually took us to regular top 25 rankings and a perennial world beater, then bolted for Baton Rouge? Not one bit... Because look what Stefni and Mike have been able to accomplish following what was started.
    Would Hud call us "the red team"?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by BabbForHeisman View Post
    Would Hud call us "the red team"?
    But does HUD have a plaque

  5. #5
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: From scratch to greatness for Hall-bound Girouard

    Totally different day and time. She came back and made her ammends. All is semi forgiven. Conrats Yvette!!


  6. Sunbelt Re: From scratch to greatness for Hall-bound Girouard

    Yes, kinda forgotten. She is happily living in Refineryville. To each their own.

    Nothing can take away what she did here, not even her bitter exit, but it was bitter more on her part than UL's. Then her accusations, her attempt to get UL backers to become LSUA&Mbr backers.

    I guess UL's biggest sin was not having the money she needed and that is why she left, more money to the program.

    I am glad she is getting this award. No doubt she certainly deserves and earns it.

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