So…USL cannot risk alcohol consumption by college students, nor tolerate foul language (yet they condone music with themes of killing people and sexual violence towards women).
So they’ll go down the road, drink and cheer along while the band plays “Neck”. STTDB…
Which builds a fan base?
Heidie Lindsey: "Reminder! No drinking games of any kind at the tailgate and your ice chest must say "Over 21."
UL Frats/Sors: "What? Why? We've always been able to do that?"
Heidie Lindsey: "Because we said so."
UL Frat/Sors: "Well that's dumb. We'll just stay at our houses and play games."
Heidie Lindsey: "No, its family day and you need to be at the game! No excuses!"
UL Frat/Sors: "Tailgating is PART of the game and you're ruining it for us. We'd rather just have fun with friends at our houses."
Heidie Lindsey: "That's it! No one is allowed at the greek houses on gameday!"
UL Frat/Sors: "But, uh.. we.. PAY.. to live there, soooo?"
Heidie Lindsey: "Well not this Saturday you don't! And we'll have University Police standing at the doors to make sure you don't try to sneak in, you disgusting little pervs! I love Joe BIDENNNN!"
Basically how that went..
Many of them will go down the road and spend all day tailgating on Nicholson, and never go inside the stadium..So they’ll go down the road, drink and cheer along while the band plays “Neck”. STTDB…
Which builds a fan base?
I'm hearing the University is showing signs of backing down. But their tactic is to act like nothing ever happened and the mob made a big deal out of nothing. I think many of us here know that isn't the case.
In all seriousness, how can we rally the fanbase to make light of this situation?
This issue is bigger than the Greeks. The thread title needs to be changed to, "Why do we hate anything that doesn't bring in Federal funding?"
Those who know, know.
I was telling Gerry this morning, even if we win this battle, they're miles ahead in the war. We only know about this latest boondoggle because enough people got ____ed off and started sharing info. Just imagine all the under-cutting going on within that DoS office. Again, it's not a wonder why our student engagement and participation is ass.
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