What is your definition of support?
Is your definition of UL support equal to your definition of State support?
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No your "support" for both schools allows you to lean heavily towards the winning school. Just like everyone who says I pull for all state schools, just means you can always hitch your wagon to a winning team. Your a typical bandwagonner and that is just a sad and pathetic existence, your as loyal as a piece of cheese.
Who is more the fool: the fool, or the one who follows him?
At least I've taken a side.
My allegiances are not hidden.
I don't pretend to be something I am not.
I support my town AND my school.
And if you don't think that UL has a bigger economic impact in this city than State does, you are the one who is out of his mind.
Nope...I mean what I say. I'm perfectly capable of pulling for UNO or McNeese or any other state school to do well and at the same time pulling for LSU to do well. If you can't, that's ok...each to our own.
Yep, you have me figured out. I have a section in my closet devoted to the next bandwagon I want to jump on. I can't put anything over on you.:D
Ridiculous. I was born and raised in Baton Rouge (also an LSU alum), and I've never seriously cheered for any other school. Sure, I will casually pull for other teams, such as the Cajuns. There are plenty of bandwagon fans out there for every major school that endures a lot of success, but to classify every fan as "bandwagon" just isn't true. If having a lot of bandwagon fans is the byproduct of success, then I'm certainly willing to deal with it. It's pretty simple to realize that more fans equals more exposure which ultimately leads to more $$$$ for your school.
There are no nicer people than Cajun fans. I've never seen competitors act right and get treated so well... from anywhere and everywhere. If UL people are treated poorly, I do believe we are extremely defensive. It has been earned honestly in this state. It is rare for UL fans to go on the attack. Far too often someone states their extremely uneducated opinion against UL and then either runs from the facts or goes into the next round of uneducated emotionally-biased mud-slinging. Some UL people have absolutely had enough of it... and some are on this forum.
It is ridiculous for any person, fundamentally representing another school, to get on a fan forum of another school and not expect some lively bantering. I like to view other forums of other schools... and people are crazy if they think we (Ragin Cajuns) uniquely slam "guests" who pontificate about their wonderful alma maters... or bandwagon preference.
There is one prevasive mentality in this state among people who do not bother to learn otherwise.... they continually compare UL to every other state school... except LSU... and believe UL is just "another state school". UL is not as large as LSU. But, "football withstanding"... UL is outpacing the other state schools in a large field of academic areas. It is due primarily to the Acadiana area and a concentrated, fairly long run of oil industry wealth and prosperity.
Regardless... you act right 4LSU... from what I've seen... and you do not get treated unfairly on here. You aren't very contraversial and haven't very often gone into a "well, I better straighten this out". I don't have a need to get straightened out very often. I try to operate on the facts and continuously weigh my bias into what comes out of my mouth or off my fingertips. You seem to do the same.