Just a little heads up about the men, it appears that UL has rescheduled it men's opener, they were supposed to play Lamar on 1/21, but that match will be rescheduled and UL will play it men's opener vs Southern on Sunday 1/22. Also, something I did not realize, last season we had our #1 player Evghenii Corduneanu, listed as a senior, but it appears he is back on the roster as a senior again this year. I am hoping this is correct, if so we will have our top 5 players returning, including 3 guys who have been ranked at some point in there Cajun careers. Corduneaunu, Singh and Tabak. Then you add Ley and Ellison at 4 and 5 respecively and then we will have to see a battle between newcomers:
Truong, Williams, Domoney and Sophomore Ryan Hess for the number 6 spot. I have a feeling that if I am correct about Evghenii coming back, that this team is loaded and it could be a special year. Tabak, Singh and Corduneanu all can be considered solid number 1's. Also, if you look below only Ley and Corduneaunu are listed as seniors. I do not see Kerri Abaker, listed on the roster and that is a dissappointment, because he had a solid freshman season for the Cajuns last year at the #6 spot. But hopefully some of the newcomers can fill that void.
Geaux Cajuns.
Evghenii Corduneanu 5-8 Sr. 3L Kishineu, Moldova/HS No. 85
Arlen Domoney 5-11 Fr. HS Capetown, South Africa
Shaun Ellison 5-10 Jr. 2L Durban, South Africa/Crawford College
Ryan Hess 6-5 So. 1L Lake Charles, La./West Lake HS
Robin Ley 6-4 Sr. 3L Johannesburg, South Africa/Deanalin College
Amanjot Singh 6-0 Jr. 2L Chendigarh, India
Dusan Tabak 5-11 Jr. 1L Serbia, Ugoslavia/Economics Specialized School
Matthieu Truong 5-10 Fr. HS Paris, France
Bradwin Williams 6-0 Fr. HS Johannesburg, South Africa

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Good news I was looking for this, so nothing on the Ladies side?
Thanks TopSpin