If both teams pitchers can pitch with the “distraction” one would think watching from a recliner wouldn’t be all that difficult..doesn’t seem to bother the infielders with rockets coming at them
If it's going to stay, here's a real simple fix: Change the lighting. Soften it up a bit, and use LED lights so that it doesn't have a yellowish tint to it. If you want to keep this feature, then you have to keep TV in mind because this is the shot of Russo that everyone will see all over the country. Dress it up, so that it doesn't look cheap, but instead what baseball is all about: a family evening together. Why clutter up the space with cheap vinyl signs? How about a red background with the LOUISIANA logo as the backdrop behind the fans at the concessions? It would look great.
By the way, just to be clear, I think it's great for the fans. I just think the TV presentation could be a lot better.
It was designed that way for the convenience of the fan to be able to see onto the field while at concession. However it could also be a creative advertisement opportunity with the camera focused on that area every pitch.
They could put something to cover the back of the stairs, that i agree with. It needs to stay open because being able to see live action from concessions is very unique and great for the fans.
Do they make signs like the window tinting that is 1 sided?...anyone from Lowry’s Printing on this biotch?...
Yes you did. I am not at all saying the university should ask for a donation then decide where its going. I am simply saying many of the same may want to give to russo, the club house and football and there money to donate may be a finite number. Many will give the biggest donation to the first request which will make the football donation less. Over the last few years they asked many of the same people for donations for the softball park, track and soccer complex, russo and now they about to go to them for football. I have always been under the opinion you should have asked for football first and then the others. That wouldn't take anything away from those sports who have donors that only want to give to that specific sport. It would have supported the sport that funds many of those other smaller first.
Exactly my point if you read all the way through. I am not talking about the Russo's of the world with the love of only one sport. Never said they should take his money and put it elsewhere. I am talking more about that donor that wants to give some to all sports.
Is russo self funding the club house that has to be built before they can bulldoze the cox? If so then not an issue. If not I am simply saying its time to start asking for football renovation money, so they can move on with the single most important part of the master plan. You know the one that generates the most money for the department.
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