The bottom line is this. Nobody knows what is going to happen with players leaving the program since all we've heard are rumors. I would say there is a better chance of players leaving if Lee were to leave but I can't be certain. I too, was upset of the decision but I didn't envy D. Walker in this one at all. I don't know how you measure the lower attendance levels likely to be encountered next year vs. potential fallout on all athletic levels IF players were to leave. If several players did leave and they let Lee go, I'd bet that those coaches mentioned earlier would not be too happy about the decision. I think if this were one year later, I think the obvious choice would have been to get to fire Lee and move on after we would have survived the 4 year APR probation period. Its also interesting to remember that coach Evans is who helped put us in this position, not necessarily Lee. By focusing on the high school route that Lee has adopted, I'm not sure how this has hurt the APR as many suggest but I'd rather that than the alternative.
I think you are being way to tough on Parrot. Questioning him in that manner because you disagree with him (I disagree with him on this issue btw) is not fair. He has done nothing since he's been here to lead us to believe the university influences his opinions.
Just because we disagree with him does not make him unethical.
I also consider he has access to more information than we do and hope that will prove this seemingly bad decision to be the right one.
I don't believe this will happen but wouldn't we all be happy if our basketall team went 24-9 and dancing? I'd rather be wrong on this issue and see the team suceed with Lee. As I said though I really don't think that will happen.
Didn't hear a word of Jay's show. But as a "somebody has to be blamed" society and fanbase, I think people would have been just as upset if Walker would have fired Lee, the rumors would be true and we lose several players thus destroying our APR since we are still on the probationary period and teams such as Baseball and softball would lose out on post-season status. Can you imagine the backlash there. If Lee has another woeful or even just average year next year (what is the difference), he's gone and they don't have to use private funds to buy him out thus giving us more money to pay a good coach more. Its not the ideal scenario and I do not want Lee here but the alternatives could be much more crippling to the entire athletic dept. and I think that is what Parrott is trying to get people to understand.
I'm not down on Josh for selling out the fans and choosing the administration. UL fans have never had anyone at their side and never will. That has always been obvious to me. It has always been expected for a UL fan to take a beating and just come back.
This is the worst university I have ever witnessed that disregards and disrespects their fans (students, alumni, and friends). There is no reason to have large scale college athletics other than to manage relationships with people connected to the university. Do these guys not get that?
It would not have been that difficult for Dave Walker, or someone at the university that can speak, to give fans more than this ridiculous excuse for non-action. The point that is missed in all of this APR excuse (including Josh's piece) is why we have a legacy of always having a barrier to making good decisions. We are always hamstrung by issues I never hear about others having. I have been waiting since Dr. Savoie took the helm to hear an apology for how terrible things have been run at UL and how things are going to be improved. I have very little respect for Dr. Savoie at this point. I believe he is a puppet of the state, has far less passion than Dr. Authement, and is going to do nothing whatsoever with UL athletics, but oversee its decay.
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