Mike is one of our own. So was Dr. Authement.
Mike is one of our own. So was Dr. Authement.
Nope. I'll be pleasantly surprised if Mike is successful here because I don't think he has the experience necessary for the job. We could have hired better, and we should have. That's my point.
When I think about past administrators at Louisiana, I think one of the best was Dr. Gary Marotta. He wasn't a Louisiana guy, but he became one and made our school better.
When I think of athletic administration, I think immediately of Terry Don Phillips and Bryan Maggard. They weren't Louisiana guys, but they came here and made our programs better.
When I think of head football coaches, Billy Napier was the best we've ever had. He wasn't a Louisiana guy, but he became one and made our school better.
Athletic in-breeding, like educational in-breeding, leads to some messed up thinking and bad habits. We've always done it this way versus let's try some fresh, new ideas.
In our current athletic environment our university needs a coach who win championships, who can hold onto talent, and who can energize the fan base. The Desmo hire did none of that. We can disagree, but that I hope you don't mind that I share that in this forum.
What people are getting hung up on is the dollar amount. In this instance, "budget" has more to do with the level of coach rather than dollar amount. I personally feel we paid too much for Des. With his level of experience, we should be paying him much less. If money was an issue as big as some claim, why are we paying that much for a coach with so little experience? And our position isn't the same as Georgia Southern. Context. We were coming off the highest level of success in program history! There were coaches out there in Napier's ilk DYING to have this job! Coaches with FAR better connections with coordinators around the country. And we could've paid him what Napier started out with here in his first year. Just not smart. Whether Des ends up being successful or not, you didnt put your money on the horse with the best odds. Can it work? God, I hope so. If we were coming off of a few down seasons, a Des hire wouldnt be as bad a choice. But doing it when we did is mind boggling. It's a textbook USL move. Either way, I pray Des gets it done. It couldn't happen to a better guy. And now that he's the coach, he deserves at least 3-4 years to prove himself. If after year 3 to 4 and we're still mediocre, middle of the road....we should be looking to a new direction. I dont think a 5th year should be automatic.
I think Mike will be successful and was the right hire.
I just don't buy for one second the maintain continuity angle, to many changes across the board for continuity to roll over.
The dead pan hire didn't excite me either. I would've preferred MD be hired over someone.
That's just me.
Although with a much better Sun Belt in the last 2 years, my strong desire for us to go independent is somewhat fading, we do need to get these P5's back to Cajun Field - regardless of "cost" - ie, 2 for 1 or 3 for 1.
That - along with convincing CMD to take a few enthusiasm lessons from what Hud did - will help get butts in seats.
Great points.
I don't think hiring a local guy is always wrong. Robe is what I think we all hope CMD becomes, but that is a tall order since CMD doesn't have the DI HC experience that Robe had before he came here.
I think the thing that is causing all of the friction here is that most of us are looking at this hire from only the viewpoint of previous experience. I believe there is another, maybe even more important reason, CMD was hired other than our hopes he become another Robe.
Remember what happened when we missed the boat to the original CUSA back in 96? Doc A pulled the plug on the program and did a political hire a couple years later. It is my belief that Doc S is doing something similar on a smaller scale.
Losing Napier, NIL, the Portal and COVID all happened at the same time. Now, we are going to play in a construction zone for a couple of years. I think Doc S looked at all of this and concluded now would be a good time to pace ourselves for a little while, and if he can get lucky and find another Robe, why not try that?
Not saying I agree with this approach, but this is exactly the way Doc A would have responded to the situation I just described, and Doc S paid attention.
... or I'm completely wrong and these are just the mindless ramblings of an old fool.
Reminds me of tin foil concepts
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