Re: Baseball Roster Observation
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I agree. But by the same token you can visibly see the lack of heart this team has in comparison to virtually any team in school history. The teams of the last couple years are nothing like any teams we have had in the last 15 years. Robe has always prided himself in recruiting a certain type of player, more importantly, NOT recruiting a certain type of player. All we have on this roster outside of Gunner is a bunch of guys Who would fall in the category of being the type of player Robe wouldn’t want. The players on this roster fit in the category of every “Robeism” we have ever heard. Our recruiting has gotten away from us the last couple of years, and historically I would argue that robe has done a great job of measuring heart in the recruiting process.
I can't disagree. We seem to have recently missed quite often on physical AND emotional talent.
Re: Baseball Roster Observation
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How long has Blake Trahan been in minors? Longer than 2 years right? Also, from the private school system, Taylor Dugas was drafted early and he played until he was cut. Andrew Stevenson stuck with it.
What I'm getting from all of this is we should only recruit public school kids from the Dominican Republic.
High draft pick money in BT's pocket too. He has a good chance of making the big club this spring. Chase Lambin played forever too.
Re: Baseball Roster Observation
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So which bucket does the OP put the following players in? Asking for a friend.
Justin Robicheaux
Austin Robicheaux
Jefferies Tatford
Hunter Moody
Danny Farquhar
Tell your friend that the OP (me) didn't include pitchers in the discussion. Pitchers are a different breed :)
And Tatford was a badass. Just like Butler and Girouard and Leonards...the list goes on.
But the point was, and if you want to take the time and do it, go right ahead, that if you made a list of the tough as hell ball players that have played here under Robe that came from publics, it would be a whole lot longer than the private list.
It was an observation of how the program has dwindled over the last few years...and it just so happens that we've gone from a bunch of public school guys with a few private school guys mixed in to the exact opposite over the same period of time. Once again for those in the observation.
Re: Baseball Roster Observation
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Tell your friend that the OP (me) didn't include pitchers in the discussion. Pitchers are a different breed :)
And Tatford was a badass. Just like Butler and Girouard and Leonards...the list goes on.
But the point was, and if you want to take the time and do it, go right ahead, that if you made a list of the tough as hell ball players that have played here under Robe that came from publics, it would be a whole lot longer than the private list.
It was an observation of how the program has dwindled over the last few years...and it just so happens that we've gone from a bunch of public school guys with a few private school guys mixed in to the exact opposite over the same period of time. Once again for those in the observation.
What makes a kid tough? Batting average?
Re: Baseball Roster Observation
I would also be curious to know::::
Which coach or coaches are doing the bulk of the heavy lifting regarding our recruiting?
What is the general strategy and vision they’re using to identify which kids they think are the right fit?
And how this lines up with whatever we have historically done to identify kids who fit our general mold/culture?
Re: Baseball Roster Observation
When I read here the new hitting approach was to work walks, that told me all I needed to know about the physical and emotional talent level of this team. The rest is a foregone conclusion.
Re: Baseball Roster Observation
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Public school
Re: Baseball Roster Observation
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Tell your friend that the OP (me) didn't include pitchers in the discussion. Pitchers are a different breed :)
And Tatford was a badass. Just like Butler and Girouard and Leonards...the list goes on.
But the point was, and if you want to take the time and do it, go right ahead, that if you made a list of the tough as hell ball players that have played here under Robe that came from publics, it would be a whole lot longer than the private list.
It was an observation of how the program has dwindled over the last few years...and it just so happens that we've gone from a bunch of public school guys with a few private school guys mixed in to the exact opposite over the same period of time. Once again for those in the observation.
Can't see from back here, but all looks like logical observations.
The poster that interjected Obumer in the mix lacks any ability to observe, that dude was a basketball guy.
Public, private, Dominican, American, city, country - separate them as you may, but what this team lacks (in addition to possibly talent) is the couple of alpha males that tend to lead and help the team get the most out of every player on the field at a given time and moment. Alpha males that play this role tend to help cover up instances where there is lack of talent with throw down. I believe we may be somewhat short on both at this time.
Re: Baseball Roster Observation
Originally Posted by
Can’t see from back here, but all looks like logical observations.
The poster that interjected Obumer in the mix lacks any ability to observe, that dude was a basketball guy.
Public, private, Dominican, American, city, country - separate them as you may, but what this team lacks (in addition to possibly talent) is the couple of alpha males that tend to lead and help,the team get the most out of every player on the field at a given time and moment. Alpha males that play this role tend to help cover up instances where there is lack of talent with throw down. I believe we may be so,what short on both at this time.
But but but Robe and Babs said that Monica was the true alpha male on this roster