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Thread: Goals, Plans, Execution?

  1. #1

    UL Football Goals, Plans, Execution?

    For the past 6 years our real goal has been survival in 1A football. When you are in survival mode you do what is expedient. Now we have survived, and while not prospered improved our lot.

    We had a visitor on the board from USM talking about 30k being the goal they have for attendance. Made me think? Where is our white paper? What are our goals, plans, and executions of those plans.

    a: Survival, reach and maintain minimum attendance. Seems to be done.
    b: Succeed, winning season, conference championship, and bowl game. Pending
    New Goals:
    a: Capture all non exclusive BCS fans in the Lafayette Metro area (plan needed, not developed to my knowledge.)
    b: Cultivate larger minority base support, (no plan known}
    c: Winning season, run the belt, and win New Orleans Bowl. Support coaches in any way you can we need a plan from our leaders
    d: Greater business support, Gerald Hebert needs help while he is dong a great job.
    e: $100.00 donation from every alumnus a year towards sports, never been asked, no plan ever been put in place, just vague wants. We have approximately 90k living alumni. If we reached 50% of our goal that would be 4.5 million. Put half in the foundation, and half on the products.

    Folks this thread is just a seed for thought. How can we get these things done? Bigger and better goals with plans, and a means to test the performance of those goals and plans. Nobody would run a business on I think we might do this, or that and expect to succeed.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Goals, Plans, Execution?

    New goal (e) sounds good...

  3. Default Re: Goals, Plans, Execution?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Express
    d: Greater business support, Gerald Hebert needs help while he is dong a great job.
    I'm sure everyone that posts here has seen the banners and poster boards that say "Support Louisiana's Ragin' Cajuns! It's good for business."

    Well I saw one Friday that answers a recent gripe of mine. The gripe being that UL was marketing to much to Lafayette and not enough to Acadiana.

    At Cici's pizza on Friday I saw one that said"Support Louisiana's Ragin' Cajuns! It's good for Acadiana."

  4. #4

    UL Football Re: Goals, Plans, Execution?

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    At Cici's pizza on Friday I saw one that said"Support Louisiana's Ragin' Cajuns! It's good for Acadiana."
    You would think some in business would realize it is good for them regardless of their football love. Their bank accout will only improve with UL success on the field.

    Gotta the Cajuns.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Goals, Plans, Execution?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Express
    For the past 6 years our real goal has been survival in 1A football. When you are in survival mode you do what is expedient. Now we have survived, and while not prospered improved our lot.

    We had a visitor on the board from USM talking about 30k being the goal they have for attendance. Made me think? Where is our white paper? What are our goals, plans, and executions of those plans.

    a: Survival, reach and maintain minimum attendance. Seems to be done.
    b: Succeed, winning season, conference championship, and bowl game. Pending
    New Goals:
    a: Capture all non exclusive BCS fans in the Lafayette Metro area (plan needed, not developed to my knowledge.)
    b: Cultivate larger minority base support, (no plan known}
    c: Winning season, run the belt, and win New Orleans Bowl. Support coaches in any way you can we need a plan from our leaders
    d: Greater business support, Gerald Hebert needs help while he is dong a great job.
    e: $100.00 donation from every alumnus a year towards sports, never been asked, no plan ever been put in place, just vague wants. We have approximately 90k living alumni. If we reached 50% of our goal that would be 4.5 million. Put half in the foundation, and half on the products.

    Folks this thread is just a seed for thought. How can we get these things done? Bigger and better goals with plans, and a means to test the performance of those goals and plans. Nobody would run a business on I think we might do this, or that and expect to succeed.
    These are all great goals that we can accomplish. The problem is, and always has been, the leadership. It all begins at the top and trickles down. Until that position changes, I am afraid that we are stuck in neutral.

    I don't mean to be negative, but I and others in this community are tired of banging our heads against the wall. All of the great ideas in the world don't mean squat unless you have somebody in place who can implement them. My wish for the new year is totally new leadership at this University.

  6. Default Re: Goals, Plans, Execution?

    I know at saints games, buisnesses would buy a lot of tickets, usually at the last minute to avoid the blackout if the stadium wasn't sold out. Do businesses here buy up tickets to UL games? If so why don't more do it. If not, why not? Has this idea been marketed or even approached. We have some big buisnesses in acadiana. Why can't they get more to buy up tickets for their employees? More people in the stadium would definitely help our team, and make the swamp a more intimidating environment. After all, we students can only yell so many expletives until we get horse. Just a thought.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Goals, Plans, Execution?

    Quote Originally Posted by geo_cajun
    I know at saints games, buisnesses would buy a lot of tickets, usually at the last minute to avoid the blackout if the stadium wasn't sold out. Do businesses here buy up tickets to UL games? If so why don't more do it. If not, why not? Has this idea been marketed or even approached. We have some big buisnesses in acadiana. Why can't they get more to buy up tickets for their employees? More people in the stadium would definitely help our team, and make the swamp a more intimidating environment. After all, we students can only yell so many expletives until we get horse. Just a thought.
    No, not really. Gerald has undoubtably approached some businesses about these types of schemes. When the on field product has improved so much that the demand is there, then I expect more businesses will give tickets away as incentives for purchases. (I think one car dealer did give season tickets away with purchase of a car this year, but this was an isolated case.) This type of thing takes time but with continued improvement will eventually happen.

  8. Default Re: Goals, Plans, Execution?

    Quote Originally Posted by Crawfish
    No, not really. Gerald has undoubtably approached some businesses about these types of schemes. When the on field product has improved so much that the demand is there, then I expect more businesses will give tickets away as incentives for purchases. (I think one car dealer did give season tickets away with purchase of a car this year, but this was an isolated case.) This type of thing takes time but with continued improvement will eventually happen.
    Are you assuming Gerald has done this, or are you going on facts? The word "undoubtably" in this context seems to indicate you are trying to convince yourself. Also it takes more than Gerald, but a sincere effort from the top down. Something we all know has been lacking in the (cough) marketing of our athletic program.

    Secondly I was not meaning to limit buying up tickets to football. Many of our other sports are successfull, but not enough people attend. Mens Basketball for instince has been successful and most of all exciting and fun to watch the past 4 or so years. Why can we only get 6000 to a game?? Womens BBall, softball and baseball are also programs which are succeeding and deserve the support of both the public and local businesses.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Goals, Plans, Execution?

    Quote Originally Posted by geo_cajun
    Are you assuming Gerald has done this, or are you going on facts? The word "undoubtably" in this context seems to indicate you are trying to convince yourself. Also it takes more than Gerald, but a sincere effort from the top down. Something we all know has been lacking in the (cough) marketing of our athletic program.

    Secondly I was not meaning to limit buying up tickets to football. Many of our other sports are successfull, but not enough people attend. Mens Basketball for instince has been successful and most of all exciting and fun to watch the past 4 or so years. Why can we only get 6000 to a game?? Womens BBall, softball and baseball are also programs which are succeeding and deserve the support of both the public and local businesses.
    Fact... I have been very familiar with what Gerald has been doing since he was hired. His work benefits all of the programs. As far as attendence, I show up for most of the sports, including women' basketball, mens basketball, football, baseball, and occassionally softball. I cannot speak for why others do not come, I guess they have other priorities. Actually our men's basketball attendence is quite good compared to most of the Sunbelt, Wac and C-USA schools. I did a comparison regarding basketball a year or so back, and we are in the the upper half of thoiose conferences. Baseball normally ranks in the top 20 the nation in attendence. I have no stats, but I'll bet softball is in the top 40 (maybe higher) in the country as well.

    You want to improve attendence, show up at the games and bring someone.

  10. #10

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Goals, Plans, Execution?

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    I'm sure everyone that posts here has seen the banners and poster boards that say "Support Louisiana's Ragin' Cajuns! It's good for business."

    Well I saw one Friday that answers a recent gripe of mine. The gripe being that UL was marketing to much to Lafayette and not enough to Acadiana.

    At Cici's pizza on Friday I saw one that said"Support Louisiana's Ragin' Cajuns! It's good for Acadiana."
    They have them in Jennings and Elton now!! A Doctor friend of mine has a practice in Jennings and has put these signs in his office and some of his business friends places of business in both Jennings and Elton.

    It is spreading!!!!!!!!!


  11. #11

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Goals, Plans, Execution?

    Quote Originally Posted by Crawfish
    Fact... I have been very familiar with what Gerald has been doing since he was hired. His work benefits all of the programs. As far as attendence, I show up for most of the sports, including women' basketball, mens basketball, football, baseball, and occassionally softball. I cannot speak for why others do not come, I guess they have other priorities. Actually our men's basketball attendence is quite good compared to most of the Sunbelt, Wac and C-USA schools. I did a comparison regarding basketball a year or so back, and we are in the the upper half of thoiose conferences. Baseball normally ranks in the top 20 the nation in attendence. I have no stats, but I'll bet softball is in the top 40 (maybe higher) in the country as well.

    You want to improve attendence, show up at the games and bring someone.
    Good post!

  12. Default Re: Goals, Plans, Execution?

    Quote Originally Posted by Crawfish
    Fact... I have been very familiar with what Gerald has been doing since he was hired. His work benefits all of the programs. As far as attendence, I show up for most of the sports, including women' basketball, mens basketball, football, baseball, and occassionally softball. I cannot speak for why others do not come, I guess they have other priorities. Actually our men's basketball attendence is quite good compared to most of the Sunbelt, Wac and C-USA schools. I did a comparison regarding basketball a year or so back, and we are in the the upper half of thoiose conferences. Baseball normally ranks in the top 20 the nation in attendence. I have no stats, but I'll bet softball is in the top 40 (maybe higher) in the country as well.

    You want to improve attendence, show up at the games and bring someone.

    Good post, I agree, however your response fails to answer my questions. I did not mean to insult Mr. Hebert. He is a good guy who is on our side, I have worked beside him at the stadium in years past. Also, don't you think I am complaining about the attendance because I go to the games with my friends and I wish more people would go.

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