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Thread: Oaks Along Cajun Field

  1. #1

    Louisiana Campus Oaks Along Cajun Field

    I saw this posted on facebook so I copied it and will paste below. As someone who drives this path at least 10 to 15 times a week the same thoughts have crossed my mind. What say y’all?

    “Before you crucify me. I KNOW THIS WILL BE VERY UNPOPULAR WITH SOME PEOPLE. As we all know the university is building a beautiful new football stadium. Today as I was driving up Bertrand to Congress where I took a right, these are the 2 roads that cajun field sits on. As I was driving I was trying to check out the stadium construction from the road and realized that all I can see is the oak trees that line the stadium. It is evident this will be a multi million dollar beautiful structure that will not be able to be seen from the road view. Your curb appeal is your best advertisement. It’s time the oaks must go. They just don’t fit in with stadium anymore and hinder more than they do good. I realize you will have some tree huggers freak out for a bit but they will get over it.

    If you don’t believe me look at OLOL stadium from the road next time you pass and ask yourself, should they be hiding that multi million dollar investment like that?”

  2. #2

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    The oaks were saved on purpose by being very careful during the demolition. They are not going anywhere.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    I saw this posted on facebook so I copied it and will paste below. As someone who drives this path at least 10 to 15 times a week the same thoughts have crossed my mind. What say y’all?

    “Before you crucify me. I KNOW THIS WILL BE VERY UNPOPULAR WITH SOME PEOPLE. As we all know the university is building a beautiful new football stadium. Today as I was driving up Bertrand to Congress where I took a right, these are the 2 roads that cajun field sits on. As I was driving I was trying to check out the stadium construction from the road and realized that all I can see is the oak trees that line the stadium. It is evident this will be a multi million dollar beautiful structure that will not be able to be seen from the road view. Your curb appeal is your best advertisement. It’s time the oaks must go. They just don’t fit in with stadium anymore and hinder more than they do good. I realize you will have some tree huggers freak out for a bit but they will get over it.

    If you don’t believe me look at OLOL stadium from the road next time you pass and ask yourself, should they be hiding that multi million dollar investment like that?”
    100% agree with you. I walk past the stadium twice a day, to and from work, and this thought crosses my mind every single day. At least 1 more tree should be cut down or moved.

  4. Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Oaks go back to the foundation of the university. I fully appreciate the point of hiding the investment, but the oaks aren’t going anywhere.

    We got a better chance of the old BYOB student section returning than the oaks going away. Neither is happening.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    I agree they block the view of our multi million dollar investment and should be removed.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    I saw this posted on facebook so I copied it and will paste below. As someone who drives this path at least 10 to 15 times a week the same thoughts have crossed my mind. What say y’all?

    “Before you crucify me. I KNOW THIS WILL BE VERY UNPOPULAR WITH SOME PEOPLE. As we all know the university is building a beautiful new football stadium. Today as I was driving up Bertrand to Congress where I took a right, these are the 2 roads that cajun field sits on. As I was driving I was trying to check out the stadium construction from the road and realized that all I can see is the oak trees that line the stadium. It is evident this will be a multi million dollar beautiful structure that will not be able to be seen from the road view. Your curb appeal is your best advertisement. It’s time the oaks must go. They just don’t fit in with stadium anymore and hinder more than they do good. I realize you will have some tree huggers freak out for a bit but they will get over it.

    If you don’t believe me look at OLOL stadium from the road next time you pass and ask yourself, should they be hiding that multi million dollar investment like that?”
    I suppose that depends on whether we want to change who we are to impress outsiders, or whether we're confident in ourselves as we are.

    Our 1st president founded the American Live Oak Society, with members across the South & beyond. On the 1st day of 1900, he planted the 20th Century Oaks that ring the original campus. He cultivated oaks on campus, and sold them to other Louisiana universities. Some of the oaks at LSU & Tulane apparently came from little SLII.

    "Better one's own path, though imperfect, than another's well-made."

  7. #7

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    I saw this posted on facebook so I copied it and will paste below. As someone who drives this path at least 10 to 15 times a week the same thoughts have crossed my mind. What say y’all?

    “Before you crucify me. I KNOW THIS WILL BE VERY UNPOPULAR WITH SOME PEOPLE. As we all know the university is building a beautiful new football stadium. Today as I was driving up Bertrand to Congress where I took a right, these are the 2 roads that cajun field sits on. As I was driving I was trying to check out the stadium construction from the road and realized that all I can see is the oak trees that line the stadium. It is evident this will be a multi million dollar beautiful structure that will not be able to be seen from the road view. Your curb appeal is your best advertisement. It’s time the oaks must go. They just don’t fit in with stadium anymore and hinder more than they do good. I realize you will have some tree huggers freak out for a bit but they will get over it.

    If you don’t believe me look at OLOL stadium from the road next time you pass and ask yourself, should they be hiding that multi million dollar investment like that?”
    It's not as crazy an idea as you may think. They actually are hindering the view. Some innovative solution should be proposed by any and all.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Keep the oaks. Only way I will support removing one of those oaks is to make our own grove in our dusty gravel parking lot.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    I disagree with this take. The Oaks are beautiful and only enhance the ambience and appearance of the stadium. I pass by every day and love the curb appeal!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    I hear a lot of you, I guess I am not the kind of person who gets worked up over trees or animals. When an innocent baby dies in a society where we kill our unborn youth, I am heart broken. If someone cuts down a freaking tree in the name of progress I could care less. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field


  12. #12

    Default Re: Oaks Along Cajun Field

    Just as an FYI for those of you who haven’t noticed, some of the oaks have already paid the ultimate sacrifice.

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