View Poll Results: Do you support Albineaux the Gator?

723. This poll is closed
  • Yes

    504 69.71%
  • No

    219 30.29%
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Thread: Albineaux Concept 70% Approval Rating (Year Long Poll)

  1. #1

    Poll Albineaux Concept 70% Approval Rating (Year Long Poll)

    I support Albineaux the Gator.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Poll on Albineaux the White Gator


  3. Default Re: Poll on Albineaux the White Gator

    I want to point out that he is not a white gator. He an is an albino alligator. That is why is name is Albineaux. As I stated in the phase 2 presentation, it’s important that he is an albino alligator (a real life animal almost exclusively born in Louisiana) and not just a school colored white gator, because of the origin connection to the Cajun migration and the metaphorical parallel with albino animals needing new habitats to thrive.

    Also, being albino doesn’t mean white. It comes from an absence of pigmentation (no dedicated skin color). This is also intentional in his design because although we are the Ragin Cajuns, our university, community, and even the ethnic make up of Cajun itself, is really diverse and beautifully complex. That’s why he can’t be labeled one color. Because he is built to represent us all, and Acadiana, and the great state of Louisiana, aren’t one color.

  4. Default Re: Poll on Albineaux the White Gator

    Couillion, you have really done an amazing job with the creation, presentation and selflessness that you have approached this project. All the thoughts are genuine. Only those with an adverse agenda can present something contrary to what you provided. Hopefully with a wing and a prayer we can adopt Al and everything you have presented around him as our own. The kids need it, the adults need it and most importantly Louisiana needs it. Go forth young man and hold the course.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Poll on Albineaux the White Gator

    Quote Originally Posted by CouillonCinema View Post
    I want to point out that he is not a white gator. He an is an albino alligator. That is why is name is Albineaux. As I stated in the phase 2 presentation, it’s important that he is an albino alligator (a real life animal almost exclusively born in Louisiana) and not just a school colored white gator, because of the origin connection to the Cajun migration and the metaphorical parallel with albino animals needing new habitats to thrive.

    Also, being albino doesn’t mean white. It comes from an absence of pigmentation (no dedicated skin color). This is also intentional in his design because although we are the Ragin Cajuns, our university, community, and even the ethnic make up of Cajun itself, is really diverse and beautifully complex. That’s why he can’t be labeled one color. Because he is built to represent us all, and Acadiana, and the great state of Louisiana, aren’t one color.
    I am sorry if a moderator can change the title i am down.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Poll on Albineaux the White Gator

    I'm in, we need a unique mascot and your story is fantastic with this one.

  7. Default Re: Poll on Albineaux the Gator

    Support Albineaux the Gator.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Poll on Albineaux the Gator

    Well hopefully if we have 90% that vote yes and 300 people who vote on this poll. Hopefully that be enough for the administration to see the light and actually get it done!

    We really need a mascot.

    Do we need a get out the vote campaign lol.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Poll on Albineaux the Gator

    I am just curious how many register users does RaginPagin have ?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Poll on Albineaux the Gator

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin9221 View Post
    Well hopefully if we have 90% that vote yes and 300 people who vote on this poll. Hopefully that be enough for the administration to see the light and actually get it done!

    We really need a mascot.

    Do we need a get out the vote campaign lol.
    In spite of what appears to be the opinion of the participants on this board, I really don’t think this is a popular idea outside of the ragin’ pagin’ world.

    It has been suggested that the concept be taken to social media

    Well, it has been.

    Channel 10 and channel 3 have both done articles on the concept of the albino alligator. Likewise, it has been discussed on the Ragin’ Cajun football Facebook page.

    Admittedly, all of our opinions on the acceptance of the concept or anecdotal, but if you go to the Facebook, pages of those three instances that I offered, overwhelmingly the concept of Albineaux is being rejected.

    It has been stated that this was really just a start a conversation.

    Only two conversations are being had right now.

    The one on thisce board that says this is the only acceptable concept.

    And the one in the outside world, where folks are thinking that somebody is trying to replace “Ragin’ Cajuns“as our mascot or our identity or whatever you wanna call it

  11. #11

    Default Re: Poll on Albineaux the Gator

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Monkee View Post
    In spite of what appears to be the opinion of the participants on this board, I really don’t think this is a popular idea outside of the ragin’ pagin’ world.

    It has been suggested that the concept be taken to social media

    Well, it has been.

    Channel 10 and channel 3 have both done articles on the concept of the albino alligator. Likewise, it has been discussed on the Ragin’ Cajun football Facebook page.

    Admittedly, all of our opinions on the acceptance of the concept or anecdotal, but if you go to the Facebook, pages of those three instances that I offered, overwhelmingly the concept of Albineaux is being rejected.

    It has been stated that this was really just a start a conversation.

    Only two conversations are being had right now.

    The one on thisce board that says this is the only acceptable concept.

    And the one in the outside world, where folks are thinking that somebody is trying to replace “Ragin’ Cajuns“as our mascot or our identity or whatever you wanna call it
    And that's why I called those on that Facebook site as dolts...opinion voiced without knowledge of topic...Also suggested that Al set up his own social media accounts...speakong in the first person...that's good social markerting

  12. #12

    Default Re: Poll on Albineaux the Gator

    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    And that's why I called those on that Facebook site as dolts...opinion voiced without knowledge of topic...Also suggested that Al set up his own social media accounts...speakong in the first person...that's good social markerting
    So anyone who disagrees with the concept is a dolt.

    Got it

    So much for Corey‘s wishes that there be no contention and name-calling regarding the conversation

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