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Thread: Students statewide choose University of Louisiana

  1. #85

    Default Re: UL Students Want Name Change

    Quote Originally Posted by UL-Lreality
    ...who eles will pay attention to this vote. What is the current enrollment for the school vs. how many students voted?
    Well, it looks like a lot of you tigger fans and the monrovians paid a great deal of attention to it. And regardless of the ratio of students voting, had the vote gone against the name change I'm sure you and all of your purple & p!ss friends would have been on here laughing it up and holding up the results as proof that we should just know our place.

  2. Default Re: BREAKING NEWS

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    In 1984 the Board of Trustees who had the same constitutional privileges (1974 Constitution) as the Board of Regents, gave the University of Southwestern Louisiana a new and more fitting name University of Louisiana.

    The Board of Regents went to court and asserted that changing a schools name was their right alone. They stated in district court "that a name change required prior approval of the Board of Regents."

    Realizing that the 1974 Louisiana Constitution gave both the Trustees and Regents the exact same power, the Judge found he had only one option. That option was to revoke (or pretend it never existed) the naming privileges of both boards over their respective schools. This was the only way to undo the name change, unmentioned in the whole process was the fact that Regents and its predecessor Board of Education had named schools in the past.

    Ironically the Trustees and the Regents appealed together.

    Within weeks however the legislature exposed the fallacy of the Judges logic by reestablishing the right to rename schools (specifically) back to the Board of Regents.
    Q for a lawyer: Since the 1974 Constitution said both boards had the same power. Wouldn't the Board of Trustees inherit the Regents naming powers re-issued by the Legislature?

    Geaux Cajuns

  3. #87

    USL (1960-1983)  (1985-1998) Re: UL Students Want Name Change

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58
    Well, it looks like a lot of you tigger fans and the monrovians paid a great deal of attention to it. And regardless of the ratio of students voting, had the vote gone against the name change I'm sure you and all of your purple & p!ss friends would have been on here laughing it up and holding up the results as proof that we should just know our place.

    You still did not answer my question as to what good it will do just because a student body voted to drop the "lafayette." The student body of a university does not write laws for this state nor any other university. The blancos only have a short time left in office and a whole bunch more of IMPORTANT issues to deal with for this state. Do you think for one minute that the folks at the state capital will pay much attention to a "name game" before dealing with what is considered to be priority in government? Do you think their respective constituents will care about the "name game" and demand that they support the dropping of the "lafayette" just because a select few people at a school voted in a meaningless election (other than to elect student body officers), or a select few people in lafayette say so? There are more pressing needs in state government right now and by the time all of the mess and fiasco the blancos have this state in are cleared up, we'll probably be 3 or 4 governors down the road and hopefully the blanco('s) era will looooong be forgotten. However, I'm pretty sure that the "name game" will continue on for generations, least in lafayette.

  4. Default Re: UL Students Want Name Change

    Quote Originally Posted by UL-Lreality
    You still did not answer my question as to what good it will do just because a student body voted to drop the "lafayette."
    It's a rug remover. You can't sweep the issue under the rug, or hide it under your thumb.

    Geaux Cajuns

  5. #89

    Default Re: UL Students Want Name Change

    Quote Originally Posted by UL-Lreality
    You still did not answer my question as to what good it will do just because a student body voted to drop the "lafayette." The student body of a university does not write laws for this state nor any other university. The blancos only have a short time left in office and a whole bunch more of IMPORTANT issues to deal with for this state. Do you think for one minute that the folks at the state capital will pay much attention to a "name game" before dealing with what is considered to be priority in government? Do you think their respective constituents will care about the "name game" and demand that they support the dropping of the "lafayette" just because a select few people at a school voted in a meaningless election (other than to elect student body officers), or a select few people in lafayette say so? There are more pressing needs in state government right now and by the time all of the mess and fiasco the blancos have this state in are cleared up, we'll probably be 3 or 4 governors down the road and hopefully the blanco('s) era will looooong be forgotten. However, I'm pretty sure that the "name game" will continue on for generations, least in lafayette.

    Mr. Who Cares, why do you think anyone owes you an answer to your bogus question? What difference does it make to you what the students at UL vote on? As your signature states "who cares". Once again, a lot of "not caring" going on from the State fans.

  6. #90

    Default Re: UL Students Want Name Change

    Quote Originally Posted by UL-Lreality
    You still did not answer my question as to what good it will do just because a student body voted to drop the "lafayette."
    I don't pretend to have all the answers; but as a minimum, it is a strong reminder to the university's administration that this issue remains a "hot button" for this university and its student population. Now, is it important enough to bring up in the legislature right now given the current predictiment of this state? Probably not. But at the same time; what does the state lose if "UL" loses the "@ Lafayette". Nothing! What does the state gain? Hard to determine; but it gives the "perception" that this state has other deserving institutions besides just LSU. It potentially brings more recognition to the state from people (other universitys, businesses, etc) outside the state. I have read in the past that then-USL was not supported by Memphis (as an example) to join the ranks of CUSA because our "name" was too regional. Sadly, there is more to a name than meets the eye. Right? Wrong? Beats me; but perception is reality in many circles. And this is more than about just athletics. Just that athletics is a tool that can bring attention to a university because it is often in the news. I'd simply like the university to have the ability to "compete" with other schools for quality students, staff, and yes, student-athletes, without being suppressed. And, the name change is an important part of that progress - be it perception or reality.

  7. #91

    Default Re: It's official: Students for University of Louisiana

    The garnering of the UL name has little chance of happening "officially" in my lifetime. The goal in my mind has always been to remain officially the University of Louisiana at Lafayette but become popularly known as "Louisiana."

    This vote goes a long way towards that popular goal. The student body is now much more aware of the issues and the history. The issue has been given some nice publicity. Opponents are once again showing themselves as being the meddling hypocrites that they are. And finally, the students have spoken that they WANT the UL name.

    While it officially doesn't accomplish much, it popularly moves mountains.

  8. #92

    Default Re: It's official: Students for University of Louisiana

    Quote Originally Posted by CDeb
    The garnering of the UL name has little chance of happening "officially" in my lifetime. The goal in my mind has always been to remain officially the University of Louisiana at Lafayette but become popularly known as "Louisiana."

    This vote goes a long way towards that popular goal. The student body is now much more aware of the issues and the history. The issue has been given some nice publicity. Opponents are once again showing themselves as being the meddling hypocrites that they are. And finally, the students have spoken that they WANT the UL name.

    While it officially doesn't accomplish much, it popularly moves mountains.
    Good points. Was definitely a good opportunity to remind everyone of what had transpired over 2 friggin decades ago. Even if it only increases the popularity of the UL name on campus and in this community it was positive. In the meantime, I'll take all my vitamins and see if I can outlast this issue

  9. #93

    Default Re: UL Students Want Name Change

    Quote Originally Posted by UL-Lreality
    You still did not answer my question as to what good it will do just because a student body voted to drop the "lafayette." The student body of a university does not write laws for this state nor any other university. The blancos only have a short time left in office and a whole bunch more of IMPORTANT issues to deal with for this state. Do you think for one minute that the folks at the state capital will pay much attention to a "name game" before dealing with what is considered to be priority in government? Do you think their respective constituents will care about the "name game" and demand that they support the dropping of the "lafayette" just because a select few people at a school voted in a meaningless election (other than to elect student body officers), or a select few people in lafayette say so? There are more pressing needs in state government right now and by the time all of the mess and fiasco the blancos have this state in are cleared up, we'll probably be 3 or 4 governors down the road and hopefully the blanco('s) era will looooong be forgotten. However, I'm pretty sure that the "name game" will continue on for generations, least in lafayette.
    Here's what good it will do, it keeps the issue alive in the current student population. And best of all, it p!sses off you non-caring purple & p!ss tanktoppers.

  10. #94

    UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: UL Students Want Name Change

    Quote Originally Posted by UL-Lreality
    You still did not answer my question as to what good it will do just because a student body voted to drop the "lafayette." The student body of a university does not write laws for this state nor any other university. The blancos only have a short time left in office and a whole bunch more of IMPORTANT issues to deal with for this state. Do you think for one minute that the folks at the state capital will pay much attention to a "name game" before dealing with what is considered to be priority in government? Do you think their respective constituents will care about the "name game" and demand that they support the dropping of the "lafayette" just because a select few people at a school voted in a meaningless election (other than to elect student body officers), or a select few people in lafayette say so? There are more pressing needs in state government right now and by the time all of the mess and fiasco the blancos have this state in are cleared up, we'll probably be 3 or 4 governors down the road and hopefully the blanco('s) era will looooong be forgotten. However, I'm pretty sure that the "name game" will continue on for generations, least in lafayette.
    1) It shows unity of the Student Body along with the Public and its officals!
    2) The Blancos may not be in office long and do have more pressing issues to take up, but since when does OUR(LSU dominated)Legislatures take up and deal with proplerly the big issues at hand. Bannana Republic the Longs Created and their "Baby" the "Flagship" have not put out for 60+ years this is why the "LEVIES were NEVER built right in the FIRST PLACE!!!!!
    3) If this issue is NO BIG deal to you and yours then it should not be a problem and with the flick of a pen BINGO, UL!!!
    4) University of Louisiana!!! Remember it when Govenor Blanco goes to appoint your board members! Two down and she has 6 to go, this June is when she must appoint what will be the majority of the 15 appointees. I am sure something will be worked out....something!!
    5) If no one in Tiger Land is concerened about UL then why have YOU fought it for sooooooooo "LONG"? The same way UNO was voted its name UL was voted for USL! Something wrong here! LSU said the name change would do nothing for USL, THEN WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? Scared...No...Not the Flagship....You are much too powerful...oh so that is it you need first to get your Foundation up to a Billion...then we will be granted University of Louisiana Status.....YOUR SCARED OF ANY COMPETITION NOT ON THE PLAYING FIELDS BECAUSE...oh yeah your not playing us in Baseball or Softball after losing 3-4 and almost the regional at home....NO this name change is NOT really about sports its about RESEARCH AND PRODUCTIVITY WITH TRUSTED FUNDS....SOMETHING LITTLE BROTHER DOES MUCH BETTER THAN BIG BROTHER!!!!



  11. #95

    Default Re: UL Students Want Name Change

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun
    1) It shows unity of the Student Body along with the Public and its officals!
    2) The Blancos may not be in office long and do have more pressing issues to take up, but since when does OUR(LSU dominated)Legislatures take up and deal with proplerly the big issues at hand. Bannana Republic the Longs Created and their "Baby" the "Flagship" have not put out for 60+ years this is why the "LEVIES were NEVER built right in the FIRST PLACE!!!!!
    3) If this issue is NO BIG deal to you and yours then it should not be a problem and with the flick of a pen BINGO, UL!!!
    4) University of Louisiana!!! Remember it when Govenor Blanco goes to appoint your board members! Two down and she has 6 to go, this June is when she must appoint what will be the majority of the 15 appointees. I am sure something will be worked out....something!!
    5) If no one in Tiger Land is concerened about UL then why have YOU fought it for sooooooooo "LONG"? The same way UNO was voted its name UL was voted for USL! Something wrong here! LSU said the name change would do nothing for USL, THEN WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? Scared...No...Not the Flagship....You are much too powerful...oh so that is it you need first to get your Foundation up to a Billion...then we will be granted University of Louisiana Status.....YOUR SCARED OF ANY COMPETITION NOT ON THE PLAYING FIELDS BECAUSE...oh yeah your not playing us in Baseball or Softball after losing 3-4 and almost the regional at home....NO this name change is NOT really about sports its about RESEARCH AND PRODUCTIVITY WITH TRUSTED FUNDS....SOMETHING LITTLE BROTHER DOES MUCH BETTER THAN BIG BROTHER!!!!



    If I understand this correctly, when UL lost the name battle in the courts, authority was given back to the Board of Regents, now the UL System Board, to name universities. If that is correct, UL needs only to apply to the UL System Board for approval. If Gov. Blanco appoints favorable Board members, we could get approval. I would think the biggest opposition would come from ULM. Under that scenario, LSU A&M at Baton Rouge would have no say so in what the UL System does. Would someone more in the know on this please comment if that scenario is a correct one?

  12. #96

    Default Re: It's official: Students for University of Louisiana

    im all for this and it should happen.
    but LSU has the complete monopoly of higher education as far as name recognition. my girlfriend is transferring here from northern kentucky U. and when she said she was trasfering to University of Louisiana people there thought she was talking about LSU.

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