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Thread: Ragin Pagin Add ONS

  1. Default Ragin Pagin Add ONS

    T-Bine --I think it would be cool to have a "Hey Scott" place on here where somebody could put up a question and the board could comment and Scott could answer -----Of course as I have mentioned on here numerous times--GREAT IDEAS ARE PRESENTED ON RP----so in addition to his answering questions he can learn how to improve everything with our ideas-----tongue in cheek----Anybody outside of a business can always suggest ways for owners to improve business and I think the same goes with the Athletic Department!!!!! Hey Scott----Are we really afraid to play McNeese-----thought I would give him a softball lob for the first question!!!

  2. Default Re: Ragin Pagin Add ONS

    HEY SCOTT------With all the activity going on in the conference merger questions and the future of Cajun athletics, where are we???? Are we talking to CUSA and who is our point guy that is communicating with them and the chance of our getting in the merged conference???? Also are we talking to other CUSA member schools and is the administration involved in any negotiations???

  3. #3

    Default Re: Ragin Pagin Add ONS

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    HEY SCOTT------With all the activity going on in the conference merger questions and the future of Cajun athletics, where are we???? Are we talking to CUSA and who is our point guy that is communicating with them and the chance of our getting in the merged conference???? Also are we talking to other CUSA member schools and is the administration involved in any negotiations???
    Great suggestions. Maybe it is time for our AD to be more vocal in such things as marketing athletics, pursuing a new conference, facility upgrades, fund raising, season ticket drives, scheduling, etc. We need to hear more stuff coming out of Reinhardt Drive.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Ragin Pagin Add ONS

    I really think if he wants us to know fine if not that is fine to. I think my job as a fan is to keep on supporting. I have no reason to doubt what Scott and T-Joe are doing. You people need to chill some of you people worry about things you or I can control. All we can control is how much we donate and how many season tickets we buy and to what sports. That is just my opinion now blast away.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunMarineBBK View Post
    I really think if he wants us to know fine if not that is fine to. I think my job as a fan is to keep on supporting. I have no reason to doubt what Scott and T-Joe are doing. You people need to chill some of you people worry about things you or I can control. All we can control is how much we donate and how many se
    ason tickets we buy and to what sports. That is just my opinion now blast away.
    No need for anyone to blast away. We all have different opinions on things and this board gives us the opportunity to Express them. Just because we may differ in our thinking doesn't necessarily make either one of us right or wrong. I personally enjoy reading everyone's opinions. Too bad not everyone is tolerant of differing opinions (I'm not referring to you but posters in general).

  6. #6

    Default Re: Ragin Pagin Add ONS

    I just try to live by I dont worry about what i can not control. And I can not control what the powers do or dont do at UL.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Ragin Pagin Add ONS

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    T-Bine --I think it would be cool to have a "Hey Scott" place on here where somebody could put up a question and the board could comment and Scott could answer -----Of course as I have mentioned on here numerous times--GREAT IDEAS ARE PRESENTED ON RP----so in addition to his answering questions he can learn how to improve everything with our ideas-----tongue in cheek----Anybody outside of a business can always suggest ways for owners to improve business and I think the same goes with the Athletic Department!!!!! Hey Scott----Are we really afraid to play McNeese-----thought I would give him a softball lob for the first question!!!
    For your information, I do believe Mr. Scott Farmer, I assume, that is who you are referring when you use the name "Scott". I don't think he reads Ragin Pagin.

    As for playing mickey neese, hell no we ain't afraid of playing them in any sport but for playing them in Football, If they play us for free, ok, but I don't want to give those yahoos any money that would suppor their program. You forget they are one of the culprits of the name reversal in 1984, So. " Geaux to H**l Mickey neese.


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