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Thread: List of Lafayette establishments to Educate

  1. #1

    Default List of Lafayette establishments to Educate

    Albertson's on Johnston near campus:

    An unacceptable and downright irresponsible use of "ULL" in this signage. Disrespectful to Hud and the entire university, if you ask me.

    Walmart on Ambassador:

    This is a notice posted by the timeclock at Walmart, encouraging their associates to wear purple and puke....IN OUR TOWN!

    Vote with your dollars and boycott these establishments! Post your finds here so we can change the culture of this city!!


  2. #2

    Default Re: List of Lafayette establishments to boycott


    ETA: first post... Lol really?

  3. #3

    Default Re: List of Lafayette establishments to boycott

    I've been lurking for awhile, but last night my buddy sent me that pic from the Walmart time clock then I walked into Albertsons today and saw that signage from a place lots of Cajuns supporters frequent. This issue needs to be addressed and STOPPED! Make them say your name!

  4. #4

    Default Re: List of Lafayette establishments to boycott

    Doesn't albertsons have a good selection?

  5. #5

    Default Re: List of Lafayette establishments to boycott

    That's not the point. The point is, if they want my business they will get it right. If you're satisfied buying a shirt from a business who will disrespect our school by calling it "ULL" then by all means, do so. But until the attitude is changed in this city and we stop catering to these businesses who can't seem to get it right, we'll continue to climb this hill.

    WE ARE UL!

  6. #6

    Default Re: List of Lafayette establishments to boycott

    Quote Originally Posted by JerryBaldwin View Post
    That's not the point. The point is, if they want my business they will get it right. If you're satisfied buying a shirt from a business who will disrespect our school by calling it "ULL" then by all means, do so. But until the attitude is changed in this city and we stop catering to these businesses who can't seem to get it right, we'll continue to climb this hill.

    WE ARE UL!
    I agree the Walmart one is stupid, but then again you can't expect much from that establishment.
    Albertson's on the other hand is different. I don't think they meant the ULL thing as disrespect. Maybe speaking to management about the sign may help.

  7. #7

    Default Re: List of Lafayette establishments to boycott

    I agree

  8. #8

    Default Re: List of Lafayette establishments to boycott

    I agree completely with these comments to boycott certain establishments! I'm also boycotting Academy for their shift towards LSU.

    On a positive note, last night I walked into Champagne's in the oil center only to see that they have placed their 2011 RCAF sticker on the front door! They will be getting more of my hard earned money from now on!

  9. UL Football Re: List of Lafayette establishments to boycott

    Quote Originally Posted by JerryBaldwin View Post
    That's not the point. The point is, if they want my business they will get it right. If you're satisfied buying a shirt from a business who will disrespect our school by calling it "ULL" then by all means, do so. But until the attitude is changed in this city and we stop catering to these businesses who can't seem to get it right, we'll continue to climb this hill.

    WE ARE UL!
    Jerry I know you are excited about UL and this subject like you were when you coached. Now I support your effort. The use of the Udouble L clearly is not the same as a sports bar catering to all of it's clients. If there is a business in Lafayette that does not know the use of the Lafayette, and double L's ____es off a large portion of their customers then shame on them, they should know it. I would go up to the manager of the store and say, 'you know what, I was going to buy this basketful of food, but my stomach went sour seeing your lack of respect or knowledge about the use of the double L's and I think I will shop somewhere else until you get a clue'.

    Jerry how about dropping your attempt to get your suit reversal overturned. We did love you, but you loss too many games.

  10. #10

    Default Re: List of Lafayette establishments to boycott

    I have to give Albertson's a pass on this one. They've had a killer selection of UL gear since I can remember. They were country when country wasn't cool.

  11. #11

    Default Re: List of Lafayette establishments to boycott

    Boycott Walmart Jerry, I'm sure they'll be devastated. It oughta put a huge dent in their sales.

  12. #12

    Default Re: List of Lafayette establishments to boycott

    Quote Originally Posted by Crackleton View Post
    I have to give Albertson's a pass on this one. They've had a killer selection of UL gear since I can remember. They were country when country wasn't cool.
    country never has been cool and never will be cool, however.............

    being a true Ragin' Cajuns fan is always cool!!!!!

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