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Thread: And the son picks Alabama

  1. #61

    Default Re: Wow....more low class paper tiger fans

    Quote Originally Posted by raginWaldo View Post
    Most ignorant poster on the face of raginpagin....congratulations wrangler
    thanks for having my back RW & team.

    Wrangler......the ONE thing to do & look forward to in Tuscaloosa is eat ribs at Dreamland, do your homework. Race has nothing to do with. Best Ribs ever IMO.

  2. #62

    Default Re: Wow....more low class paper tiger fans

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun1169 View Post
    Ok so here is the story. No matter if mom signs the papers or not he is going to BAMA. As per NCAA you need a sig on LOI unless you are 21 or over. Landon lives with his dad and his dad is going to sign the papers. His girlfriend is a senior at Dutchtown right now and is a great basketball player but she isnt going to play basketball in college she is going on an academic scholly and she has stated this on her twitter account. Her mom is the girls basketball coach at dutchtown and played for LSU (Annette Lowery) but is not very fond of LSU. If you go look at Landons twitter he tweeted earlier about how hurt he is after reading the LSU tweets and now he really sees there true colors an how he is even more comfortable with his decision now. People need to remeber these are high school kids and their decisions starting with his mom and her classless acts. If you think our comments don't play a factor in recruiting think again because these kids pay very close attention to the message boards and what we post.
    Check to tweets from his teammates as well. Kid is getting hammered.

  3. #63

    Default Re: Wow....more low class paper tiger fans

    Those tweets are mean spirited......note to all in Cajun Nation. Please remember this, we will lose a kid or two every so often ourselves to a hated rival. (With Hud we'll be more on the 'winning' side). Guys we can not stoop to this level. Not what we are about. Win some/lose some. Don't have to tear into others personal character to make a point. shameful behavior.

    PP #2

  4. #64

    Default Re: Wow....more low class paper tiger fans

    Quote Originally Posted by ULshooter2491 View Post
    I'm not so sure he still doesn't end up in BR. With your mom adamantly against your descision he may sway. I dont think it's right to attack his mom though for stating her opinion when the guy asked, yes she could have been more subtle. He plays in LSU a&m at BR's backyard. Of course she wants her soon close so she can she him play.

    I wonder if Bama offered the GF a scholly just to sway Collins.
    I am sad for the child and yes it is ok to attack a mother who behaves in such a fashion. ALL CHILDREN want their parents approval no matter what. He earned the right to make that choice NOT HER. She should have kept her mouth shut and supported her son....THAT is what mothers do no matter where he goes to school.

  5. #65

    Default Re: Wow....more low class paper tiger fans

    Quote Originally Posted by wrangler64 View Post
    ...She's probably like everyone else and thinks Bama is a crap hole.
    While Baton Rouge, on the other hand...

  6. #66

    Default Re: Wow....more low class paper tiger fans

    Quote Originally Posted by ultoday View Post
    While Baton Rouge, on the other hand...
    ...Is 10x the place that crap hole is. I've been there plenty....plenty of times and not just for football either but to hunt and ect. It's something out of the The Hills Have Eyes.
    Look Baton Rouge isn't the best place in the south but i can tell you Tusca-loser can't hold a candle to B.R.

  7. #67

    Default Re: Wow....more low class paper tiger fans

    Quote Originally Posted by wrangler64 View Post
    ...Is 10x the place that crap hole is. I've been there plenty....plenty of times and not just for football either but to hunt and ect. It's something out of the The Hills Have Eyes.
    Look Baton Rouge isn't the best place in the south but i can tell you Tusca-loser can't hold a candle to B.R.
    UL OWNS THAT ___!!!!

  8. #68

    Default Re: Wow....more low class paper tiger fans

    Quote Originally Posted by foofoochaisson View Post
    RRM, you never cease to amaze.
    You're a V&W kool-aid drinker........I wouldn't expect anything else.

  9. #69

    Default Re: Wow....more low class paper tiger fans

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    I think its a private matter between the mother and her son, but I wouldn't call her actions last night class. I've never seen a parent not support their kid in the public arena like that in some time. And LSU fans are not doing themselves any favors by some of the things that were said on web sites or tweeted last night. They need to remember that other potential student athletes are watching their actions.

    And really, does Collins make or break either schools class this year? If LSU wins the national championship Monday, they have three more weekends this month to find another talented athlete to take his place. It's not that hard when you are National Champions. I'd trade Collins for a national championship every day. JMO
    T- I think I see the makings of a new reality show. It could be called "The Real Moms of College Recruits".

    You make a good point about LSU fans, but we are talking about the arch enemey of LSU. I get the feeling though that most of those people would have said whatever they said if it had been North Carolina.

  10. #70

    Default Re: Wow....more low class paper tiger fans

    Quote Originally Posted by RiverRanchMan View Post
    You're a V&W kool-aid drinker........I wouldn't expect anything else.
    I like vermilion & white Koolaid!

  11. #71

    Default Re: Wow....more low class paper tiger fans

    Quote Originally Posted by Policarp View Post
    She obviously has not been to Dreamland in Tuscaloosa........Maybe some really good ribs will help her cope with her son being in Tuscaloosa.

    In my years after graduating UL and living in Alabama, don't know if it's the same menus needed; all Dreamland served was ribs & slices of white bread. Best ribs ever IMO. Stilll can't pass through Tuscaloosa without a stop here.
    Never been to the one in T-town, but ate at one just north of Mobile. Those were some good ribs.

  12. #72

    Default Re: Wow....more low class paper tiger fans

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Kyle, Saban is a jerk but everybody loved him while he was being a jerk at LSU. The guy came in and turned around a program that hadn't won a national championship since 1959! He pushed for facility improvements like the Student Academic Center, Stadium Expansion and even donated some of his own money. He maybe one of the biggest jerks in coaching period, but he made LSU football relevant again (meaning a top 10 program). Without him, LSU would not be where they are today. Those are the facts my friend.
    There is no denying what you say is total truth. It took a total jerk to be hard headed enough to get that crew out of the darkness that their small minded leadership had created for them. Another good reason to be greatful for a guy like HUD. A man who is just as hard headed as Saban, yet is a class act in all facets.

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