Well i only just started on my new UL but these are the helmets. Chrome ones are fire!🔥
Well i only just started on my new UL but these are the helmets. Chrome ones are fire!🔥
Quick conparison! Think the chrome ones would make a great alternative helmet!
I am falling in love with the red chrome imagine with the state and FDL. Imagine in real life if we wore red chrome helmets with a chrome plated facemask!! I am picturing something like this ! Make the state the same color as the Mustang, and have the rest of the helmet and FDL in chrome, with a chrome facemask?
I feel a strip is needed on these. I do approve.
These are awesome!
Those look really nice. Would definitely approve of them IRL. What are your thoughts on the actual video game so far?? I'm heading home on Wednesday so I should be able to get it on my Xbox in the coming days
I think it is pretty good! I like it plays better then madden !!
I haven’t played the game yet and I’ve only seen videos on social media but can anyone tell me why we only have our generic uniforms on there? No red or white Cajuns script helmets. No black uniforms/helmets etc.
Seems like if they got the stadium down to a T they could have all the uniform combinations as well. Do these things get updated?
If EA would get there stuff together with teambuilder thats why i like making my own combos and logos. I have a vision of what it could be.
Thats why i play the game, if i cant live the dream, i could sure play one and make them in what i think they should be like!
This is why logos, mascot, fan engagement is a must for the people who are in control!
That post sounds to fan-centric. This is why people who are in control need to put the time and effort in getting us to that next level. Specially what i call the simple stuff
Looks like you got your wish!
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