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Thread: One of the greatest football games I ever saw: late observations.

  1. #1

    Default One of the greatest football games I ever saw: late observations.

    I was unable to attend the New Orelans bowl due to prior obligations to the tune of about 6 grand which I could not back out of. Due to these obligations I was unable to make the game & was only able to observe the final three & a half minutes live on television. One of the first things I did yesterday upon my arrival back into the country from parts unknown was to find out how well the new marvels of technology really do work. In my haste to get to New Orleans last Friday & party with fellow Cajun fans, I forgot to hit the record button on my DVR before leaving home.

    By the time I realized this we were well on our way between Red Stick & the Big Easy. So I had to rely on my very limited ability to open my account with Direct TV & figure out how to record the New Orleans Bowl & the Saints game before hopping on board a ship headed for Jamaica. It seemed as though I did everything right. Now I just had to wait & see when/if the ship would have the game on. Surely they would since there were 3 sports bars on board with one having twelve brand new flat screens on baord.

    To my amazement what these people called a sports bar was more like a sport bar, & not much of one at that. We were punished with a one sided beat down of Tampa Bay by the the Dallas Cowgirls because the powers that be at RCCL knew what we the people want more than we did. I therefore asked nicely, begged, pleaded, attempted bribery, & finally used EXTORTION to get the people on board the cruise ship to put the New Orleans Bowl game on.

    To further add to my sailing anxiety, the crew refused to show the Saints game which in turn ____ed off about 400 of my fellwo cruisers for the rest of our trip. What made this experience that much more excrutiating was the total lack of news or replay on the ESPN international network. I did however, finally reach my ultimate destination, which was right back here in good old Lafayette. Thank you Jesus for giving me a home where the people may have zits like I do, but they are real.

    Anyway, as to my observations of the game. I have to break them downin one word categories.

    1) DRAMA- This was as dramatic & exciting a game as any person even remotely interested in sports in general, or life in general could ever want. The drama from this game alone would be enough to call the entire post season of football a success. While I wasn't overly excited with the ESPN crew's call of the game in genral, I could not agree more that no matter where you are or who you are the level of excitement & competition didn't get any better.

    2) SPEED- It became apparent watching this game that the speed, confidence, & skill level of UL's players was just a cut above what SDSU was used to. It also became apparent that our defense was much quicker at the point of attack thereby neutralizing SDSU's best weapon, which was their tailback.

    3) DIRTY- I hate to write this, but I was pretty disappointed in SDSU's players especially on defense, but also on their offensive line & special teams. As the game went on & it became apparent that we were the quicker team, it also became apparent that SDSU would resort to every dirty trick in the trick bag to stay close in the game. IE leg whipping, holding on field goals & extra points, holding our recievers constantly down the field all day. Chop blocking defenders that were already engaged with other blockers. There were some very good reasons that we had multiple players go down on some plays.

    4) Fearless- Our coaches & players were fearless & had ultimate confidence. To me this was the ultimate deciding factor in the game.

    5) SKILLFUL- While SDSU had good, well coached players who were on the dirty side. UL showed tremendous talent especially at our skill positions. This may have just been one of those nights where everything came together for our offensive players, but I tend to think our talent level had finally had enough time together this year to allow the cream to rise to the top.

    Sorry for piling on so late after the game, but a game this great could take a lot piling on for a long time to come.

  2. #2

    Default Re: One of the greatest football games I ever saw: late observations.

    First, I personally thought that the announcers did a pretty decent job in the game and Brock Huard has some talent at the color analyst spot. I know many were ____ed with their uses of Lafayette or LA- Lafayette but that is an ongoing battle that we will face for a long time.

    You are correct, I think our quickness on defense was more than what they had seen all year. It shows what a couple weeks of rest can do for a team that is fast but small. Imagine if we had Gibson and DLB in the game at LB! I thought that Justin Anderson, Qyen Griffen and Sean Thomas filled in very well and Justin Anderson actually played the best of all our defenders IMO. I thought that Melvin White had a bad night as he was scored on consistently and had a few bad penalties called on him as they were staying away from Bentley all night.

    I agree, I thought SDSU was a little dirty but it also showed that our team is not afraid of that play and we are salty in our own right. I wish we had run the ball a little more during the game as Harris had a nice yard per carry average and I would have thought we would run the ball a bit more with the 16 point lead but its hard to argue with what is working and that was with Gautier spreading the ball out to our playmakers. The SDSU defenders covered well and they were in position much of the night but we just made plays and that is the funnest part about that performance. Its not like they can say they blew coverages or had too many injuries or whatever.

    It was certainly the greatest game I've attended and it couldn't have ended any better. It will likely be the most dramatic game of this bowl season and it did nothing but give us good PR when we need it most.

  3. This is so COOL Re: One of the greatest football games I ever saw: late observations.

    Bandwagon, I agree with everything you say. As for ESPN, you would think it is as easy to say Louisiana as Lafayette if you want to shorten things. We will save this for another day.

    We will not see the likes of Green again. He drew multiple coverages on almost every play. This left our better than their players one on one, and that was no contest.

    LAHayeSIK surgery for this official crew is a gift card we should send them. On one non pass interference call the our receiver hd them beat and flying down the field while the SDSU player grabs some jersey. Can't remember if we went on to score in that series.

    Green mauled twice in the enzone which if properly called would most likely reduced the drama. When you think about it what could be more fitting for this team than to have 35 seconds no time outs and at least fifty yards to get into a 50 yard game winning situation.

  4. #4

    Default Re: One of the greatest football games I ever saw: late observations.

    Personally, I thought Huard did pretty well, but he did lose me when SDSU put together their drives in the fourth quarter & his comment was UL wasn't used to seeing that class of QB in the Sunbelt. I remember thinking, oh yes they are. They see him every day in practice. SDSU's QB was good, but Gautier was absolutely great in that game & there was no denying that point. I mean the young man was throwing darts like an NFL QB & his Recievers were making him look like Brees or Montana out there.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    Personally, I thought Huard did pretty well, but he did lose me when SDSU put together their drives in the fourth quarter & his comment was UL wasn't used to seeing that class of QB in the Sunbelt. I remember thinking, oh yes they are. They see him every day in practice. SDSU's QB was good, but Gautier was absolutely great in that game & there was no denying that point. I mean the young man was throwing darts like an NFL QB & his Recievers were making him look like Brees or Montana out there.
    Yeah & I'm pretty sure they saw a better QB in Stillwater too

  6. Default Re: One of the greatest football games I ever saw: late observations.

    Ah yes they see a great QB everyday in practice---------BROADWAY!!!!

  7. #7

    Default Re: One of the greatest football games I ever saw: late observations.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    Personally, I thought Huard did pretty well, but he did lose me when SDSU put together their drives in the fourth quarter & his comment was UL wasn't used to seeing that class of QB in the Sunbelt. I remember thinking, oh yes they are. They see him every day in practice. SDSU's QB was good, but Gautier was absolutely great in that game & there was no denying that point. I mean the young man was throwing darts like an NFL QB & his Recievers were making him look like Brees or Montana out there.
    I remember the comment you are referring to vividly as I've watched the replay all of about 4 times and he was actually talking about Lindley's arm strength when he made a cross the field throw and Bentley's reaction was one of surprise as he didn't anticipate that ball getting there like it did. I don't think he was talking about the overall QB play of the SBC, just the arm strength this guy had which was pretty impressive.

  8. #8

    Default Re: One of the greatest football games I ever saw: late observations.

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    I remember the comment you are referring to vividly as I've watched the replay all of about 4 times and he was actually talking about Lindley's arm strength when he made a cross the field throw and Bentley's reaction was one of surprise as he didn't anticipate that ball getting there like it did. I don't think he was talking about the overall QB play of the SBC, just the arm strength this guy had which was pretty impressive.
    I might not have caught it the way he meant it & he did do a pretty good job of being complimentary of the school, the conference & the guys, but there were a few flubs in there too. I mean the whole town of Lafayette was emptied out. That would have been nice to have em hanging from the rafters & fill Champion's square & the downtown also. It does give us something to shoot for next year.

  9. #9

    Default Re: One of the greatest football games I ever saw: late observations.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    I might not have caught it the way he meant it & he did do a pretty good job of being complimentary of the school, the conference & the guys, but there were a few flubs in there too. I mean the whole town of Lafayette was emptied out. That would have been nice to have em hanging from the rafters & fill Champion's square & the downtown also. It does give us something to shoot for next year.


    Good to have you back, I know the timing of that cruise had to hurt. I wish you could have seen Champions Square Saturday evening. It was unbelievable. Take a look at the Champions Square thread and you will really feel sick about missing out. I feel for ya.

  10. #10

    Default Re: One of the greatest football games I ever saw: late observations.

    It was a great game.if you were there on Bourbon Street that night.I would have bought you a drink.only after you bought me a coke.

  11. #11

    Default Re: One of the greatest football games I ever saw: late observations.

    So tell us about the cruise.
    Did you enjoy it?

    I got my revenge on you for me missing the ULM game.

    You were were up 1-0 on me in attending epic football games in the 2011 season.
    Now we are even at 1-1.

  12. #12

    Default Re: One of the greatest football games I ever saw: late observations.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chop View Post
    So tell us about the cruise.
    Did you enjoy it?

    I got my revenge on you for me missing the ULM game.

    You were were up 1-0 on me in attending epic football games in the 2011 season.
    Now we are even at 1-1.
    You & I will never be even, especially after I bought your ticket to the game. Anybody, who thinks the "rich" can't be miserable needs to take a cruise during the middle of bowl season or the NFL playoffs when one of their favorite teams is playing. I did get to enjoy some of the pregame festivities with the battle of the bands & the second line from the team hotel to the Riverwalk, so it wasn't a total loss. I did see the Champion's square video & if I may say, there were several people who looked a little em. Kylelike in those pictures. You folks better watch it, or you'll be getting accused of being plum insane before long.

  13. #13

    Default Re: One of the greatest football games I ever saw: late observations.

    Why did you schedule a cruise during the New Orleans Bowl? Did somebody not think we were going to make it.

  14. #14

    Default Re: One of the greatest football games I ever saw: late observations.

    Quote Originally Posted by CAJUNTODD44 View Post
    Why did you schedule a cruise during the New Orleans Bowl? Did somebody not think we were going to make it.
    That cruise was scheduled when UL didn't even have a coach & the New Orleans bowl 2011 didn't have a date set.

  15. #15

    Default Re: One of the greatest football games I ever saw: late observations.

    Just Joking Kyle!!!! I know you would have been there if you could have.

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