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Thread: Frank's donating $2.83 million to UL engineering

  1. Default Frank's donating $2.83 million to UL engineering

    Donald Mosing, founder of Frank's Casing Crew and Rental Tools (No. 8 on ABiz's list of Acadiana's Top 50 privately held companies with $240 million in 2010 revenues), will announce a $2.83 million donation to UL's College of Engineering Wednesday. The press conference is scheduled for 11 a.m. at the local energy services company's corporate headquarters, 700 E. Verot School Road.
    The gift, the largest current, non-bequest donation to the engineering department, will create a $1 million endowed chair in mechanical engineering, a computer aided design laboratory and a student career development program.
    UL President Dr. Joseph Savoie will be at Frank's Casing to accept the donation.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Frank's donating $2.83 million to UL engineering

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun77 View Post
    Great News!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Frank's donating $2.83 million to UL engineering


  4. #4

    Default Re: Frank's donating $2.83 million to UL engineering

    Mark should be accepting it.

  5. Default Re: Frank's donating $2.83 million to UL engineering

    This is great news for my department. Dr. Mac should be there as well.

  6. Default Frank's Casing founder donates $2.8M to ULL

    LAFAYETTE, La. (WTW) — The founder of Frank's Casing Crew and Rental Tools Inc. has donated more than $2.8 million to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette's College of Engineering. The Advertiser reports ( ) Donald Mosing's ...

    Homes SO Clean

  7. Default Re: Frank's Casing founder donates $2.8M to ULL

    Quote Originally Posted by NewsCopy View Post
    LAFAYETTE, La. (WTW) — The founder of Frank's Casing Crew and Rental Tools Inc. has donated more than $2.8 million to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette's College of Engineering. The Advertiser reports ( ) Donald Mosing's ...

    What is the Advertiser doing using "ULL"

    Geaux Cajuns

  8. #8

    Default Re: Frank's Casing founder donates $2.8M to ULL

    I contacted a professor of mine in the EE department about this and was surprised to learn that the donation is only for the Mech. Eng department. It does not benefit any other engineering departments. I believe the ME department will be able to do a lot of good things with this donation.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Frank's Casing founder donates $2.8M to ULL

    Quote Originally Posted by axg8750 View Post
    I contacted a professor of mine in the EE department about this and was surprised to learn that the donation is only for the Mech. Eng department. It does not benefit any other engineering departments. I believe the ME department will be able to do a lot of good things with this donation.
    Not surprising since Frank's grabs a lot of the mechanical grads. I know because I compete against them for those same grads. Awesome news for the University. Really glad to see these guys give back to a University who has given so much to them. Kind of completes that circle and big thanks to the Mosings for everything they have done for the University and the community.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Frank's Casing founder donates $2.8M to ULL

    I think success breeds more success. Success on the football field equates to more people thinking about UL and eventually donating more to it. The Fossil never got that.

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