Fight Over Valuable Land in Vermilion Parish

Under provisions of the Natural Gas Act a company can seize land if it's in the best interests of the country.



With the Henry Hub being a major natural gas "interstate" that's the argument by Sabine Pipeline filed in a federal lawsuit to acquire this property.

"They are hijacking a lawsuit for contamination of lands. They want to take possession of those lands from the Aristide Broussard family."

Warren Perrin's great-grandfather first leased the 80 acres to Texaco in 1942. Legal troubles between this "tenant" and "landlord" began back in the 90's. Perrin and other heirs to the land allege the company caused more than 200-million-dollars in environmental damage to their property.

"It appears as though they are seeking to take from the family about 60 of the 80 acres and it also just happens to be that they wanna seize those properties which experts indicate are the most polluted."

Perrin says if Sabine Pipeline wins the suit it will set a dangerous precedent for similar cases in the future.