Military Bowl 25,042
Military Bowl 25,042
You know we did GREAT!...the NO BOWL loves LOUISIANA!....where it all plays out is OK!...can you imagine playing in the Hawaii Bowl?
Belk's, Beef O Brady's, where will it end?
1. Belk Bowl 58,427
2. Holiday Bowl 56,313
3. Little Caesars Pizza Bowl 46,177
4. R+L Carriers New Orleans Bowl 42,841
5. AdvoCare V100 Independence Bowl 41,728
6. Maaco Bowl Las Vegas 35,720
7. Sheraton Hawaii Bowl 32,630
8. Famous Idaho Potato Bowl 28,076
9. Gildan New Mexico Bowl 25,762
10. Military Bowl 25,042
11. San Diego Poinsetta 24,607
12. Beef 'O' Bradys Bowl 20,072
Tech's "Blue Tarp" attendance counting methodology was borrowed for final attendance at the Indy Bowl. A few of the fans appeared to be hiding under blue tarps to stay dry. Tech's tarp equivalent projections were clearly tarp = 5,000 people. I spotted 6 blue tarps being used, so using Generally Accepted Tarp Accounting, that would be 30,000 we couldn't see because they were under these tarps.
For some of you knuckleheads that spout capacity with zero ideas where your thoughts come from you might want to review this site
The official revised capacity is over 76K. I thought this was the case from news reports I heard when the naming rights were announced. It took me all of 30 seconds to google this information.
The bottom Plaza contains about the same number of seats as Cajun Field if we totally bowled it, as there are 36 rows in the dome, and 35 at Cajun Field. The endzones comprise more than the sidelines in seating. Geometry will confirm this, if you think of track and field 440. The seats are well beyond the curves in 1he 440, bigger arch more capacity.
I am buying into the number for the most part. The Cajuns took over both endzones, our side, and a good deal of the SDSU side. In additon Lodge, suites, and the terrace.
For everyone post-estimating the crowd... we were extremely close to 40k in the Dome... no doubt about it. I was there and without a doubt we had the Dome seats over half-filled. And remember... there were 2000 Cajun fans coming and going from beer/cocktail runs at any given time. Of all the bowls I've seen, I think the NO Bowl was BY FAR the most honest about actual attendance. The NO Bowl did not over-distribute unattended tickets. Some of these bowls this year are reporting well over 50% more attendance than is actually attending the game.
I know it has been mentioned, but if the NO Bowl would have found an opponent for us that was within 500 miles, we would have easily had over 50,000. I like having SDSU on our resume of wins, but can you imagine if Southern Miss would meet up with UL in the NO Bowl?
I hope we go to the NO Bowl on a regular basis... and especially think it's going to be even cooler when we get matched with a CUSA program. I seriously hope we are able to keep our bowl invites to regional bowls. I believe, like others, that a west coast, midwest travel destination for a bowl is not going to result in a high Cajun fan attendance. If we get into the top 25, it will be interesting... but other than that... our fanbase will travel as well as most... but I am not impressed with these ridiculous long distance, odd matchup bowl games.
I'm still fired up about the NO Bowl. What a blast!
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