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Thread: Happy Founding Day

  1. #1

    Default Happy Founding Day

    Our Founding Day, July 14, 1898, was yesterday. Picture and link are from the UL FB page.

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  2. Default Re: Happy Founding Day

    areas of excellence --- We are proud to rank among the nation's leading programs in the following areas—not just because we strive to be the best, but because they each reflect a commitment to our core values of helping others, research for a reason, taking learning beyond the classroom, and bringing people together.

    Louisiana arts, culture, and heritage programs and research, including a focus on Cajun and Creole cultural traditions;
    • Computing, informatics, and smart systems development;
    • Nursing and health care systems and support; and
    • Programs in environment, energy, and economics

  3. #3

    Default Happy Founding Day

    Our beloved university turns a young 120 years old today!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Happy Founding Day

  5. #5

    Default Re: Happy Founding Day

  6. #6

    Default Re: Happy Founding Day

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunDreDog View Post
    Great video.

    But, to note, the alumni logo is yet another 'illegal' effort on our part: the city designation should be no less than 50% of the UL part. Guess it will be another part of that lawsuit they got going on in S. Arky.

  7. Default Re: Happy Founding Day

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    Great video.

    But, to note, the alumni logo is yet another 'illegal' effort on our part: the city designation should be no less than 50% of the UL part. Guess it will be another part of that lawsuit they got going on in S. Arky.
    Without "at" between the Who and the Where, it's all illegal.

  8. Default Re: Happy Founding Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Without "at" between the Who and the Where, it's all illegal.
    Got a dissappointment yesterday going around Campus and Lafayette......just not a clean area....grass not cut nor trimmed properly.....the drive through the north mall to the airport looked like a poor area of a foreign country......we need to start with the campus and move out in a huge private/city clean up......hate the school to just not to be immaculate (pride of being part of tradition).......this can be done!!!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Happy Founding Day

    Boomer how was the inaugural campus opening? Can you give us the highlights of what it was like during those first few years?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Happy Founding Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    Got a dissappointment yesterday going around Campus and Lafayette......just not a clean area....grass not cut nor trimmed properly.....the drive through the north mall to the airport looked like a poor area of a foreign country......we need to start with the campus and move out in a huge private/city clean up......hate the school to just not to be immaculate (pride of being part of tradition).......this can be done!!!
    Boomer is so right! Lafayette is a nice city, but is always an eyesore when driving through it. It makes a very poor impression on any visitor whether exiting on Evangeline Trwy, Ambassador Caffery - Bertrand Drive going to the athletic complex, or University Ave. Time for a city-wide clean-up. Especially Evangeline Trwy to the airport. And, the athletic complex needs a major dressing up. The facilities have no landscaping, grass un-cut, weeds, buildings need to be washed. I went to the UL v. Florida softball games. A nice stadium inside. Outside, not so attractive. How about some landscaping, plants, pressure washing, dress up the exterior entrances. Take a little more pride in the product. Think about the public's impression when they attend an event. The APC is really nice, but the exterior entrance with dead plants, cracked sidewalk, and nothing done to complete the attractive building that it is. To use real estate terminology, we have Class A facilities inside, but Class C facilities outside. An exterior dress up of all facilities is needed. Use students from the horticulture department for an on-going project. Find alumni who own landscaping companies and work with them to really dress up the complex. Sometimes we go to work and don't see the forest for the trees. Don't recognize the obvious. This has been one of my pet peeves for a long time and is all correctable by UL and the City! BTW, I wrote to Dr. Maggard about a visitor's impression of our athletic complex following my visit for the Florida series. No response from him on that or anything I have ever sent him. I haven't been back since then, so I don't know if anything has been done. Judging from Boomer's email, it doesn't appear so.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Happy Founding Day

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    Boomer is so right! Lafayette is a nice city, but is always an eyesore when driving through it. It makes a very poor impression on any visitor whether exiting on Evangeline Trwy, Ambassador Caffery - Bertrand Drive going to the athletic complex, or University Ave. Time for a city-wide clean-up. Especially Evangeline Trwy to the airport. And, the athletic complex needs a major dressing up. The facilities have no landscaping, grass un-cut, weeds, buildings need to be washed. I went to the UL v. Florida softball games. A nice stadium inside. Outside, not so attractive. How about some landscaping, plants, pressure washing, dress up the exterior entrances. Take a little more pride in the product. Think about the public's impression when they attend an event. The APC is really nice, but the exterior entrance with dead plants, cracked sidewalk, and nothing done to complete the attractive building that it is. To use real estate terminology, we have Class A facilities inside, but Class C facilities outside. An exterior dress up of all facilities is needed. Use students from the horticulture department for an on-going project. Find alumni who own landscaping companies and work with them to really dress up the complex. Sometimes we go to work and don't see the forest for the trees. Don't recognize the obvious. This has been one of my pet peeves for a long time and is all correctable by UL and the City! BTW, I wrote to Dr. Maggard about a visitor's impression of our athletic complex following my visit for the Florida series. No response from him on that or anything I have ever sent him. I haven't been back since then, so I don't know if anything has been done. Judging from Boomer's email, it doesn't appear so.
    I agree 100%, HC! We really need to do something about that aspect of the campus & city.

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