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Thread: The Book CC Track & Field 2007-08

  1. #145

    Default Re: UL Track coach Steve Silvey resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post
    _ Who was what related to? If you're talking about the athlete, I don't know. My source wouldn't give me his or her name.

    But from what I was told, this wasn't the first time the administration tried to keep Silvey from pulling an athlete's scholarship. _
    Yea, that is what I was alluding to. It sounded like the usual incestous relationships that plague this administration. They finally bring in someone from outside who has been succesful but then don't want to let them implement what they think needs to be done to have that same kind of success here. I wonder if it has ever occurred to the powers that be in the administration who seem to be fond of saying "Thats not how we do it here" that maybe "they way we do it around here" is the reason for their lack of success.

  2. #146

    Default Re: UL Track coach Steve Silvey resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeebart21 View Post
    _ Iraqi war veteran. None of the above apply.

    12, I dont want to get caught in the cross and 4life were doing just fine, and I was getting a kick out of it....

    The "contributing 0, cry baby attitude, true colors, quitter, and runs away, accusations aren't true. His military duty may mean nothing to some, to me its everything.

    Just my .02. Ya'll carry on.

    Z _
    the z-man can make a post; well done, sir.

  3. #147

    Default Re: UL Track coach Steve Silvey resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun4life View Post
    _ That's right. Fight or flight? Really are you serious? I run away? Let me tell you something you pompus _____!!! I do not run away I have fought for this country in Iraq and seen many of my friends die first hand and I fought every day for your _____ ass to be a blind follower of this piece of ____ university. I spent 5 years as an athlete at UL 2 with football and 5 with track. I gave up my last year of track to deploy to Iraq and fight for _____'s like you. You do not know who I am or what I have done so keep on with the personal attacks you _____ as _____.

    This University is a joke and I have contributed many many hours of my life to it so I have a right to be critical of failure and lack of funding. Drink your beer, sit in the stands and shut the ____ up. _
    a great post. i'd love to see it without blanks.

  4. #148

    Default Re: UL Track coach Steve Silvey resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun4life View Post
    _ This is not just about Authement, Savioe couls have phoned Silvey and given him the money he was promised in the Fall. But he did not do that and Silvey resigned. Track would have been in the hunt for a top ten finish in the NCAA's within three years and they ____ed it away but doing the same ____ that the admin has done to every track coach to ever coach the Cajuns. The have tarnished this university's reputation and will never succeed in any sport until they pony up the dough and stick with there promises.

    I am done with this program and this university. My loyalty will go elsewhere, just not to the east. _

    Hold on folks. Has anyone read between the lines here? I've wondered since last summer about one lingering question: If this is such a GREAT coach, why did MAJOR TRACK SCHOOLS have him penciled in as an assistant coach for the past 20 years? And why was someone this GREAT attracted to the rauncy place everyone here says UL is -- over MAJOR track schools with a ton more money than we will ever have? His first and last head coaching job was at a junior college 20 years ago that had funding for athletes who could not get into major schools in the SEC, SWC, Big 10 and Pac 10. A street bum with that kind of funding could build a great resume too, especially with the biggies hand-feeding their acadadmic non-qualifiers to him on silver platters each year. The 2007-2008 track budget is reported to be three times greater than ever before and the 2nd largest in the state behind the purple and puke. (It's bigger than UL baseball effective this year). All of the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning gripers here need to drop a dime to former employers at Oregon, Arkansas and Texas Tech to get info on why he left those programs. The administration here doled out a ton of track money since last July and its gone with the wind. The 1st collegiate meet of the year had NO ONE here. UL literally ran a inter-squad meet. The next one was cancelled because NO ONE was coming. If a coach is that great, where are the mountains of admirers from within his/her own ranks who should be flocking to support this fantastic coach on his maiden voyage? BTW, there's a third meet on the schedule, but when looking at schedules of 60 some odd southern schools, we ain't on any of them, and we weren't on any for the first two meets either. This sounds more like someone marching into town and saying I have 30 acres of the moon sitting out there with your name on them if you hire me today. I'm the hottest thing since sliced bread and you better hire me because I'm the greatest bread slicer in history. If you don't believe I'm great, JUST ASK ME. Always remember, there are TWO sides to every story and don't be too quick to say the admin dropped the ball on this one. They MIGHT have surprised folks and nipped a potentially lethal problem in the bud. Hide and watch, and in time we'll all get the REST OF THE STORY. (al la Paul Harvey)

    PS - Does anyone know that he WASN'T given what he was promised? 5 will get ya 10 that they delivered!

  5. #149

    Default Re: UL Track coach Steve Silvey resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    Yea, that is what I was alluding to. It sounded like the usual incestous relationships that plague this administration. They finally bring in someone from outside who has been succesful but then don't want to let them implement what they think needs to be done to have that same kind of success here. I wonder if it has ever occurred to the powers that be in the administration who seem to be fond of saying "Thats not how we do it here" that maybe "they way we do it around here" is the reason for their lack of success.
    You said a mouthful there, Hammer! Nail, meet hammer (pun intended!)!

  6. #150

    Default Re: UL Track coach Steve Silvey resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by houndoggy1 View Post
    Hold on folks. Has anyone read between the lines here? I've wondered since last summer about one lingering question: If this is such a GREAT coach, why did MAJOR TRACK SCHOOLS have him penciled in as an assistant coach for the past 20 years? And why was someone this GREAT attracted to the rauncy place everyone here says UL is -- over MAJOR track schools with a ton more money than we will ever have? His first and last head coaching job was at a junior college 20 years ago that had funding for athletes who could not get into major schools in the SEC, SWC, Big 10 and Pac 10. A street bum with that kind of funding could build a great resume too, especially with the biggies hand-feeding their acadadmic non-qualifiers to him on silver platters each year. The 2007-2008 track budget is reported to be three times greater than ever before and the 2nd largest in the state behind the purple and puke. (It's bigger than UL baseball effective this year). All of the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning gripers here need to drop a dime to former employers at Oregon, Arkansas and Texas Tech to get info on why he left those programs. The administration here doled out a ton of track money since last July and its gone with the wind. The 1st collegiate meet of the year had NO ONE here. UL literally ran a inter-squad meet. The next one was cancelled because NO ONE was coming. If a coach is that great, where are the mountains of admirers from within his/her own ranks who should be flocking to support this fantastic coach on his maiden voyage? BTW, there's a third meet on the schedule, but when looking at schedules of 60 some odd southern schools, we ain't on any of them, and we weren't on any for the first two meets either. This sounds more like someone marching into town and saying I have 30 acres of the moon sitting out there with your name on them if you hire me today. I'm the hottest thing since sliced bread and you better hire me because I'm the greatest bread slicer in history. If you don't believe I'm great, JUST ASK ME. Always remember, there are TWO sides to every story and don't be too quick to say the admin dropped the ball on this one. They MIGHT have surprised folks and nipped a potentially lethal problem in the bud. Hide and watch, and in time we'll all get the REST OF THE STORY. (al la Paul Harvey)

    PS - Does anyone know that he WASN'T given what he was promised? 5 will get ya 10 that they delivered!


  7. #151

    Default Re: UL Track coach Steve Silvey resigns

    No matter the issues involved, this or any other disgruntled employee who wants to pick up his/her marbles and go home should be shown the door as soon as their resignation is received. A concern here should be the damage one can inflict between now and June 30.

  8. #152

    Default Re: UL Track coach Steve Silvey resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by houndoggy1 View Post
    _ VOCABULARY 101 (and accompanying DEFINITIONS

    psy•cho•path \"sï-k€-'path\ noun [ISV] (1885)
    : a mentally ill or unstable person; esp : a person having a psychopathic personality

    psy•chop•a•thy \sï-"kä-p€-thÈ\ noun [ISV] (1847)
    : mental disorder; esp : extreme mental disorder marked usu. by egocentric and antisocial activity

    ego•cen•tric \'È-gÖ-"sen-trik also 'e-\ adjective (1894)
    1 : concerned with the individual rather than society
    2 : taking the ego as the starting point in philosophy
    3 a : limited in outlook or concern to one's own activities or needs
    c : unconcerned with normal standards within a society _

  9. #153

    Default Re: UL Track coach Steve Silvey resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by houndoggy1 View Post
    _ Hold on folks. Has anyone read between the lines here? I've wondered since last summer about one lingering question: If this is such a GREAT coach, why did MAJOR TRACK SCHOOLS have him penciled in as an assistant coach for the past 20 years? And why was someone this GREAT attracted to the rauncy place everyone here says UL is -- over MAJOR track schools with a ton more money than we will ever have? His first and last head coaching job was at a junior college 20 years ago that had funding for athletes who could not get into major schools in the SEC, SWC, Big 10 and Pac 10. A street bum with that kind of funding could build a great resume too, especially with the biggies hand-feeding their acadadmic non-qualifiers to him on silver platters each year. The 2007-2008 track budget is reported to be three times greater than ever before and the 2nd largest in the state behind the purple and puke. (It's bigger than UL baseball effective this year). All of the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning gripers here need to drop a dime to former employers at Oregon, Arkansas and Texas Tech to get info on why he left those programs. The administration here doled out a ton of track money since last July and its gone with the wind. The 1st collegiate meet of the year had NO ONE here. UL literally ran a inter-squad meet. The next one was cancelled because NO ONE was coming. If a coach is that great, where are the mountains of admirers from within his/her own ranks who should be flocking to support this fantastic coach on his maiden voyage? BTW, there's a third meet on the schedule, but when looking at schedules of 60 some odd southern schools, we ain't on any of them, and we weren't on any for the first two meets either. This sounds more like someone marching into town and saying I have 30 acres of the moon sitting out there with your name on them if you hire me today. I'm the hottest thing since sliced bread and you better hire me because I'm the greatest bread slicer in history. If you don't believe I'm great, JUST ASK ME. Always remember, there are TWO sides to every story and don't be too quick to say the admin dropped the ball on this one. They MIGHT have surprised folks and nipped a potentially lethal problem in the bud. Hide and watch, and in time we'll all get the REST OF THE STORY. (al la Paul Harvey)

    PS - Does anyone know that he WASN'T given what he was promised? 5 will get ya 10 that they delivered! _
    houndoggy1, I usually agree with your post but this sounds alot like damage control from the administration. If what you and others are alleging is true, then once again our athletic department has failed in pre-screening applicants for a coaching position. Didn’t we learn anything from the debacle of hiring of Cyprien? And if we have cause to terminate Silvey, then why would the Administration allow him to stay on and coach the program for two more meets? This whole PR nightmare does not pass the smell test and I’m going to withhold any judgment beyond this point. From what I’m hearing from some of the parents of Silvey’s recruits, our administration doesn’t come out smelling like roses either.

  10. #154

    Default Re: UL Track coach Steve Silvey resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    _ _
    What are you getting at with that post, Jay?

    Do you know something the rest of us don't?

  11. #155

    Default Re: UL Track coach Steve Silvey resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by houndoggy1 View Post
    _ Hold on folks. Has anyone read between the lines here? I've wondered since last summer about one lingering question: If this is such a GREAT coach, why did MAJOR TRACK SCHOOLS have him penciled in as an assistant coach for the past 20 years? And why was someone this GREAT attracted to the rauncy place everyone here says UL is -- over MAJOR track schools with a ton more money than we will ever have? His first and last head coaching job was at a junior college 20 years ago that had funding for athletes who could not get into major schools in the SEC, SWC, Big 10 and Pac 10. A street bum with that kind of funding could build a great resume too, especially with the biggies hand-feeding their acadadmic non-qualifiers to him on silver platters each year. The 2007-2008 track budget is reported to be three times greater than ever before and the 2nd largest in the state behind the purple and puke. (It's bigger than UL baseball effective this year). All of the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning gripers here need to drop a dime to former employers at Oregon, Arkansas and Texas Tech to get info on why he left those programs. The administration here doled out a ton of track money since last July and its gone with the wind. The 1st collegiate meet of the year had NO ONE here. UL literally ran a inter-squad meet. The next one was cancelled because NO ONE was coming. If a coach is that great, where are the mountains of admirers from within his/her own ranks who should be flocking to support this fantastic coach on his maiden voyage? BTW, there's a third meet on the schedule, but when looking at schedules of 60 some odd southern schools, we ain't on any of them, and we weren't on any for the first two meets either. This sounds more like someone marching into town and saying I have 30 acres of the moon sitting out there with your name on them if you hire me today. I'm the hottest thing since sliced bread and you better hire me because I'm the greatest bread slicer in history. If you don't believe I'm great, JUST ASK ME. Always remember, there are TWO sides to every story and don't be too quick to say the admin dropped the ball on this one. They MIGHT have surprised folks and nipped a potentially lethal problem in the bud. Hide and watch, and in time we'll all get the REST OF THE STORY. (al la Paul Harvey)

    PS - Does anyone know that he WASN'T given what he was promised? 5 will get ya 10 that they delivered! _
    If the reasons I were told are correct, the administration fighting against Silvey when he wanted to pull scholarships from free-loaders, then it sounds like this unfortunate situation was not his doing.

    Someone who had to walk on to the team then earn a scholarship 8 years ago, scholarship guys not producing a damn thing has been a problem since 1999 on that team, and probably started before then. At some point, the coach has to take a stand. But, when Silvey took that stand, the administration told him NO.

  12. #156
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: UL Track coach Steve Silvey resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    _ _
    Jay, I wish you would explain this post as well. If you are implying Silvey is both egocentric and psycho, this too is a bigger implication on Martin Hall than on Silvey. If he has a track record (no pun intended) that in retrospect is questionable, why did we hire him in the first place? Did his personality traits and/or diminished mental function just show up on our watch?

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