I like this target. And as for attendance at the Tulane game...
Tulane (125) + UL (35k) = 35,125
Tulane (125) + UL (35k) + Southern band (add 15k) = 50,125
The only way the Tulane game eclipses the Southern game attendance is if they bring the Southern band with them (announced way in advance).
1) Coach & staff remain in tact.
2) Coaches hit recruiting trail hard & take full advantage of this momentum to lasso in another great recruiting class.
3) Replace very special senior class that spearheaded this whole 2011 campaign????????????????
4) Take advantage of other teams in the conference making lateral or downward moves after great seasons ( IE ASU).
5) Keep upstarts like WKU from beating us ever again.
6) WIN THE SUNBELT CONFERENCE IN 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This should always be the number ONE goal.
I think we should just forget all this and drop down to I-AA
This was also the same guy who committed defensive holding on the extra attempt by grabbing quave & pulling him to allow one of their rushers an open lane to the kicker. He also kneed Gautier in the back when he threw the pick late in the first half. He was a very dirty player who got what was coming to his team on that last call.
I don't know what stories like this are telling you guys, but they are painting a very clear picture for me. I have heard & read people on this site make fun of Wright Waters in the past & I have joined in myself. However, UL's previous disappointments have served to gain the SBC something that it is now in a position to take advantage of. Being the conference nobody wanted with the pretty much little brothers of the big powerhouse schools in the same states & having bowl agreements in locations close to our stomping grounds has given the SBC something many other conferences in college football wish for, but will never have. It gives the SBC stability.
Stability is a fertile breeding ground for young fan bases seeking to grow. What this conference needs is a leader. I have always maintained when others argued that the SBC wasn't "good enough" that UL had to be outright champions at least once to make that claim. Now UL can & in point of fact needs to start to take its rightful role as SBC leaders & show the rest of the country that a pretty mean brand of football can be played in Lafayette as well as anywhere in this country. If you can't have the SEC, & not everyone can, then why not go with the next best thing (SBC) SEC light? This sould give UL a major leg up on outside schools from other conferences trying to take players from our area ( which should rightfully stretch from East Texas across to the Florida panhandle) with a big emphasis on the Acadiana, River parishes, bayou country, & New Orleans. Let's face it. If you get the players with character & talent to go along with great coaching,organization, & dedication then you're gonna win. There is no magic formula. It just takes somebody with enough guts to say WE can do it & it CAN BE DONE HERE. This is what HUD has done. Not only can it be done, but it should be expected annually.
Almost 43,000 people with a school from 1400 miles away. Think about that people. The New Orleans bowl could be the 6th most attended bowl game this year & will almost certainly be in the top 12 of the bowl season. I don't know what this tells you, but it tells me & anyone else with eyes to see, that this could be the start of something very very BIG.
Is this the latest on all the BOWLS played????
Each team for the BCS was allocated 17k seats. So yes the teams each got 50% of the tickets. That only accounts for less than half the tickets in the the stadium. If you are telling me you believe BAMA will also aquire 50% or more of the other tickets in New Orleans, or the state of Louisiana I think you are simply not right. LSU vs OK huge advantage LSU. You think OK fans did not try to get more than their allocation, LSU vs OSU, same story.
IMO there will hold a 75/25 ratio on the non allocated BCS tickets. So LSU will have the bigger crowd and yes even more fans in the stadium than UL. Just saying we did greaat, but no way will we outdraw state for their national championship game..
Kyle... one thing Cajun T spoke about last week was that even though this was a great win for our program... we are kinda tied up in recruiting. He mentioned that all coaches got calls from players they didn't think we could get... being that we didn't think we could get them.. we took commits from other players they liked.
I have no doubt it'll work out... keep in mind we started 5 frosh this year....
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