Obviously they don't have to be.
We got a good look at how Lotief plans ahead. After poking the female university employee in a heated exchange, he realized what he'd done, and what it likely meant, and began laying the groundwork for his own departure.....perhaps on his own terms, but if it didn't work out that way, he had a Plan B.
Today he realizes that this program, probably in year two under a new head coach, may exceed anything any of us (including him) dreamed. He's filed a lawsuit against the university so he can't act all kitten whiskers and puppy dog tails with that, but he can now act like he's proud of what's going on within the organization he tried to poison on his way out the door.
I wouldn't ____ on him if he was on fire.
I step off plane in Orlando and see Lotief blocked me...today is going great! LMAO
This is escalating quickly on Twitter!! I think it’s safe to say Mike needs help.
Jay Walker
“The president has been in town for commencement exercises. He will fly in tonight. And, the football team is helping to raise money to fight a horrible disease. I really thought you were better than this, Mike.”
Mike Lotief
“U don’t think I’m better than that-u slandered me for months over & over again.I have your blogs “trashing me”. I hope ULL softball wins the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP this year. Poetic justice!I know he is flying in tonite-that’s why I said THE SAME WEEK AS. Cancer is a bully, I know”
“Slander is a very strong word, Mike. Any statements I made we’re backed up by the 625 pages of documents, most of them concerning your activities. think I slandered you? Sue me.”
“Lol. No they were NOT. You slandered me.”
“I hope they win the national championship? You did everything you could to destroy the program.”
“Lol. Wrong again.”
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