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Thread: So who is Josh Cole?

  1. #61

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    You see, that's not fair. I'm not sure who you are. You could one of a couple of dozen people, or more that hate me on the air, but we get along in private. SO let me guess, you're jeweler? And my mind ain't what it used to be either. So there's that.
    Like I said, it was about 20 years ago. Since you dont remember clearly, you wanna start over and get that beef going again for old times sake you old bastard?

  2. Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Kyle won't remember this but I met him at Pete's about the time JamesTheJeweler says they met.

    It was a "Papa Joe" Chevalier broadcast that KPEL had put together.

    His polarizing calls into 14.20 were exactly what a fledgling radio format needed. I never understood Kyle until he followed Jake to Carolina.

    It took a guy named Rooster at a Ducks UnLimited fundraiser to explain Kyle to me. I've had respect for him ever since.

    Not too many people can motivate someone else to start a thread on RP by calling a radio station.

  3. #63

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlieK View Post
    I'm not shocked that has been your experience.
    It doesn't matter bro. It's the same same.

  4. #64

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    This has to be the longest circle jerk ever. You guys must have plenty of empty Truly cans laying around.

    Oh yeah, F-LSU and any school that covers up domestic violence and sexual assault.

  5. #65

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    Like I said, it was about 20 years ago. Since you dont remember clearly, you wanna start over and get that beef going again for old times sake you old bastard?
    But you're saying your place of business. And I'm thinking jewelry stores. Naccol's? A Bryant's. Is that it? I remember you Turbine. You were always a BIG fan.

  6. Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    There's so many things to say here but I'll do my best to stay on topic.
    I grew up going to LSU games and UL games. I loved sports. Still do.
    I was travel ball and all star summers into baseball when Tony took the Cajuns to Omaha. That changed everything for me. I watched Warren Morris hit the home run, but it was nothing like seeing the Cajuns dog pile on South Carolina's field or watching us beat Clemson on National TV. When I realized that BIG THINGS could be done in my hometown, my allegiance was solidified. Like many of you, I had the opportunity to leave town for college. I didn't. I wanted to be a Ragin Cajun. I wanted to tie a bond to this place forever. It's a unique University in a unique town (and just so happened to have an excellent Engineering department, so checked my boxes) that made me feel like it would uniquely represent who I was. And I could return the favor.

    Funny thing happened though.. When I started being "more UL than LSU", my friends made fun. My family made comments. My teammates laughed. While I was sitting in the rain watching Jerry frictin Baldwin torpedo this program, Denardo was building something in Baton Rouge, and Saban was doing unprecedented things.. I'll never forget that feeling. But even before, the "If you don't support the Cajuns, move to Baton Rouge" campaign was right up my ally. THAT was what we needed. The number didn't matter. We just needed a solid, convicted group of people around this town to say, "You know what, Fù** those jerks across the Basin", we're our own people; this is our university; these are OUR boys, playing for the pride of OUR people. Since then, we have built that. And it's still growing. And it's a wonderful thing. It's a big reason why I decided to say YES when Gerry & Matt asked me to be a part of the podcast. It was another avenue to grow that group of people that didn't need the approval or OK from Tiggah fans.

    I'll never bend a knee to Baton Rouge. In fact, I'll John Snow those motha effers before anything else. They (for the most part) represent a toxic culture, a type of person that I loathe to my core. A bandwagon, scene type, that jumps on the next thing because it's 'cool.' NO loyalty, no class, no willingness to weather the storm. WEAK. Tiny Dīck syndrome. Insecure. I hate it. It's not just about football. Or sports. It's about pride, having our piece of the pie, that WE DESERVE, and a way of life.

    I'm glad you know Double D, Kyle. You're a better man for it. I'm glad you know, Ed O. I'm sure he's a fascinating guy. I could spend 3 hours listing the names of great men that i've had the opportunity to know because of this university, it's athletic programs and yes, now, the podcast. I choose to plant my roots here. For a very specific reason. And I'll defend and fight for it as long as I can. I am who I am. I don't give half a fú** about making friends, saying the right things, operating in the grey or stroking the egos of the hangers on. (that's what I have Gerry for - The Liaison!)

    Love me or hate me. There really is no in between. Cheers
    Knowing someone's background and how they arrived to their position always helps.

    ps Gerry is a great liason.

  7. Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Also Kyle, if you liked the Gator stuff, you’ll love the podcast. Give it a whirl.

  8. Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginDave View Post
    Yes, this is Josh/MAT. We do completely different types of Podcasts. The guys from Ragin' Review do a great job, but what Craig and I do and what the RR guys to are different. I think most people on this site will tell you that the content while different are both very informative for the Cajun masses. I respect the guys at RR, and would assume they respect what we do as well.
    As I’ve said many times, you guys appeal to a different audience and do a damn good job at it. Your information is deep and honestly, the breakdowns are as good as anyone being paid to do it.

    I’m proud of all our fans who make an intentional, quality effort to cover the team, discuss the team, progress the cause, and keep the Cajun brand moving ahead. You guys are certainly a big part of that.

  9. #69

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    This has to be the longest circle jerk ever. You guys must have plenty of empty Truly cans laying around.

    Oh yeah, F-LSU and any school that covers up domestic violence and sexual assault.
    Just saying it doesn't get it done though. A lot of people visit this forum because it's the most open free speaking forum in the country. And people love their freedoms. I mean there are so many ways to attack LSU for it's corruption & waste it's kind of comical when you think about how easy it is to use what their administration has done against them without having to one single time call out most of their fans. Some deserve to be called out. Some need to be called out. But the majority just need to see the light for what it is.

    They also need to know that UL football is the superior product these days with a dime store price tag to boot. It is simply the best deal in sports entertainment. And maybe the best deal in all of entertainment there is to be had. The complaining about the concession lines while it may need to be addressed is just ridiculous. I've never been to a sporting event anywhere, where I haven't had to deal with outrageous lines & long waits.

    I can remember going to the NFC championship game in Chicago & leaving my seat to go to the bathroom 120 feet away. I went with 4 minutes left in the second quarter & by the time I was able to get back it almost the middle of the third quarter. That's what happens at sold out events, or special events. UL football should right now, be the hottest ticket in all of Louisiana. And every radio, TV, & internet outlet should be promoting the hell out of this game Saturday.

  10. #70

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    Just saying it doesn't get it done though. A lot of people visit this forum because it's the most open free speaking forum in the country. And people love their freedoms. I mean there are so many ways to attack LSU for it's corruption & waste it's kind of comical when you think about how easy it is to use what their administration has done against them without having to one single time call out most of their fans. Some deserve to be called out. Some need to be called out. But the majority just need to see the light for what it is.

    They also need to know that UL football is the superior product these days with a dime store price tag to boot. It is simply the best deal in sports entertainment. And maybe the best deal in all of entertainment there is to be had. The complaining about the concession lines while it may need to be addressed is just ridiculous. I've never been to a sporting event anywhere, where I haven't had to deal with outrageous lines & long waits.

    I can remember going to the NFC championship game in Chicago & leaving my seat to go to the bathroom 120 feet away. I went with 4 minutes left in the second quarter & by the time I was able to get back it almost the middle of the third quarter. That's what happens at sold out events, or special events. UL football should right now, be the hottest ticket in all of Louisiana. And every radio, TV, & internet outlet should be promoting the hell out of this game Saturday.
    You're 100% right about UL being the better overall football program right now and the best deal in entertainment. I don't argue with most LSU fans, just post the numbers and rankings for them to see. I invite my friends to games in front of everyone knowing that they will turn down the offer. It's pretty comical at times. We just have to keep pushing forward in our own ways to get people to games. Everyone has a different way of doing it.

  11. #71

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJeaux View Post
    I don't believe "kissing & telling" is the appropriate response here. You've already "told" us about your relationship w/MAT.

    PS. Yes, I'm bored and have nothing else to do at the moment but nit pick. Not leaving for the camp until after lunch.
    Chicken tenders with Coach Marlin? I just had to.

  12. #72

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Also Kyle, if you liked the Gator stuff, you’ll love the podcast. Give it a whirl.
    Having heard you, I have no doubt. I want to know what you think about the new guy coming in once he's been announced & want to read what people think about who they should get. It's the whole damn engine that drives the bus. But it's kinda hard to do when you're getting haymakers thrown at you form the people who do the podcast. So how do I catch these podcasts? Can I get them on you tube?

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