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Thread: NFL: If you're scared say you're scared:

  1. #13

    Default Re: If you're scared say you're scared:

    AFC East - NY Jets - It has to be their time eventually.
    AFC North - Pittsburgh Steelers - Too good to lose the division
    AFC South - Houston Texans - Houston is loving Peyton's neck right now
    AFC West - San Diego Chargers - Rivers will have a phenomenal every year.
    Wild Cards - Baltimore Ravens, New England Patriots

    NFC East - Philadelphia Eagles - Loaded. Top to bottom.
    NFC North - Green Bay Packers - Best QB in the league and a ball hawking defense to boot.
    NFC South - Atlanta Falcons - Adding Julio Jones...they have too many weapons.
    NFC West - St Louis Rams - flipped a coin.
    Wild Cards - New Orleans Saints, New York Giants

    AFC Champion - J.....E.....T.....S JETS JETS JETS!!!

    NFC Champion - Eagles.

    Super Bowl Champion - Eagles. This game will be called the "Time To Shine" Bowl. These teams come close...and one gets their shot.

  2. #14

    Default Re: If you're scared say you're scared:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    I don't claim to be a genius. I just claim to be smarter than a lot of other self appointed geniuses. The first part of being genius is being smart. The first part of being smart is being able to hang soemone using their own rope. The second part of being smart is not letting someone trying to hang you with your own rope do it. Making these picks is like looking at 32 penny stocks & predicting at the end of the fiscal year which one will be Apple. I noticed in your wager challenge you stated Philly would be in the playoffs but you didn't go so far in your wager as to state they would win their division. Are you drinking the green koolaid or just sipping it? Get a bucket full if you believe. Now a fair wager would be who ends up further down the road at the end of the year the Saints or the Eagles. I could do a head to head with a Philly fan.
    Kyle is to smart, as Asparagus is to fruit.

  3. #15

    Default Re: If you're scared say you're scared:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    I don't claim to be a genius. I just claim to be smarter than a lot of other self appointed geniuses. The first part of being genius is being smart. The first part of being smart is being able to hang soemone using their own rope. The second part of being smart is not letting someone trying to hang you with your own rope do it. Making these picks is like looking at 32 penny stocks & predicting at the end of the fiscal year which one will be Apple. I noticed in your wager challenge you stated Philly would be in the playoffs but you didn't go so far in your wager as to state they would win their division. Are you drinking the green koolaid or just sipping it? Get a bucket full if you believe. Now a fair wager would be who ends up further down the road at the end of the year the Saints or the Eagles. I could do a head to head with a Philly fan.
    Smart people do not assume as much as you do because it makes asses of themselves
    I never stated being a Philly fan and in fact actually said that I was a Saints fan. If you pay attention you see that I picked Philly and Saints to win their conferences respectively and it will most likely be between Philly or Saints in the Superbowl. I dont bet against my Saints though. If you would like we can do a $20 per team on our predictions.

    We have some that we agree and those would cancel
    If we both get our predictions wrong then those would cancel as well.
    for the others we can take the difference and The person with the most correct would get da monies!
    Total up for grabs overall if either of us blank out completely $180

  4. #16

    Default Re: If you're scared say you're scared:

    Quote Originally Posted by raginWaldo View Post
    Smart people do not assume as much as you do because it makes asses of themselves
    I never stated being a Philly fan and in fact actually said that I was a Saints fan. If you pay attention you see that I picked Philly and Saints to win their conferences respectively and it will most likely be between Philly or Saints in the Superbowl. I dont bet against my Saints though. If you would like we can do a $20 per team on our predictions.

    We have some that we agree and those would cancel
    If we both get our predictions wrong then those would cancel as well.
    for the others we can take the difference and The person with the most correct would get da monies!
    Total up for grabs overall if either of us blank out completely $180
    That sounds doable to me. You're on. One question though. Why would a non Philly fan buy into the hollywood hogwash about the dream team crap. That team is either going to blow up & run the table or completely crash & burn with the chemically combustible combination they have going.

  5. #17

    Default Re: If you're scared say you're scared:

    So how is this bet looking????

  6. #18

    Default Re: If you're scared say you're scared:

    Bad...neither team will sniff the Super Bowl...Eagles won't even be in the playoffs...Saints on the road in January is certain death. Hindsight is 20/20

  7. #19

    Default Re: If you're scared say you're scared:

    Quote Originally Posted by duggie85 View Post
    So how is this bet looking????
    Waldo's up at the present, but it sure aint because of the Eagles & not by much. The only pick I regret not making & I'll give him credit for doing it was the 49ers. If it hadn't been for the lock out they would have been my team in the west, but I didn't think Harbaugh had enough time to shake the negative out. It just goes to show how easy coaching can be when you have a positive attitude & are organized.

  8. #20

    Default Re: NFL: If you're scared say you're scared:

    Funny to see some of you pick the rams.


  9. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by anhil8tor View Post
    Funny to see some of you pick the rams.

    Where are your picks tough guy?

  10. #22

    Default Re: NFL: If you're scared say you're scared:

    Well, considering the lambs looked more like the snotty-whiners (and vice-versa!) at the beginning of the season, it's funny to see how BOTH those teams got "turned around"...

  11. #23

    Default Re: If you're scared say you're scared:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    Waldo's up at the present, but it sure aint because of the Eagles & not by much. The only pick I regret not making & I'll give him credit for doing it was the 49ers. If it hadn't been for the lock out they would have been my team in the west, but I didn't think Harbaugh had enough time to shake the negative out. It just goes to show how easy coaching can be when you have a positive attitude & are organized.
    I would be losing my ___ off thanks to the Eagles hahaha

  12. #24

    Default Re: NFL: If you're scared say you're scared:

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebel02 View Post
    Where are your picks tough guy?

    Never saw this thread... I wouldn't have picked the rams.

    On another site I posted on Feb 8th:

    Pats, Baltimore, Texans, Chargers, Colts and Raiders as wild cards in the AFC

    Philly, Packers, Saints, 9ers, Cowboys and Falcons as wild cards in the NFC

    Granted its another site... but thats what I thought.

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